>A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (2024)

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Posted on by Anonymous

>A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (2)

>A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually
>their build: Rapier or Greatsword + Tseldora Set
>"unfair ganks, the boss runbacks are bullsh*t"
>runs past every single enemy
>tries to enter the fog gate thinking they'll have free infinite iframes like all the other Souls games
>dies to the enemies they just tried to ignore
>or tries to panic roll away when they get hit, chug directly in front of an enemy, and die
Genuinely why are all DaS2 reviewers so sh*t at actually playing the game? You think a game that is slower than Roll Souls 3 or Elden Jump Attack would be EASIER for people to understand and play

  1. 4 days ago



    im about to play dark souls 2 for the first time
    what should my build be?

    • 4 days ago



      The build that uninstalls the game

    • 4 days ago




    • 4 days ago




    • 4 days ago



      it has the greatest build variety so whatever you want

    • 4 days ago



      Whatever you find fun

      I got turned off from playing the game with the opening. Stopped when I set foot in Maluja. Is it really worth going back to? My mixed feelings from playing the network test version to that has most likely gone away by now.

      It's not for you, stay away

      • 4 days ago



        Not for me as in I'll still be thinking of the network test?

        • 4 days ago



          Not for you as in you won't enjoy it since it isn't for you, stay away. Keep playing the things you already play. You'll be ok without playing for an hour and then coming to Ganker to make a seethe thread.

          • 4 days ago



            You've convinced me to play it this week. Thanks anon.

            • 4 days ago



              Your welcome have fun

              • 4 days ago


                NOW I'M MAD AAAAAARRRRGH

    • 4 days ago



      rapier or greatsword + Tseldora Set

    • 4 days ago



      Go all in on hexes

    • 4 days ago



      >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (6)

      Faith+Melee with the Rapier
      Destroys every enemy in the game if you buff with sunlight blade and works especially well with enemies that are hard to stagger.

    • 4 days ago



      Don't forget whining about Prowling Magus and Rat Authority because "muh enemy spam" then praising Deacons of the Deep a few years later.

      Literally go with the first cool weapon/spell that you find, respecs are farmable later on so don't worry too much.

    • 4 days ago



      DS2 has no bad build but having 99 END wouldn't hurt

    • 4 days ago



      Rapier with mace on the side for enemies resistant to thrusting damage as counter damage in DaS2 is busted letting you chunk enemies and bosses in seconds

      • 4 days ago



        >Rapier with mace on the side
        Or just put points into faith for the weapon enchant

    • 4 days ago



      Doesn't matter, just dont put a single point to ADP

    • 4 days ago



      the uninstall wizard

    • 4 days ago



      Powerstance whatever looks cool

    • 4 days ago



      If you want the game reviewer experience, just don't level ADP, if you are actually playing the game level ADP until you have 105 AGI.

      • 4 days ago



        92 AGI is enough ffs.

        • 4 days ago



          You need 100 agility to drink estus as fast as in DS1.

          • 4 days ago



            Just don't get hit, bro.
            Anon, I did 30k SM run several times (main game and DLC) and I never had ADP over 15, and I am far from being a good player.

            • 4 days ago



              I've beaten the game with 85 agility but compensating it with 50 VIG. I still prefer iframe through everything regardless

      • 4 days ago



        You need 100 agility to drink estus as fast as in DS1.

        Imagine needing ninjaflip iframes and near-instant chugs to deal with reasonably slow and telegraphed enemies.

    • 4 days ago



      mace or morning star + dynamic lightning mod

    • 4 days ago




    • 4 days ago



      uninstalling + respec into DS3

    • 4 days ago



      Whatever yo build, invest 10-20 adp to have iframes

    • 4 days ago



      Uninstall and play something better

    • 4 days ago



      Estock naked

  2. 4 days ago



    Has there ever been a person that used a "chad" picture that wasn't highly insecure?

    • 4 days ago



      Has there ever been a person complaining about the gigachad picture that wasn't highly insecure?

    • 4 days ago




  3. 4 days ago



    I have beat dark souls 2's no death no bonfire run and got both illusory rings and I still think it's by far the worst souls games

    • 4 days ago



      >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (7)

      hom*osexual liar

      • 4 days ago



        >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (8)

        Now tell me I cheated them in

        • 4 days ago



          You didn't beat the game

        • 4 days ago



          >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (9)

          Lmao brags about getting cuck rings and beating the game on extra le hard mode but actually made it easy mode by using magic. I stand by my previous statement.

