St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

Oct. to 20, into Oct. on 02 to Oct. Oct. in 20.

into 10 Der do Do SATURDAY. ST. LOUIS GET the Help you need when you it- -Call MAin 1111, ask for Betty, the expert Adtaker OCTOBER 18, 1930. need POST -DISPATCH. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS MICROTONE State make.

price and full particulars. Box CLOTHING Wanted ABS best prices paid on old suits $5 to $20. 7021, 1105 Franklin. After 6 p. m.

PArkview 4853. Auto calle. BEST prices for men suite, shoes: ladies' dresses: pay $6 to $40. CAbany 5206. Auto calls.

Appelman. (8) For Sale COAT- Beautiful gray broadtail, 36. $90. 4091 Flors. HORSES AND VEHICLES HORSES- with trial and guarantee.

See -Low uatein 1321-25 N. Broadway. (c981 HORSES- -Team and harness: will sacri fice. GRand 24877. (cT) JEWELRY, GOLD, SILVER Wanted CASH paid.

diamonds, old sold. false teeth. antiques. Arthurs, 121 N. Broad way.

(c13) HIGHEST prices paid for old gold. broken jewelry. diamonds. Miller. Pine st.

FURNACES FOR SALE FURNACES and used. 50. all size. bot-water, hot air and steam, Imm 815 up. Schmidt deslers.

4371 clede. Phone JEffersen 2908. (e) WARM AIR FURNACES- west prices: averaze 6-room bungalow, $166.75 cash. complete, installed: terms: estimates free. Call FOrest 1000 or PRospect 6110.

Sears. Roebuck Co. MACHINERY Wanted SWAIN PRESS -No. 35, Or one as powerful. Box N-394, Post-Dispatch.

(81) For Sale SLICING MACHINES used ITE MACHINES. Will slice bread. cheese, cooked meat, cold meat, bacon, etc. Cuta smoothly and exactly rom a wafer-thin slice to a one-inch slice. Regular price $59.

Reduced to $35. small cown payment, balance parable monthly. Fred hmeckebier. 416 S. 7th CHestnut 7244.

1c51 Machine Shop Work MACHINERY- -Heavy machine work. John Ramming Machinery 308 N. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES For Sale BUTCHER ICE BOX- Counters, fish Black- box. cheap. 1401 stone.

(er) MILLINER'S DRESSING TABLE. water back kitchen heater. bed. 2347 Madison. OFFICE FURNITURE- -Desks.

and chairs of all kinds. Call Mr. Spinks, CHestnut 9485. (cT) TYPEWRITER AND ADDING MACHINES UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS. instead of $100: rentals.

3 months. $5 tp ward. St. Louis Exchanze. 1382 Arcade BldR MAin 1162.

Free trial TYPEWRITER Late model Royal. for cash. Write Bobs. 301 N. Cardinal.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE COMBINATION RANGE- Blue enamel: reasonable. 4720 Alma av. (e7) -Davenport. wicker settee, beds. kitchen chairs, cabinet and table.

dining table. rocker, dresser, chiffonier, trunk, man's clothing. PArkview 3945J. FURNITURE- Contents of flat: bargain; also flat for rent. 3832A Juniata.

Call Mr. Smith. Riv. (c3) TURE 2 floors. and used: hizhest quality: lowest rices.

PrinceIon. 5928 Delmar. Open evenines FURNITURE- -Contente 3-room efficiener cheap. 317A De Baliviere, Apartment 205 (61 FURNITURE- Leaving town: household goods at sacrifice. 3965 Wells.

GAS HEATER- Water storage: 7214 Maryland, PArkriew 8681. (e8) LIVING ROOM- room suite: daybad: cheap. 6115 Plymouth. fer HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED SELKIRK Auction Co. PaSs well.

Chouteat. CHestnut (e8) ANDIRONS Furniture, carpets, contents flats dwellings: any amount: need goods badiv: hest prices. Schober. CHestnut 5394. (e81 CARPETS and all kinds wanted highest prices paid.

Garfield Sundar evenines call 5294 or FOrest 8932. (e81 80.000 POUNDS old feathers. 30c Ib. GAr. 7021.

Montana Feather 1105 Frankli After 6 p. PArkview 4853. Auto ANTED RUGS. 400D CONDITION: ALL SIZES: ALSO HARRY DAVIS. 1516 FRANKLIN.

(c) MUSICAL Pianos and Organs For Sale GRAND PIANO -Reasonable. PRospect 2133. tell RADIO Radio Service ANYWHERE. ANY TIME. ANY MAKE Radio Service.

30 RADIO CORPORATION OF MISSOURI. FOrest 0848. (1) RADIO service your home, $1 per call. MUlberry (6) SERVICE CALIS work guaranteed: Pioneer Radio. 4730 Delmar.

FOrest 0460 4513 Easton. DElmar 4824. (41 SERVICE CALLS- trouble found or no charce. Harry EVerzreen 5101. (c8) For Sale TRADE IN ELECTRIC RADIOS SACRIFICE.

Complete with tubes. Majestic Highboy 95.00 Atwater Kent, console $55.00 Freshman console 30.00 SCHWI CORP. 3612 Grand. Open Sunday AUTOMOBILES Wanted $25,000 CASH FOR AUTOS And trucks: late models; mortgages paid. MONARCH.

3137 Locust. ABSOLUTELY all autos and trucks wanted. Wreckers. 4319 Easton. Lindell 7561.

AUTOS ale models bought: cash: paid. 2819 5910. AUTOS- -Fords. Chevrolets. Durante.

PITmouths. Pontiacs. DEl. 0670. 4411 Easton AUTO coupe or roadster: pay cash: private party.

4738 Delmar. AUTOS d. models; just pay cash. 4593 Easton. DElmar 5905.

BROCK MOTOR buys used cars for cash. 4418 Ouve-Newstead. JEfferson 8200. 1c79) AUTOS bought. loans.

age, any Klink. Grand. GRand AUTOS wrecking. GAP field 9008. 1329 Broadway.

FORDS all makes 01 cars: we Day more: mortgazes paid off. 0407. 3856 Easton. (c8) Automobiles For Exchange WILL trade 192S Hudson roadster, perfect courition, for small coupe or roadster: private party. 4738 Delmar.

Coaches For Sale CHRYSLER-1928 coach; new paint: good tires; Al mechanical condition: trade in your 5148 open Warner Walsh Cher. Co. Natural Bridge -Coach. 1928; $195: Chevrolet. $100: Dodge, others.

2218 S. Grand. (c6) Coupes For Sale coupe: in first-ciasn condition: looks good: terma, trade. Warner. Walsh Cher.

5148 Natural Brides -1930 model: zood motor: orieinal finish: low mileage: many extras. South Side Buick, 3654 S. Grand. ESSEX-1929 rumble: Studebaker mander: Fictoria, $100 down. Easton.