          • 4 days ago



            You didn't beat the game

            op's point was that people who don't like dark souls 2 were filtered by it and just died. I have beat the entire fricking game without dying and I didn't like it as much as the other souls games. op is too much of a fanboy hom*osexual for his favorite game to comprehend that other people might have issues with the game beyond the 'difficulty', and you goalpost moving disingenuous morons are no different. dark souls 2 gays are truly mentally ill

            Hm. How many herbs you bought in your playthrough? Since, you know, you can't sit at bonfire to "refill" spell casts.

            I beat virtually everything with the longsword, buffed when crystal magic weapon when I wanted a damage boost, and only used ranged spells when it was convenient.

            • 4 days ago



              but you can't say why you don't like it so it has to be something you don't want to admit

              • 4 days ago


                art direction is massively inferior and a huge downgrade from ds1
                plot, story, world, characters, basically every writing choice in the design is just massively interior to dark souls 1 and demon's souls. they tried to make it not a direct sequel so it carries almost nothing most of the time, but then they undermine that by connecting it to dark souls 1 anyway.
                obviously everyone knows the world geography is completely moronic nonsense
                level design is a big step down from dark souls 1 and demon's souls
                combat is slow, floaty, and clunky compared to the previous games
                slower estus is good but bringing back unlimited heals from demon's souls destroys the entire healing system
                rolling is just horrible. the snap directional rolling, adaptability, the floatiness, taking enormous fall damage for tiny falls if you have any kind of armor on, with multiple god-awful platforming sections, just horrendous

                all 3 dlcs are fricking sh*t. they are so fricking horrible i can't even believe it, especially the areas designed with multiplayer in mind which take the dogsh*t to another level. i cannot understand at all why people like the dlcs. fume knight and alonne are decent fights but they're massively overrated and do not justify the sh*t levels leading to them

                build variety is good at least, and the pvp is the best of the entire souls franchise. both of those things don't really matter to me

                the main problem with dark souls 2 is that it legitimately feels like a fan game. it is literally the soul vs soulless meme. the main strength of dark souls 2 is that is simply more souls to play, and that is actually such a strong quality that i was able to get a few hundred hours of genuine fun from the game. i do think dark souls 2 is worth playing, it's just the worst souls game

            • 4 days ago



              Yeah except that the criticism historically that people have pulled out with 2 is MUH ARTIFICIAL DIFFICULTY which is addressed by OP, or 'the world layout makes no sense!' which let's be honest isn't that much different from any other Souls game where distance in terms of gameplay vs. worldbuilding is distorted where necessary

            • 4 days ago



              How did you attune spells in the first place in a no bonfire run?

              • 4 days ago


                New game plus

              • 4 days ago


                On a NG+ run

        • 4 days ago



          Hm. How many herbs you bought in your playthrough? Since, you know, you can't sit at bonfire to "refill" spell casts.

          • 4 days ago



            One of the DLC crown restores spell charges by idling.

        • 4 days ago



          >19.8/ 84.4

        • 4 days ago



          >cheated them in
          Nah, but I know a SAVEScumme*r when I see one.
          Exalted ring isn't even difficult, it's just route planning + durability management/stockpiling.

          • 4 days ago



            >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (10)

            No I didn't save scum. If I recorded a full playthrough video Ganker would still insist I faked it, dark souls 2 babies cannot comprehend that someone could beat the game without dying for some reason

            • 4 days ago



              aight but... what's that health bar bruh?

            • 4 days ago



              >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (11)

              How many deaths is this? lmao worthless trash

            • 4 days ago



              >seething this hard because some anon doubted you
              Also getting both rings in NG+ is not that impressive since you can prep freely in NG, I did it too a few months after release and it's mostly about routing: you can cut out 2/3rds of the game and face Mirror Knight as your first boss, and at that point you just need to be careful for Shrine of Amana and then it's a free run.

              • 4 days ago


                >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (12)

                How many deaths is this? lmao worthless trash

                post your covenant of champions sl1 blindfolded broken sword playthrough or KYS

              • 4 days ago


                >broken sword
                You know that's secretly an OP weapon?
                Powerstance two of them, slap bleed/poision infusion on them, stone ring, and you can stunlock a lot of sh*t for very little stamina stamina and massive status buildup.

              • 4 days ago


                you didn't beat the game

              • 4 days ago


                Gay and stale meme

              • 4 days ago


                this is in the context of beating the game with the covenant of champions
                in general play you can use whatever you like

    • 4 days ago



      I think your opinion of how to judge a game's quality is infinitely diminished by the amount of hours put into the game after a certain point.
      Since most games are experienced at most in a single playthrough that's probably the optimum amount of time for a person's opinion of a game to be valid. I want to hear from the higher end of the 95% Bell Curve not anyone who is on either extreme of that portion.

  4. 4 days ago



    I got turned off from playing the game with the opening. Stopped when I set foot in Maluja. Is it really worth going back to? My mixed feelings from playing the network test version to that has most likely gone away by now.

  5. 4 days ago



    >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (13)

    Uhm...... DS2 haters!? Our response????

    • 4 days ago



      Anyone who takes Mauler seriously enough to give him any recognition is a fricking idiot. That moron played REmake on easy and spent all him ammo ffs.

      • 4 days ago



        I dunno his Nbomberguy refutation was pretty thorough. Im not sure I could sit through a reply reply reply video series though

      • 4 days ago



        I very much enjoy his videos on movies and I do watch EFAP occasionally. And it was fun seeing him tear down HBombergay even though Dark Souls 2 is literally and unironically my favorite Souls game and game in general.

  6. 4 days ago



    Why would I chug in front of an enemy instead of spamming life gems?

    • 4 days ago



      because people who play the other games forget lifegems exist
      Honestly once you git gud enough you very rarely need them past the first few bosses where estus shards are pretty limited

  7. 4 days ago



    who cares about gay-ass youtube essaiysts, I just watch funny challenge videos like ymfah's ones

  8. 4 days ago



    >dark souls 2 is le bad
    >dark souls 2+openworld? BEST GAME EVER

  9. 4 days ago



    Dark Souls
    >runbacks are supposed to be a skill check
    >if you are exploring enough you find shortcuts and bonfires closer to the fog gate
    >runback becomes a game within a game, with good movement and preparation you just go past enemies

    Dark Souls 2
    >runbacks are supposed to slow you down by multiple gank squads with nonexistent stagger mechanics
    >you will get shoot from afar every time you do a runback
    >almost no shortcuts after first fort location
    >even the most obvious places don't have them (pier in no man's wharf)
    >game expect you to clear all enemies almost on every runback
    >if you stuck on the boss too much you will just depopulate the area and have just 5 minutes long empty runback
    >going through the fogwall with enemies around is stupid dance

    • 4 days ago



      >runbacks are supposed to be a skill check
      Ah yes, zooming past enemies in a straight line. The epitome of skillful gameplay.

    • 4 days ago



      >I shouldn't have to go through dungeons
      >I shouldn't have to fight enemies
      >what the hell I wasn't stuck at a boss for two hours this game sucks
      This is the anti-DS2 mentality in a nutshell.

    • 4 days ago



      >even the most obvious places don't have them (pier in no man's wharf)
      There was a shortcut there moron

      • 4 days ago



        Not in vanilla DS2 lmao.

        • 4 days ago



          Good thing that we're not living in 2014 anymore.

  10. 4 days ago



    So your solution to the runbacks is to just go through the entire area again and again and again?
    You think that's a good defense for an awful mechanic?

  11. 4 days ago



    >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (14)

    If Fromsoft and Bamco decided to remake Dark Souls II involving the original people developing it, what would you want added, changed or remain the same?

    • 4 days ago



      Using the gender coffin gives me a massive futa wiener.

    • 4 days ago



      Having <92 agility plays a different version of the fast roll animation with less finesse similar to midrolling in DS1,
      >113 agility gives a flipping animation.

    • 4 days ago



      Remakes are spiritually unfulfilling, I'd rather have a successor to DS2 that retains the slow paced adventure style gameplay and whimsical world design, and refines the gameplay ideas and mechanics (not like DS3, I am NOT talking about DS3's zero commitment movement and free infini-roll, frick that).

    • 4 days ago



      >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (15)

      >Add QoL features and additions from Elden Ring, including jumping and crouching/stealth
      >Make the game 0.20x faster
      >Levels that need it should be redesigned from the ground up to have good level design
      >From Sekiro, take ideas such as Hanbei the Undying (the guy you can use to practice and spar with), and Reflection of Strength, where you can refight fallen bosses on demand from the bonfire
      >Make the world feel more interconnected, even if it means you have to add additional places in-between. Or at the very least, have cutscenes to better explain a more meaningful transition from point A to B
      >Replace some of the bad bosses. You can keep them in the game as mini-bosses
      >Keep Bonfire Ascetics

      • 4 days ago



        >0.20x faster

    • 4 days ago



      >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (16)