(c8) AUTOMOBILES Coupes For Sale FORD- Coupe: 1929: excellent condition: battery, tires and finish rood: terma. 55d0 Chamberlain. Roadsters For Sale BUICK- roadster: 4-wheel brakes: today. $75. South Side Buick.

3634 Grand. FORD-1929 roadeter. $195: Buick roadster. $295: many others. 2246 Grand.

(c6: Sedans For Sale CHEVROLET-1927 sedan: completely overhauled: seat covers and other accessories: real bargain. Warner Walsh Chevrolet Natural Bridge. CHEVROLET- landau sedan: motor rebuilt: new reliable car: priced low. Warner- Walsh Chev. Co.

5148 Natural Bridge, Touring Cars For Sale LINCOLN-7-passenger touring, new tires. winter enclosure: good condition. Golden Rule Garage. 2344 S. Broadway.

(e7) Trucks For Sale FEDERAL--Tow trucks: 1929 todel A6: 6- cylinder: complete with Holmes wrecker: first-class condition. 2930 California. (c91) FEDERAL-1929 model Ad: cylinder: chassis, cab; Al condition. 2930 California (c91) WHITE two. -ton, 1988: or will trade for small trucks.

6700 Easton. MUlberry 0029. (el) Tires For Sale TIRES ON EASY TERMS FIRESTONE CORDS AND All Other Standard Makes. No Down Payment Needed Get Tires at Once, S. L.

TIRE CO. Open evenings. S. W. Cor.

3100 Locust. All Day Sunday. Locust and Cardinal. (c8) TIRES 2000 used tires: perfect condition: cheap: all sizes. 6403 Easton.

(c7) Accessories, Parts--For Sale ANY part for Any car. St. Auto SalFaze. 16th and Fallon. CHestnut 9715.

(ca) PARTS all makes of autos, trucks open Sundars. 8018 Easton. MUlberry 6971. (c8) Auto Bodies Wanted AUTO BODIES Ford. 1928-29 models.

P. 0. Box 498, Bismarck, Mo. (06) ROOMS AND BOARD ROOMS WITH BOARD CITY BABIES board. private home.

5607 Mimika. EVergreen 2352. 104 CILDREN TO BOARD- 3226 Walter av. Maplewood. Elland 6679.

North RED BUD. Room for or prirate home, car line. 4380J. (cR) Northwest LEE. to share room.

board. EVergreen 8678. (c97) ROOM AND BOARD- For 2: $6.50: rate ideal surroundings. green 1858. UNION.

board: hot-water heat: private family. ML UNION, 1208 -Room for or board: private home. FOrest 5843W. (c8) South BOTANICAL. breakfast.

for 2 sharing same room: $3 week each. LAciede 9569. CLEVELAND. 3967- Nicely furniahed south room: board: block Compton. Park car: reasonable.

GRand 1745J. (c8) FLAD. 3640A or 9: twin bede: reasonabie JEFFERSON. 2921 cooking. telephone, bath.

steam beat. radio: privi(cl 3231- tront: board: laundry optional; near car. bus. (c8) RUSSELL. Larce room: private home: 2 gentlemen: board.

car. (ON) RUSSELL -Room. board. Southern cookine: convenient. GRand 4438R 298 VICTOR.

3532-Pleasant front room. twin beds: gentlemen: cond home cooking: car lines. Mrs. Clausius. (c01) West FRONT ROOM WITH BOARD Bot water: reasonable.

4300 McPherson. ATTRACTIVE home southern cooking 4490 Lindell bi. CABANNE. 5029. or ladies: also single room: Hodiamont car.

(C8) CABANNE. -Front room and board; couple; reasonable. FOrest 3127J. CATES. 5875-Room for or board: private bath: steam heat.

CLEMENS. -Lovely rooms, bot- -water heat: reasonable. (e8) DELMAR. 5470- -Just opened: attractive home for persons employed: excellent meals. FOrest DELMAR.

39XX- Couple, best meals apartment. $10. CAbany 2062W. DELMAR. 5305- 2d furnished room with board: bath.

ENRIGHT floor room. coutinuous hot water: excellent meals. LACLEDE. 4333- -Room for 1 or 2: board optional: no other McPHERSON. 4956 Attractire single.

double: excellent home cooking: reasonable. McPHERSON. 4551- -For or double beds. near shower bath: also hall room: excellent meals, McPHERSON. foor for 2: trin or doubie beds: near shower bath: home privileges; beard.

MAPLE. 5176-Room. rood twin beds. bot water. steam heat: $7.50: men referred.

FOrest 6285W (6) PAGE. 5402-Board. room, meals family style; continuous bet water: $6. (e98 RAYMOND. 5063-Large room 2 emploved: home cooking: congenial home.

RAYMOND. 5024 One tro ladies: board: conveniences: near Soldan. FOrest 4643. (c88) RAYMOND. 5031-Room for I or large closet.

$7 50: congenial RIDGE. 5838 Room. comfortable home, excellent meals. zentlemen. MUI.

7697. UNION. 1318 -Front room in ment. for 2 or meals. FOrest 86677: VERNON.

5476 Room with shower: hot-water hest. FOrest 7793J. (c91) WASHINGTON. 3930 clean room. board.

$3. $6: excellent meals. LI. 5651. WASHINGTON.

never best rented; good meals: lots of best and hot water, reasonable. DElmar (c87) WASHINGTON. 5121-2d floor room: twin bede: excellent meals: congenial. (c8) WASHINGTON. Large room: suitable 3: also single: board optional; private 5142- front ronm for 2: excellent meals: reasonable.

5007- place: fined investigate: excellent cuisine furnished room heat. best of meals. WEST PINE. roOmS and board: hot water: $8: all modern con(c7) ROOMS FOR RENT- -CITY Central CHOUTEAU. furnished housekeeping rooms: reasonable rent.

(el LOCUST. Reasonable: convenient: inspection invited: $5 and NINETEENTH. 905 -Housekeeping and sleeping rooms: children velcome. BROADWAY 1947 Housekeeping and sleeping rooms: DODIER 2221 rooms, best: 2 car lines, fell EAST WARNE. 2141- a sleeping room: private family fest UNIVERSITY- Modern apartmen board optional: zentleman.

Lin. 9237. EAST GRAND 1521- furniabed front room. conveniences: LINCOLN. -Front housekeepine sleepine.

board optional: convenient. (06) PENROSE. housekeeping rooms, Dear Faircrounds: garace. c7 LOUIS. 4004-Room next bath: gentleman: private: Eel ST.

LOCIS. Newly furnished housekeeping rooms; reasonable. (c7) ROOMS FOR RENT -North ST. LOUIS. 4133A -Sleeping room: board optional: private COltax 6564R.