      >bring back the prototype layouts for Iron Keep and Gutter, merge them with the current designs
      >rework other levels to feel more natural and 'real' in setting (Lost Bastille feels much more natural with vegetation for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAhldMrtV1E)
      >bring over bunch of legacy gear from DaS1 where possible: maybe as additional NG+ rewards (feels really wrong that there's no Black Knight Armour/Shield to go with the rest of the weapons for example), add some additional benefits to some of the lesser used gear from that game (for example we know the Izalith Catalyst was planned for a time... let it cast both pyromancies and sorceries?)
      >give combat and movement new handcrafted animations that pay tribute to the old mocapped ones in some segments but are mostly closer to the rest of the Souls series
      >add missing enemy gear (Ruin Sentinel Halberd/Shield, Royal Soldier Shield, Pursuer Armour, Wheelchair Bound Ornstein's Armour, etc.)
      >finish some of the quests (Lucatille was likely meant to have a cutscene with her brother for example)
      >give Aldia some rewards for defeating him
      >make certain Miracles and Hexes less sh*t
      >change Soul Memory to a hybrid system that swaps to SL matchmaking from NG+ onward
      Anything else?

      • 4 days ago



        >change Soul Memory to a hybrid system that swaps to SL matchmaking from NG+ onward
        Just make it so the souls lost from failing to recover the bloodstain deduce from the Soul Memory.

        • 4 days ago



          Still kneecaps players that use consumables or upgrade a bunch of gear for experimentation.
          SM is probably the least sh*t method of preventing twinking IN THEORY as it'd be very hard to optimise a playthrough to have noobstomping gear for most players without naturally ending up out of the lowest brackets, but when it comes to honorubu duelgay brawls it means that players have no real reason to stop leveling.

          • 4 days ago



            >SM is probably the least sh*t method of preventing twinking IN THEORY
            No, it doesn't fricking work even in theory. People will downtrade or find ways to reach optimal gear regardless.
            Weapon level matchmaking is the best. You're free to make low level themed builds with late game sh*t, you just won't be stronger than the host AR wise.

            • 4 days ago



              >you're free to make low level themed builds with late game sh*t
              That's not a positive.
              >you just won't be stronger than the host AR wise
              Casualizing all progression into SL and weapon upgrades is even worse than allowing unrestricted twinking.

              • 4 days ago


                >That's not a positive.
                No, it is. It brings a lot of variety to the encounters rather than just being invaded by people in starter gear.
                >Casualizing all progression into SL and weapon upgrades is even worse than allowing unrestricted twinking.
                Nothing about weapon level matchmaking casualises the game.

              • 4 days ago


                >dark souls 1 remastered's matchmaking shows why weapon level matching is dogsh*t
                DS1r weapon matchmaking is sh*t because the game was not built around it, it's a late addition. DS3 was, and it worked great there.

                >It brings a lot of variety to the encounters
                >it worked great there [in DS3]
                Which is why DS3 is well known for its varied PvP scene and totally not for only offering R1 spam and occasionally OP weapon art spam.
                DS1 had more variety in its idiotic twinking setups than DS3 has in the entire game.

                aight but... what's that health bar bruh?

                >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (17)

                How many deaths is this? lmao worthless trash

                He probably got cursed because he can't into Brume routing.

              • 4 days ago


                Why would you even go into DLC on that run? Because you're a cheating brownoid lmao

              • 4 days ago


                He probably doesn't know how to route Brume exactly because it's not part of the rings run, and that run is the only way he engaged with the game to "disprove" the haters.
                Bet he followed a guide too.

              • 4 days ago


                I didn't go into brume tower on the no death run dingus

              • 4 days ago


                >occasionally OP weapon art spam

              • 4 days ago


                There was some halberd spin2win at one point or another, nothing as obscene as ER of course.

            • 4 days ago



              dark souls 1 remastered's matchmaking shows why weapon level matching is dogsh*t, it means that anybody who makes reasonable off-the-path choices can be completely wienerblocked out of matchmaking with people their skill and soul level (eg. if you pick master key like everybody says, wander around a bit and accidentally grab the ASS, you're fricked for matchmaking until gargoyles), and it doesn't account for twink strats that don't rely on weapon matchmaking like certain low-level spells eg. dark bead or items like the dragon transformations
              even das3 which is a lot more linear still had people just spamming dark hand on poor newbies

              • 4 days ago


                >dark souls 1 remastered's matchmaking shows why weapon level matching is dogsh*t
                DS1r weapon matchmaking is sh*t because the game was not built around it, it's a late addition. DS3 was, and it worked great there.