SULLIVAN. 3825A- Large front room. gentleman: private. CO fax Northwest ASHLAND. connecting housekeepins, complete.

sin steam, COTE BRILLIANTE. 5317-Room and 7a- race $14 month. EUCLID, 41254 3-roon flat: all modern. fell WABADA. twin bede: private hath.

oil heat: private residence: breakfast: FOrest 7106R (81 South ACCOMAC 2851- Print room and kitchenette: all ARSENAL. 2017- Connecting single housekeeving rooms; modera: phone; garage. ARSENAL 4933- home cooling private home new furnace, LAciede ARSENAL. 3904-Furnished room, steam heat. private home: reasonable.

BLAINE. 3860-2 clean, connecting housekeeping rooms: all conveniences: garage. (e82) BLAINE. 3680-2 clean, connecting housekeeping rooms; all conveniences: craze. fe7) CAROLINE.

Connecting front rooms: hot-air beat: $5 up. GRr. 6229R. CLEVELAND. floor private family for or people.

LAclede 3458. (c8 LEVELAND. twin beds; also single: private home; garage. (c64) DE TONTY. 8952A- front room: warm: all conveniences: reasonable.

EUCLID. 23 S. (2d north): reatleman can secure lovely large home-like room in steam-heated apartment. 1c67) GRAND. 3230 sleeping room: all conveniences.

LAciede 0783. (c491 HICKORY. 1801-Large housekeeping rooms. first and second floors. ras, electrie.

telephone: all conveniences: $5. (1) HICKORY. 2616- 3 large basement rooms: za8. KN APP. 1830 4-room cottage, bath, hotwater heat.

CEntral 6058. fe491 LAFAYETTE. 3837 Attractive room: conveniences: private home; exclusive neighborhood: reasonable. GRand 37777, LAFAYETTE. 2102- first floor: sink: other housekeeping.

$2 up: sieepIng. $1.50 up: well heated. (e7) LAFAYETTE, 3150-First floor other rooms: conveniences: sonable. LAFAYETTE. 2160-Room and kitchenette.

$0: single bou $6 LAFAYETTE. 2853 -Large housekeeping room and kitchen, sleeping LAFAYETTE. 3633- -Clean. attractive bedroom for private home. (el) LONGFELLOW.

1721A Houskeepine room with kitchenette. $8: conveniences. MAGNOLIA. -Large and small front sleeping rooms, conveniences. MICHIGAN.

-Furnished room. conventeners. Inquire at druz store. 161 OREGON. 1912 cheerful.

clean well furntshel: sink. range: adults. PENNSYLVANIA. 1615 Two light housekeeping. complete: cheap rent.

RUSSELL. 2631-Pleasant. connecting rooms: all conveniences: reasonable. tor 3719W. RUSSELL.

2646- Connecting housekeeping rooms, $7: downtsairs, VIctor 4474J. (c) RUSSELL. 2707- Nice furnished house. keepinz rooms: 2 ririg or couple. (c67) SHENANDOAH.

3952- furnished connecting front housekeeping roome, (cH) for licht housekeeping private home. SIMPSON 1726 Lafayette Park: nice room for gentieman in modern home: private: 4 car lines. VIctor 1170. (c6 TEXAS. 3300 Cozy front.

steam heat. hot-water: telenhone: board optional. THURMAN. 2242A-Furnished room. steam beat.

GR. 5048R. Private family, (cT) WHITTEMORE -Beautiful front first floor: 1 or 3 gentlemen: 3 car lines. (c04) Southwest ARSENAL. 5365- Furnished housekeeping rooms: 2 rooms.

1 attic room: everything furnished. including gas, electric, coal: no other roomers; $7 week: adults. PR. 9490. (eg) ROOM- private family: all conentences.

PRospect 3728. TAMM 3225 -South room. private: sonable, near bath. Hiland 0982. (c78) West ACADEMY.

large, clean, cheerful bousekeeping rooms. range. sink: thing furnished: reasonable. (eS) BLACKSTONE. 1138- Furnished room far I or Jewish preferred.

0785. BURD. 1952A- Convenient sleeping very reasonable: Jewish gentleman preferred. CABANNE, 5253- furnished housekeeping rooms: modern conveniences: with kitchen: third floor: owner's home. CABANNE.

5156- housekeeping rooms. linens laundered. FOrest 5973. (c8 CHOUTEAU. nice sleeping rooms: rent reasonable, CLARA.

Room and tehenette. private family EVergreen 3638 COCK RILL. 1350 Sleeping: private: modern: pear Wellston: PArk. 3098J. DELMAR.

-Roome for sleeping. $2.50 per week, no more. no less, zond heat. newly decorated. new manazer, also board.

$4.50 per week. DELMAR. 5147A- Newly furnished clean. quiet. housekeeping rooms.

heat. continuous hot water. low DELMAR. 6151- furnished or unfurnished: clean housekeeping rooms. (cH2 DELMAR.

furnished room: 1 or 2 people: private home: $5. (cOli ENRIGHT. 5826-Unusual housekeeping suite; separate entrance; private bath. (e8) ENRIGHT. 5181- -Single or double ine room: board ontieral.

EVANS. Light housekeeping room. FOREST PARK. 4308 Second floor front connecting housekeeping. suitable 3.1c67) FOUNTAIN.

4932- connecting housekeeping rooms: also 2 connecting: under new. management: one week free, FOUNTAIN. -Large housekeeping room, also nice sleeping room. $3.50: adulta. warm room for 1 or board optional.

GOODE ELLOW. -Room with complete kitchen sink, rance: nrivate trance. GOODFELLOW. 1233- Pleasant furnished housekeening room: reasonable. HAMILTON.

1270- second-floor housekeepinz rooms: reasonable: south exposure 1048A furnished. joining rooms, with white sink. range, heat, light and gar, KENSINGTON, 5163-Front. for 07 breakfast: private home. FOrest 3022.

LAUREL. south: coupie or men; private home. LINDELL 4365- Well furnished room and kitchenette: continuous bot cater, LINDELL, 5840- steamheated rooms, LINDELL 3912- first Door front rooms sleeping, board optional. PHEASON. 4163 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, second floor front; water: clean.

warm house. rent reduced: new management. McPHERSON. One nently fur nished room; also unfurnished connecting: reasonable. McPHERSON.

4425A -Beautituily furnished front room: with or without kitchenette. McPHERSON 4840 Pleesant room for 1 or 2: steam heat: ressona bile, Nicely furnished sleeping: for 1 or private NePHERSON. -Attractive room: steam beat: 7 private. MAPLE. 5637- well turnished ond-Goor front.

or housekeeping suite: private: adults: reasonable, MAPLE dean connecting DOUR keeping, it. hot vater, MARYLAND. 4300A -2 connecting rOOmS. range, steam hest, hot, cold water. thine furnished: 4310 Besutiful front housekeeping quite: aiso single in steam- 4308A room: private 4318- room 84 at MONTCLAIR.

1389 kitchen, bedroom, dinette FOrest OLIVE. or very PAGE. 4711- 4 connecting rooms: reasonable. 9 1 sat pbone, In to DEATHS Boehl, Marie Elizabeth. Keller, John Dreyer, Mathilda Langsdale, Stonay L.

Farrell, Edward M. Lohman, Augusta Finn, Bridget Mescher, Angust Flannery, Annie Moffatt, Julius T. Fritz, John Reagan, John Gehl, Joseph Ryan, Joseph Haas, Jacob Ulrich, Anna Haushaden, Erwin Windberg, Nicholas Higgins, Leonora Zottarelle, Joseph BOEHL, ELIZABETH (nee Baum-, gaertner)---Entered into rest on beloved Friday. wife Oct. 3:30 a.

of J. Louis Boehl, dear mother of Henry. Catherine and Adelaide Boehl. Mta. Justine Tuchschmidt and the late Paul and Eliza beth Boehl.

Funeral from family residence. 3656 Humphrey street. on Monday morning, Oct. 20, at 8:30 o'clock. to St.

Pius Church. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. DREYER. MATHILDA-On Friday. Oct.

17, 1930. at 7:43 a. dear mother of Mrs. Mary Bone, Mrs. Mathilda Allen, Wesley and Albert Dreger, dear of Adolph Dreyer, Mrs.

J. A. Smith and Mrs. James Maceo, dear sister, sister-inlaw. mother-in-law.

grandmother and aunt. Funeral from Kriegshauser's new funeral home, 4228 South Kingshighway, on Monday. Oct. 20, at 10 a. Interment Matthew's Cemetery.

(cT) FARRELL, EDWARD into rest on Friday. Oct. 17, 1930, at 5:10 o'clock p. beloved husband of Nots Farrell (nee Driscoll), dear fatber of Marcaret Farrell, brother of Mrs. William Walsh, and our dear uncle.

Funeral from family residence. 7446 Hoover avenue, on Monday morning. Oct. 20, at 8:30 o'clock, St. Luke's Church.

Interment in Calvary Cemetery. Deceased was a member of Chautteure' Union, Local No. 405. FINN, BRIDGET- 4147 Juniata street. on Friday, Oct.

17, 1930, at 11:30 dear wife of Thomas Finn, dear mother of Kra. George S. Savignac, Mrs. Gordon Knowles, Mrs. Lawrence Lynch, Ellen C.

Eleanor and Lonis Finn, dear sister, mother-in-law. grandmother, great-grandmother and aunt. Due notice of funeral from new funeral home, 4228 South KingshighTay boulevard. later. (c) FLANNERY, ANNIE Entered into rest Thursday.

Oct. 16. 1930, 8. 3. beloved wife of the late Richard Flannery, dear mother of Mrs.

Julia OBrien. Mrs. Marmo Slam and the late Edward, James, Richard. John and William Flannery, our dear grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt and mother-in-law. Funeral from family residence.

3627 Cook avenue, Monday, Oct. 20, at 7 to St. Alphonsus (Rock) Church. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. (c7) FRITZ, JOHN 4230 Gano avenue.

entered into rest on Friday. Oct. 1930, at 12:47 a. beloved husband of Mary 0. Fritz (nee Smith), dear father of John P.

Jr. and William E. Fritz, R. E. Drake, Mrs.

I. O. Fischer and Mrs. A. Lindstroth.

dear brother of Mrs. Barbara Powers and dear grandfather, father-inlaw and uncle. Funeral Monday, Oct. 20, at 9 from Stroot Carroll funeral home, 4600 Natural Bridge tO Holy Name Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery.

Deceased was a member of Holy Name Society and Steamfitters' Local 562. (c7) GERL, JOSEPH 4713 Hanover nue, entered into rest on Friday, Oct. 1930, at 10 p. dearly beloved husband of Lena Gehl (ace Mentz). dear father of Elizabeth Anderhalden.

Catherine Fults, Margaret Lohr (nee Gehl), Minnie, Frank and Stephen Gehl, and our dear father-inlaw, grandfather, brother and brother-inlaw. at the age of 67 years. Funeral from Gebken chapel, 2630 Grarois avenue, time later. (c) HAAS, JACOB- 5948 Pershing avenue. on Saturday.

Oct. 18, 1830, husband of the late Fannie Haas. and father of Mrs. Ben Lyons, Mrs. Alma Vanderhack.

Mrs. A. B. Lyons, Milton. Harry and Roy Haas.

Services at Mazer's funeral home. 4356 Lindell boulevard. Monday, Oct. 20. a.

20. HAUSHADEN, -Passed away Friday. Oct. 17. 1930.

beloved husband Miriam Richmond Haushaden, and dear father of Erwin dear son of Mrs. Augusts Haushaden. dear son-in-law and brother-in-law. Funersl from the Parker chapel, 15 West Lockwod boulevard, Webster Groves, Monday, Get. at 2 p.

m. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery (e) HIGGINS, LENORA (nee Burke)- Entered into rest Friday. Oct. 17. 1930, at 1 p.

beloved of Joseph P. Higzips. dear mother James, dear daughter of James and Sarah Husbands Burke, and our dear granddaughter and piece, at the age of 28 years. Funeral Tuesday, Oct. 21, at 8:30 3.

from the Kron chapel, North Grand boulevard, St. Michael Church, thence to Calvary Cemetery. (el) KELLER, JOHN Helen avenue, entered into rest Friday. Oet. 1930.

at 1:50 3. beloved husband of Frances Keller nee Schwab). dear father John F. Keller, Frances S. ScH2Ian.

Herbert E. Keller, Mrs. Carrie Goodwin. Mrs. Myrtle flood.

Mrs. Ids Stevens, Mrs. Edna Dodson. dear grandfather, lathen in-law. brother-in-law and uncle.

Funeral on Monday. at from Wt. M. Schumacher's new 4534 Natural Bridge avente. Interment in Zion Cemetery, Deceased was a ber of Ben Avis Camp.

No. 10,761, W. of A. LANGDALE, STONAY L. --O! 4715 LeDue street, entered rest 00 Saturday, Oct.

18. 1980. st 4:45 a. dear hueband of Zenia Langdale (bee Hudson, dear father of Marole Langdale, our dear brother-in-law and uncle, his sixty-fifth year. Funeral Monday, Oct.

20. at 2 p. m. from Drehmann-Harral chapel, 1905 Union boulevard, to Bellefontaine Cemetery. Deceased was member of Red Cross Lodge No.

64, K. P. (c7) LOHMAN, AUGUSTA K. (Dee Heitmeyer) -Entered into rest on Friday. Get.