  12. 4 days ago



    Ds2 is like nioh, you play it like ds3 and you will hate it. Play it as its own game and its a masterpiece

  13. 4 days ago



    >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (18)

    >Be me
    >Moved to a new place
    >Plug in consoles to my set
    >Get a few beers
    >Hours later "I wanna play DS2"
    >Boot on my PS console
    >"WTF? Where's DS2? Can't find in my library"
    >Boot on other PS consoles
    >Still no DS2 on any of them
    >Open store
    >Typed in Dark Souls 2
    >Says I don't own it
    >Email receipt says I do, same account name
    >"Frick it, I'll buy it again"
    >Play for a few hours
    >Go to bed
    >Day after, boot my PS4
    >Start DS2
    >"Hey, it's not the same save file!"
    >"That's the other one I bought over a year ago"
    >Check email
    >Filter mail
    >I bought DS2 SotFS twice
    >It was on fricking PS3
    >Too fricking drunk to notice I was on the wrong console
    Yup, I bought DS2 SotFS on PS3's PSN for $46 CAD. I will never drink again

    • 4 days ago



      these games are too expensive for how old they are

      • 4 days ago



        still very expensive second hand here in Chinada

    • 4 days ago



      Your sh*tty laptop can run ds2....

      >t. ds2gay who hates ds2

  14. 4 days ago



    >"people" are still mad at Soul Memory
    PvP was a mistake

  15. 4 days ago



    The only part of DS2 i want to replay is Brume
    Make a Brume into its own game and it will be a fantastic title
    I know it's called King's Field 4 but still

  16. 4 days ago



    Demon's Souls is the Dragon Ball of the franchise
    Dark Souls is the Dragon Ball Z of the franchise
    Dark Souls 2 is the Dragon Ball GT of the franchise
    Dark Souls 3 is the Dragon Ball Super of the franchise

    • 4 days ago



      nah ds3 is the new chibi kid goku anime that is gonna flop but people will pretend to like because brand loyalty
      elden ring is boku no hero academia. normalgay goyslop dogsh*t

    • 4 days ago



      >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (19)

      >OG DB is the one that set the structure that would benefit the rest of the franchise and arguably has the most peak atmosphere/feeling but does rely on old tropes established by media before it a bit too much
      >GT acknowledged as the true spiritual successor to the series by people who have a brain and can recognise what made Z so appealing and introduces a lot of cool ideas even if the execution wasn't that successful
      >sh*tper is watered down garbage that relies on mindless nostalgiahom*osexualry to win the normies over but because the creator 'worked on it' (read: signed off on some sh*t suggested by his interns and went back to being a perverted old man writing gag manga one shots) it's treated as the NEW and IMMUTABLE CANON by morons who can't think for themselves
      Checks out.

      • 4 days ago



        Wouldn't go as far as saying GT perfected Z, more like it completely misunderstood what made prior works good in the first place, took some of the Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z elements for purely mercantile reasons devoid of any passion or soul and blended them together in a clumsy way, giving birth to something feeling like a cheap knock-off. I think this characterizes Dark Souls 2 pretty well.
        I agree with the rest.

        • 4 days ago



          That's a more apt description of 3 than 2 considering how little 2 reuses from 1.

  17. 4 days ago



    It's kind of funny how common this is. Everyone kills the armorer, everyone uses the funny Guts sword or the rapier because other people said it's "meta", nobody ever tries one of the hundreds of other weapons or spells or anything and they always, ALWAYS try to play it exactly how 3+ plays. No wonder the complaints are always the fricking same.

  18. 4 days ago



    This is actually true. I've never seen a Havelgod say anything bad about DSII

  19. 4 days ago



    The amount of coping from DS2 sh*tters whe someone rapes their ass so hard like that lad in this thread is amazing. Game sucks, and you're a bunch of gays, lol.

  20. 4 days ago



    Holy samegay
    >waaaow that dude who is totally not me btfo all u tards hes so epic and cool and elden ring is the best and i'm right i mean he's right

  21. 4 days ago



    >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (20)

    >Elden GOTY out of fricking nowhere

  22. 4 days ago



    DS2 is kino

  23. 4 days ago



    >A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (21)

    frick me maan what a game, no bullsh*t

    • 4 days ago



      >went out of his way to pull every single hollow in the area
      >including the sleeping ones that only wake up if you get close
      Total e-celeb death when?

  24. 4 days ago



    it was my first souls game and i played it to hell and back druing it day,but replaying it now many years later i do feel the world a little hollow compare to the other dark souls games,truly the best part of the games are the dlcs and i cannot think how the game would be fair without them.

>A 300 Hour Analysis on How Dark Souls 2 Is the Worst Thing Ever, Actually (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Views: 6744

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.