17. 1930, at 6:10 p. at the home ber of daughter, 3682 Lafayette avenue, degr mother of Rose Deflandre, Emma Biskup. Laura Reden, Irene Fox, Charles. Arthur and William Lohman, our dear motherlaw, grandmother, great-grandmother, sta.

ter, sister-in-law and aunt, in her eightyfirst year. Funeral from Wacker-Helderle chapel. 3634 Graveis arenue. Monday, Oct. 20, at 3 p.

to Oak Grove Cemetery. MESCHER, AUGUST--Entered rest on Thursday, Oct. 16, 1930. at p. 2:30 belored husband the late Bertha Mescher (nee Weitkamp).

dear father of Arthur and Charles and the late Edward. dear father-in-law and brother-in-law. age 65 rears. Funeral from Leidner chapel, Louis avenue. Monday.

20. at 1:30 p. In. Interment St. John's Cemetery.

MOFFATT, JULIES T. -Entered rest of Friday. 1930. beloved into husband Mrs. (nee dear father of Julius H.

Lotta T. Motfatt and Clair (nee the of at age Fears. Funeral Monday, 20. from Schnu funeral home. 3125 Lafarette avenue 10 a m.

Interment New St. Marcus Cemetery. Kansas City San Francisco and Los Angeles (Cal.) papers please copy. REAGAN, JORN 6301 Minnesota avenue, on Friday. Oct.

17, 1930, 3:30 p. dear of Anna and the late Frank Basenmueller, dear brother of Sister Mary of St. Joseph's Order. Matilda. Joseph, Frank.

Peter, Albert. Alphonse and Anthony Haseumueller. Funeral from Southern funeral home. 6320 20, South Grand boulerard on Mondar. Oct.

at 8:30 a. to SS. Mary Joseph Church, thence to SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery, member of Rosati Council No. 795.

K. of and Holy Name Society of Mary and Joseph's parish. RYAN. JOSEPH H. -Entered Into rest Thursday.

Oct. 16, 1930. at 7:35 P. beloved son of the late Walter and garet Ryan, beloved brother of James, Drtective Waiter P. and John Ryan.

dear nephew of Miss Mary Byrne and Mrs. Alice Dougherty. dear uncle. cousin and Funeral Monday, at the age of 32 rears. brother-in-law, Oct 20.

at 8:30 from the Kron chapel. 2707 North Grand boulevard. to Sacred Heart Church. thence to Calvary Cemetery. Deceased ot 788 member Home Mutual Aid Associatin and Unity Mutual Aid Society.

(c7) ULRICH. ANNA (nee Kohr) 7811 Vermont avenue, asleep in Jesus day. Oct. 17, her eighty-fourth on year. beloved 02 the late Adam Circh, dens mother of William Adolph.

Otto, Meta and Mr. George Knopper (nee our dear mothcrest and Funeral Manda: Oct. from Pendler 7128 home. Carondeirt reiteal Church. Interment Cemetery.

Matthew's (e) ELECTRIC WIRING, ETC. AAA super wiring of all kinda as ordinary (c8) prices. Repairing. RIverside 8393J. GArfield 7502.

1120 S. 4th (CS) OLD HOUSE airing specialty. Dawson. THREE rooms wired for $15. Expert Pork guaranteed.

VIctor WIRING -Expert work and fixtures. HUdson 1150. 4033 5. Grand. (c8) FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS 316 N.

THIRD. BRAUER NEAR OLIVE. STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS. (c6) We Fix Any Old Furnace It you have an old matter in what condition, we will fix it up and save 7ou halt of Four fuel, cesl of oil: reasonable Atlantic Eng. 222 nut.

MAin 2505. CEntral 8697. (c8) BRIDGE-BEACH warm-air furnaces installed- all makes cleaned. 4653. 2737 WeisRyan Eta.

Co. LAc. Chippewa FURNACES cleaned, work guaranted: prices right. STerling STOVE. FURNACE REPAIRS.

FIREPLACE FIXTURES. "FORSHAW." 109 N. 12TH. (c8) GARDENING AND SODDING BLUEGRASS SOD -A: 12e yard, delivereu: laid, extra: guaranteed. 2790.

(c8) BLUE grass sod delivered. 12c vard, Hilse. Riverside 5375J. GUTTERING AND SHEET METAL WORK GUTTERING, spouting, furnaces, repairing: reasonable. Schmidt, VIetor 1663.

(e8) HARDWOOD FLOORS HARDWOOD FLOORS, sanding. refinish ing; dustproof machine. Riverside 1955. (c8) PAINTING PAINTING -Interior and exterior: best of references. CAbany PLASTERING PLASTERING -Stucco resurfaced.

Crafcement. chimners. basements: old roots. any kind repaired: ed with special asbestos: ruaranteed. stead 1507.

fe81 PLASTERING NEATLY REPAIRED. Call LAciede 3511. PLUMBERS GET OUR special fall prices on plumbine. besting. Schremer, PRospect 6088.

PLUMBING- Any kind. prices P. D. Nichols, registered. DElmar 0085.

ROOFING WORK IF YOUR roof leaks. call HIland 5824. All work quaranteed: very reasonable. (cH) 3 LEAKS for $8: apply Apex everlasting asphalt roots. Aner Rooting 5357 Easton.

FOrest 6122. (e13) STORAGE, MOVING. EXPRESS CRAWFORD MOVING VANS -Long distance rates 20c mile: local $4.50 load or contract. Lindell 8570. 3313 Franklin.

GOOD- movers, rooms. $16. C. Jones Moving FRanklin 9488. WALL PAPER CLEANING, ETC.

PAPER HANGING- $5 2 room and up. Call G. Mattingly. 0596. ROOMS cleaned, 25c and up: paint washed and windows cleaned reasonable; also portor work.

GArfield 6510. ROOMS papered. $5, including paper: work Call EVergreen 3493. GUARANTEED papering room. includinc paper- excellent work.

PRospect NO DIRT, neat. clean work done: lowest price. papering, painting and cleaning. Phone Alland 6013 WEATHERSTRIPPING WEATHERSTRIPPING: windows 52. doors window ropes.

CHestnut 9689. WINDOW SHADE CLEANING NOW is the time for window shade cleando inz: makes homes more attractive. Try 116. Drees Shade 2610 Shenandoah 4705. (c8) PROFESSIONAL DETECTIVES EX-OFFICER NM.

E. LA CHASSE shadowing and investigating. Office Shubert-Rialto Theater 320 Grand. Telephone FRanklin INSTRUCTION SHORTHAND IN 30 DAYS Secretarial Training. DICKINSON SECRETARIAL SCHOOL, 321-323 Victoria Bide.

CEntral 8645. (08) PRIVATE tutoring in Spanish. French and all elementary subtects: tutor. special attention retarded choler adults of neglected education. FOrest BEAUTY CULTURE TAUGHT Special rates.

Talbot's, 1219 N. Taylor. DE. 3024 3024. c3) GIRLS.

learn beauty Special sumrates. 1973. 4448 Delmar. LEARN beauty culture, write or phone tree Louis Academy Beauty 504 Pine. CHestnut SCIENTIFIC beauty culture taught by atthorized Marinello instructor: day and evening classes.

Elizabeth Thelen. 4479 Washington. DElmar 0600. feel TRAIN- -For service wireless. railroad, commercial telegrapher, station accounting, excellent Day day or evening classes.

Radio and Schools and Colleges A FEW men for radio service work and wireless telegraph operators. $150 per month and up to start. Call or write for application. Open day and evening. 3618 Olive st.

Radio Wireless Co. Trade Schools TRICITY BARBER COLLEGE Tuition. catalogue tree; strictly modern; tric massage hydraulic chairs. 811 DANCING SUMMER LESSON SPECIAL- Combination for 2 private nd lass. lessons hour.

School. only Olive son or 8125. TAP. exhibition. ballroom dancing: rate.

2313 S. Kingshigh war. RIv. 9472. WESTMINSTER HALL.

3806 Olive Parties Sunday evenina: social dance cises Monday evening: classes in tap. acrobatic. Lindell 0500. etc. EMPLOYMENT WANTED MEN.

BOYS BAKER- good all round or extra. Garfield 1229 Morrison. BOOKKEEPER- wants permanent po ition: thoroughly willing worker; best references. Box W-220, or reliable, take charge hein. Box N-390, Post-Dispatch.

JANITOR white: general maintenance man. EAst 4437. East St. Louis: references, JANITOR- colored: experienced: erence. GArfield 1 MAINTENA chauffeur: work of any kin Jack.

GArtield 7240. YOUNG MAN- well educated: expert. enced: can assume responsibility. ferson 3879. (87) YOUNG MAN- experienced cook.

Jer randman: reference. JErferron 1441. SITUATIONS WOMEN, GIRLS or dir work: colored: expertencod: dav or week. JEfferson CORRESPONDENT- 5 year' literary experience: 11 rears secretartal: has taken university courses Box 17-115. Post-Dispatch.

avertisine. GIRL- SI colored. work after school and JEfferson 0506. German: general house wark and cooking 4450 S. LADY- 200d housekeeper.

coult and nurse: drive any car: tree to travel, Call MIdwAy 538. LADY White home more than references. JEtterson 9794. SITUATIONS- -WOMEN, GIRLS TYPIST- age 17. experienced filing.

typing, efficient at telephone; salary $10. Catherine RIs. 4332W. fe6) WOMAN- wants work in exchange for room for berself and husband: husband employed. GRand 6229J.

(7) WOMAN- colored, cooking, cleaning. week. reference. DElmar 28643. WOMAN- Southern.

colored, maid or nurse: half or whole days. JEff. 9277. WOMAN- with small child, would like position in motherless home. VIctor 4007B WOMAN- housework: confinement cases: $2.50 day.

7417 Pennsylvania. (3) YOUNG WOMAN- experienced: 35 housekeeper. assistant and companion. FOrest 62161. (7) HELP WANTED MEN, BOYS ENGINEER--Licensed: should have Ken- eral mechanical knowledge: state are, salary expected and previous employment.

Address Box P-384. Post-Dispatch. (e7) JANITOR--White. fairly understands down draft boiler, handy around building. such 39 plumbing etc.

Room and board with pay: must be sober, good references. Don't call unless yOu can fill job: age not over 50. Apply between 2:30 and 5 D. m. rear.

4532 Washington. MEN- TEN Large local Concern has 10 permanent openines to the richt people to call OTL established customers with fall and Christmas lines by appointment: if you are neat in appearance. azeressive and honest. willing to work 8 hours each day. to that kind of man while learning we can start you with earnings of $31.50 weekly.

Gentiles only. Apply Mr. Cox. 813. Arcade Bide.

(c6) MEN- opportunity here for men that qualify with sales ability (experience not necessary) to advance in a fast growing organization that has something entirely ditferent to offer. with liberal commission: ever where a sale: public demand; possibilities unlimited: depends ca your efforts: car not essential. but helpful. 1516 5. Grand.

(c) MEN-2 with cars. to sell poultry theft protection to farmers. Apply Mr. Hayes Hotel Mayfair. MEN- Wanted business.

Appls room 107. Delmar. (c) MEN AND YOUNG MEN tO sell on trains: long runs. 28 21st st. NIGHT MAN- -Experienced.

around: reference. Mound City Restaurant, 2860 Union. (c) PHARMACIST Illinois license: wonderful Apply -Wilson Drug 700 Washington PRESSER AND MAN- round man: colored. 4137 S. Grand.

PRESSER Colored: experienced only need apply. 4128 N. SIGN WRITER With department store experience. Bring samples. Apply at once, Employment Office, third floor.


SALESMEN WANTED CANDY SALESMAN- Experienced. for city and suburbs; full line: better class: rive full information first letter; confidential: phone. Box H-279, INDOOR GOLF COURSES Distributers and salesmen are cleaning uD on our portable indoor golf courses: these sell to homes, schools. churches, clubs, from $35 to 598: bis commission and unlimited field: now is the time for the holiday business. Address GOLF PRODUCTS MFG.

1007 N. E. Main Minneapolis. Minn. (c7) RADIO FLOOR Must be strictly high-class man with good.

clean sales record: attractive inside work: must be between the ages of 25 and 40: some piano or radio sales experience helpApply after 10 a. m. Monday. Mason. at Wurlitzer, 1006 Olive.

Working established section of the State. who can handle better class candy line as side line: give full inform tion first letter: confidential. Box H-278 PostSALESMEN- sell Fords: commission: must demonstrator: month for man well acquainted. Riefling. 2341 S.

Jefferson. Well highly rated firm wants 2 salesmen with cars to coal. carload lots. in Missouri. Blumenfeld Coal Memphis.

Tenn. SALESMAN- of French darning cotton want agents in Four ritory. Arles 65 Madison New York. SALESMEN Two men with light cars for steady, profitable work. See manager.

Delmar this evening or tomorrow morning. SALESMEN calling on me. chanics. tire and battery shops. Box 84.

Post-Dispatch. or part time. Appiz 5710 Ridze Let HELP PUB FINISHER- man or woman: must have had long experience retail fur shop: state references and price. Alaskan Fur 606 Main Houston. Texas, (03) HELP GIRLS must be experienced.

Box Post-Dispatch. GIRL- For wanted to part time. 1917 Bast Grand. Apply Monday from 8 9. GIRL -Office and dance: salary commission.

1414 N. GLUE GIRLS Brown Paper Box 410 WOMEN-10: intelligent: good apnearsace and personality with or without cars. to call on and interview mothers babies: research only: young mothers or women with dietetic nursing experience preferred. Box H-38. WOMAN- About maid work and handle business in small hotel during das.

Room and kitchen State salary and experience. Bor Post-Dispatch, FOR SALE -WANTED BUILDING MATERIAL BRICK Hard. lumber. doors, windows. Sarpy.

NEwstend ANIMALS COLLIE -Lost white and tan. mae. cense 437: child's pet: please return. Revard. CAbany 3548.

POINTERS months old. Geo. Goalbr 77th Belleville. Phone ROckdale 267. fell COAL, COKE AND WOOD ARROW COAL PROMPT DELIVERY Good.

clean. 6-inch lump. $3 a ton: load lots; this cash price saves you 75c per ton. CHestnut 5172 or GArfield 3605. fesT CLEAN LUMP COAL $4 per ton.

GRand 1168. WONDER COAL Lump. $1 per ton VIctor 1290. BELLEVILLE lump. sootless.

$0.35: Orient. $7. E. GRand 2020. BUNKER HILL LUMP.

ton. TYler 3080. After 6 p. m. call JEff.

6765. (c8) COAL dealers load your trucks at Prairie Mine. miles east of French Village on Route hand mined deep shaft shakscreen: no delay. Aid Coal Co. RailWay Exchange Bide.

MAin 4838. (el) COAL--Furnace size. toils. or lump. tons.

510. ashes hauled. dependent Coal Dealers. GAr. 2849.

1c81 COAL- Quality selected grades. $4.50. $0.30 icad lots. PRospect 1716. 2-ton loads.

RIv. COAL -Good lump egg. $4.50 ton up: quick service. Lindell 7983. (ch COAL Lump.

$4.50: nut. slack. 82.75: 2-ton loads. Lindell COAL- clean lump $4, 111 three-ton lots: quick service. GRand 4419W.

(ON) COAL -Large lump, clean egg. $3.75 4 tons or more. LAciede 8391. COAL- Large, clean lump. $3.75.

5 tons or more. stead 2497. COAL -Deep shaft. $1.75 ton 2-ton lots: $4.50 3 tons or over. MIdway 795.

(c8) COAL- Clean ton. $4.50: to 8 tons, $4. DEimer 1592. -GRADE Tump cOs. 55 ton: PRE coal.

$4. in 4-ton lots. Garfield 2733 COAL $4.50: put mine-run Clean high-grade, $5.30. teSt CENTRAL -Large lump good clean coal. $4.25: petrolemn Literature on request.

EAst PETROLEUM CORE- ton: perfect hand fuel any heating Black Beauty landed coal. 84.25. EAst 1918. TeN COAL- Lump. in 2-ion lots.

PRospect 2556. ROOMS FOR RENTPAGE. rooms. neat. clean.

transportation. PAGE. -Front and $8: another $4. PERSHING. JUST joining bath.

apartment CASSET PERSHING, 4485-Double: rated; bot water: gentleman; WINDBERG, NICHOLAS. 2614 South Eighteenth street. on Saturday, Oct. 18. 1930.

at dear husband of Katherine Windberg (nee Slavick), dear father of Nicholas Windberg Jr. our dear brother, brother-in-law and uncle, in his forty-third sear. Funeral from Wacker-Helderle chapel, 3634 Gravois avenue. Mondar. Oct.

20. at 1:30 p. to St. Agnes' Church. thence to New St.

Marcus Cemetery. (c7) ZOTTARELLE. JOSEPH -Entered into rest on Friday. Oct. 17, 1930.

at 8:20 beloved husband of the late Evelyn Zottarelle, dear father of June, our dear brother, rother-in-law and uncle. Funeral from Leidner chapel. 2223 St. Louis a Due notice later. Deceased a member of Musicians' Union, Local No.

2. A. F. M. (c) PERSONAL GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS MIDDLE-AGED persons interegted in paychology forming social club: references: today.

m. 3634 Juniata. MOTOR BUS TRAVEL A' STAGES, INC. PACIFI $35.10 Los Angeles $35.10 Daily excursions. Go via scenic Santa Trail.

See the painted desert, petrified Fe forests and Indian pueblos, Chicago, Memphis, $5. Kansas City, Detroit. Individual reclinine chair busses. For bus information. call CEntral 8186 Man Depot.

105 8th. INTERSTATE TRANSIT LINES Union Pacific Stages DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE Kansas City Omaba Denver Sioux City Salt Lake Minneapolis All Pacific Coast Pointe. For Information Call CHestnut 3524-1801 Washington GArfield 3338 -201 N. 6th St. (c8) RAILROAD TRAVEL CHICAGO Round-trip excursion tickets good WABASH RAILWAY CHICAGO EASTERN ILLINOIS ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD $5 Leave -October St.

25. Louis November at or 1. 8. after 15. 9 pm.

Return on any train leaving Chicago not later than Monday noon following. (See Note $6 Leave -October Return St. 24, Louis 31, at or November after 7. 9 paL. 14.

on any train leaving Chicago not later than Monday 2000 following. (See Note Note A. The 85 and $8 tickets are rood in chair cars and coaches only. Children ball fare. No baggage checked.

$12 Louis -October 24, 8-14, 25-31, 15. Leave November. St. Fridays at or after pm. and on all trains Saturdays.

Return limit 13 days. $19 tickets are honored In parlor and sleeping cars upon payment of usual Pullman charges. Children halt fare. Baggage checked. SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICE- Joseph State of 3329 Lucas City of Maiden of do hereby Rive notice Louis.

that I will not be responsible contracted for ADJ after this by debts date anyone except myselt. J. Madden. of SPECIAL Madison NOTICE John E. Fitzzeraid 2021 St.

Louis. ME hereby give notice that I will cot be responsible for ang debts contracted after this date br anyone exceptice STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING STOCKHOLDERS MELTING--The annual meeting of the common stockholders of the Emerson Electric Mfg. 60.. for the (7) election of seven directors to serve during the ensuing rear, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come befure the meeting, will be held at the office of the company. 2018 Washington avenue, St.

Louis, OZ Wednesdar. the 12th day of November, 1930. at 9 I. FINCH, President. St.

Louis, Attest: L. Whittemore. Secretary. Get. 17.

1930. LOST AND FOUND Miscellaneous Lost COIN PURSE AND FRATERNITY PIN Lost: Columbia Theater; reward. overnear 4400 Miami: 3863 Market. black. and glasses, Sunso ward.

blue silk: finder keep please return contents purse. ELECTRIC reward. PURSE PURSE lland money but PRospect Market bus station. Thursday. Reward.

DElmar 0174M. UMBRELLA Lost: brown silk: on Compton car: reward. PRospect 6837. Dogs Lost BEAGLE black and white HOUNDbody: brown head: long brown ears: ward. 2611 Rutger.

DOG Lost: male. red Irish terrier: wearing leather collar, studded in brass 329 about months: practically grown; reward will be paid for his return to 4944 Lindell. Phone DEima: 7088. DOG- red Irish setter: vicinity 1082 and Fridas: answer name Laddie: FOrest 107) DOG pOlice Russian hound. FOrest 2874 W.

DOG Yellow chow, Monday. Col. 7304W: reward. FOX TERRIER- -haired; black and white female: ang to Wednesday: reward. MUlberry 3331.

5818 Romaine black. white and brown spotted please refurn: reward. EVergreen POLICE DOG dark color: sore ear. GRand reward. WIRE HAIRED FOX TERRIERGlendale, Tuesdar: female: reward.

Kirkwood 1757. 1c61 Jewelry Lost FRATERNITY PIN- -Lost: Tuesday: ward. PRospect 0429. WRIST WATCH- yellow gold: Oct. 14.

between Arena and downtown district: reward. EAst 75397. Found FOUND BY POLICE. Eighth District-2 auto keys in leather case. Tenth District--Handbag.

Eleventh District--Peanut vending 203- chine. DOG- Found: Boston terrier, male: owner can have by paying for his board and this Oh ad. Call PRospect 8932 or call at Boy Ice Cream Store, at 3568 S. BroadWAT. BUSINESS CARDS CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS AI CARPENTER WORK Building repairs.

brick or frame: Reasonable prices. TYler 0493. ADDITION pair: expert workmanship: terms. colfax 8515. CARPENTER AND PAINTER- General pair work: garages, tences, weather DinE CO tax 8905 or 3409 N.

Florissant. AL parches. CARPENTER WORK old: reasonable: terms. ReGRand FLOORS laid over old: reasonable. PRos.

3018. floora (c8) made doors floors ROWOOD terms. RIverside 1439. with REMODELING and of all kinda. small down payment, balance easy serras.

CAbany 7962. ROWAN. -4-5 heat: ROOM- Couple ment. 4900 west. with sunroom and bath.

Box F-341 of entire apartment: Lindell Post-Dispatch. ROOM- Attractively furnished; twin also bot-water heat; FUrest ROOMtent: private family CA 20OX- beautiful near Forest ROOM- apartment. 1551 references. -Neatly furnished: private: man. CAbany ROOMS- Owner employed.

pie. $9 per week. CAbanz SUBURBAN. furnished light housekeeping: private VERNON. 5335 large trout room twin bods.

closets. bath: best prirate: privilege. FOmet 8604. VERNON. furnished keeping front room, reasonable.

VERNON. 5100-Beautitully housekeeping suite, connecting frigidaire. VERNON. 5014-9 nicely keeping roome: reasonable VERNON, 5322 -Furnished rooms: $8. VERNON.

4369 south block car: private. FOrest 10583 VERNON. 3-room suite. sleeping: conventences: VERNON. 51.42 -Room for or or single: ate of living room.

VARNON. 5784 also steening rooms. WASHINGTON. 4400- floor housekeeping rootca: all WASHINGTON. tractive, clean room, adjoining hot water abundant: rent WASHINGTON 3954 Light ing.

extremely WASHINGTON. 5077- mom: bath: refined home; board WASHINGTON. 4305 (Apt. bedroom. closet: conveniences.

WASHINGTON. 4058- Lovely warm keeping room: hot- water: quiet home WATERMAN, For business in very attractive private residence: water heat: modern any 35. WATERMAN. 5025- large twin beds: also WESTMINSTER PL. 4048- kitchenette.

porch: private $8.30. WESTMINSTER 4045- keeping room, water: $5.50. 90: clean house. WESTMINSTER, 5789- ront room. 2 refined: apartment.

CAbazy WESTMINSTER. housekeeping: suitable $7.50. WEST PINE. 4264- Living room and kilchenette; newly very desirable: WEST PINE. 4366A-Attractire every convenience: $4 and WEST PINE.

4415-Attractive bousekeeping, suitable 3. linens, WEST PINE. 4309 nished second floor front housekeeping: all Linens WEST PINE. 4221-Nicely sleeping: housekeeping: bot vater: Ten ences. WEST PINE.

4320-Beautiful housers ing; steam heat: extra bed: $4. WICHITA. south room vate family: board optional. GRand ROOMS IN SUBURBS OAKWOOD, 4118 (Pine Lawn efficiency quite: modern: furnished plete: bus, car. EVergreen 1831 ROOM- Share home with emploged breakfast and dinner optional; CAbany 5885J.

ROOMMATES WANTED BUSINESS WOMAN Wid. To sham band ern, apartment travels: $35 with woman whom Delma month. PArkview 2796J. ROOM MATE or gentleman to share room in able clean, private apartment. people of excellent character.

iences: breakfast if desired: must good references. Pox E-408. Port-Die. HOTELS ALBANY HOTEL, 4873 PAC Route 40 St. Only hotel on quiet and attractive: European.

$1.25 up: American. $0 up. FOrest ALCAZAR HOTEL- Locust: 20 years' successive operation: THE HAMILTON. 956 $1.50 day. week.

2 perta LEONARD HOTEL 3202 Olice able rooms; bath. radio, spection invited; $1 up; 50 week REGENT HOTEL -New ly decorated, modern. cozy POSES, up: weekly. up. 14t2 and ST.

FRANCIS HOTEL. Sixth and Chestnut: $1 17. up; in the center of SAN CARLOS. 4137 Lindellboard: running water, telephone it room: $53 and to per month: hotel UNION BL. Hotel.

3441 $1.50 up: weekly. Evers. HOTEL UNIVERSITY. 6603 Deimar, location: week month special APARTMENTS APARTMENTS FOR RENT South Grand and Osceola- -Opposite Cleveland High Campus JUST COMPLETED: BEDROOM, LIVES ROOM. KITCHENETTE, DINETTE BATH.


Realty 3548 S. Grand PRospect ST. JOHN APARTMENT S. E. corner 39th and Botanical large rooms, heat.

janitor. hot ate electric refrigeration: Al condition: NEOSHO. 4215- frigeration; beat, 3830 PARK ATE. 4 and 3 room efficiency. Nest electricity.

hot water, refrigeration nished. Manager on premises. RUSSELL. 4166- 4 sunroom phs bed: all modern; Janitor and refrigeration adults. West AMHERST.

7357- -Beautiful rooms room. fast nook. General stove. bed, garage, heal service. CAbany APARTMENT batts.

City near schoois church. tation excelent seichborhood: sonabie to responsible parts. Call Guthrie 2440. baths sity City, Dear church. tion.

excellent neighborhood abie to responsible party. 2440. APART new electric refrigerator and rare with side drive: convenient portation and churches. PArkview North CATES. dressing electric Janitor Arunt on 3 frigeration: carake: modera, spacious references CADET porch: rent decorate.

Cattail, 614 Bide. 70 LACLEDE licht best: hardwood Doors: all in first-ciase per service rent reasonable..

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.