ruder the Gibe loud of Ur Wrloyan J.II. Forelga Xlathassay tolocard reeriag word la Go emir nueirus edgers( ia rod. Wednewlay evening. Tr rev 1' prod devotionally and wiloreary F. Rawlings earl opoa Mr.
Z. Dagl. pr ride over the Trainer dared a reef instructive and omboirl by tailing upon Muter Trevor Zdavoisaw who ro prettily attired in Mire eerier le err Other followed by childrea drat la Applutl resresantatir of ladist. Mir rad Afir, aaa M. Jolter lafrashaw, and Edmond Toeker, Fries Miran grarare for Wedey and submitted tore re orts.
also! omitributed a parody on Rama lemon. goer. aad Gs rootingt with tranvia of the Doxology. WALES CONCERT AT IIItiNDEILE SCHOOLS. Attention is dintetai ta the conceit which will take glace at tka Brynaill Board Wads, hI Mlnandar easing.
An excellent natal- Loam, progransaa, to skid' tie cdaldren contribute bean arranged. end the to hi prat mann. K4TILICCLATION At .711 Leaden Ustversty Mid lam mead, all the from the Oconeten County Sind vim mawstul. Jeanie Golly (Lumbar) emi timid Ws Jame (Knelaim), wen phiaid in Miami edam, end Perm C. Deed (Illierineme) wee pissed la the reed divides.
William GAMY Timm daubed betunies in addition to them mastamed. ROONDDA AND NW ANDRA MAY itAnArLi COMPANY Estimated Csesparatme Statement of Premed Uada Reorips tor met dams Mammy 110. Nee, Lid Amnon SIMI 0 0 ad 1001 I 0.. lei 0 0 Totol for 'rook Ijo 0 Aggregate for weeks 1,44 0 0 7.110 0 0 Mlles epos leered. Um weak MIL Users II Inas, UK WVIAH WATER FOR LOIMON.
The Ca Zoinnu qee Tiltie pn County Council were occupied for two hours on Wednesday in considering the clauses of the London Water Bill As our readers are aware. the Bill prornoted by ths London County Coon. eil seeks to empower the latter to draw upon Welsh watershed, for tne water impels of London The clauses were careful). considered at the meeting. and finally it sron unanimously resolved to petition aping the Bill on the round that the watersheds in question wonld be required for districts within the iuriedietion of the Glamorgan County Colwell.
GENEROUS READING OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT. A young man named John Hopkins. a ged 241 years. was slime eight meths ago tilled accidentally whilst follosinz hie employment at Mesta North's Navigation Co. Wyrilhaen inery.
ia the ()more Valley. leaving a father add mother depeodent on his earnings. Through an on the part of the parents, DO notice of the accident is as given, and no clMm made antd after the ea months provided for to the Act had elapsed. A claim haa now been presented through Mr. John for £132 11a, and Marra North's Nari.
pain Ce. kr very generoaely decided not to take advantage of the fact that noses el eon. dent am not o'i net within tho 102 arra, th Act provides, and they are paying the chin' in fall We feel tuft that Memo. North's gm-. enmity will be appreciated not only by the afflicted parents, bat by the miners' agent and the woranoea geaerally.
WESLEYAN SUVEMILIS FOREIGN MISSIONARY 11001ITY. LIFEBOAT SERVICES IN 'IFIE BRISTOLI CHANNEL. The quarterly tba Royal National Lifeboat Inatitation, yoet 'me the following het of merlon reamed by Ao. in emoting lives and in the Chool dormg 1889 11th ma lath, Format Hall of liverpool--Lynnonfa Rhboat aosiAted to save vowel and IS Ham April Bth. ketch Olive and lifte7 of lifeboat saved need and fon, hem; June 16th.
ship Peotevrern of lifeboat rememed by Tomei Jody ttel, pilot cutter Polly of Itleboet a dered amistanee November 11th. bids of Porlo.k—Lynmouth lastest reabeed matlace 27th, no. Perim, of lifeboat remained by yamea I. oleo made of amintanos reedend abash bi fog to the schooner of 8005..., by Ballytottcm lifeboat, thereby earmg four and also of the landing from the Noel light vessel of bee men forming the I ochamer Cambrian, of Stream. by the Whilmton No, lifeboat.
ST. ANDREW'S CHOIR. The menibers of St. Andrew'. Church Choir.
Swansea. held their annual axial gathering on Wednesday evening. The tea wan muMully laid not in the parlour connected with the church. and reflected mach credit upon Mn. D.
T. Williams and the Miami Daglimale. Lea Bevan, Treharne. and B. who were meponsible for ibis part of the arranneueenta.
Tea being over, Mr. A. Wiliam gave a abort address containing mane' advice to the tent, after which party adjourned to the lecture ball, where ii must enjoyable progressese of parlour games. wan much appreciated. Dui inn the evening.
on the motion id Mr. A. Bond; seconded by Mr. F. R.
Muchmore. a cordial vote of thanks to the ruanogers of the church was unanimously passed. A like compliment was paused to die ladies' committee for the lArrieis Willa, they had no cheerfully rendered, the proposer of the vote being Mr. R. J.
awl the seconder. Mr. W. thindridge.l joining 44 hands anil the Magian of Auld Laug Syne" terminated the proceedings, all agreeing that the social of 1900 had roved to be one of the mos, enjoyable held in recast When steklng for Cocoa. insist on having OM only in psekete and OUNT orlon eahetnalod for the nip of sin.
wont. SWANSEA POLICE COURT. DAY.) Nemec J. H. Liam, David Owen and H.
A. Liiirpasan. DRUNKS. Owens, prossitate. WY fined 20a.
14 Am Jones, Grenbill-riteset, 10. or wren dam Daniel Francis. 7. rid. or five Rachel 19, Ithowdda-atrrvt, 7.
6d. or fine days Seth W.l--6, Port Tennam.road, 10.. or seven days, all for drankennwa. For rianikr, edema, Samuel onew 140, Carroarthen-road. penionar, waa dismissed caution.
191.4}:ItTER. street. labourer, was eh with being an absentee teas the Baton Itilitia. Bs was onuadad to an wort Itikr.TBING Ina DUTIES. Tree trelatialt Jerre, 4 1, Waronienet.
ammerdb r. The Homy Foy tor oot gs titrits appetite. Mr. Abate pereeled. Memo ettritlei by re Wier, wet to re ere tbet .16..
Pay rearad Ide appertiet le go sad pert ere at re sib et lase bet big Nread. Ths diersers ter 1111. that br paid a te beta ago pile mod net prig bee prep. Ite ors rhea to its tbe reek be esided be vs. cried to be pea M.
The regieste see erre Amer the ore sad ep nab my seer. 1 1. NitZZLED DOO. John Morrie. 2, Morris-lam: 144 wW, 196, lilgh wren and S.
42, Canitoat4resoe, were each fined 5. for allowing their 4 b. it Lege nuennuled. Me Marto. Ismled ot Aberdare au "Woolay lot of the crew of the Norwegian boom Pleats.
board I rola Holessasat to Boom wrgh hropit 'lash ferobelosE is the North lero. gi. oshothis ho be forolliii Islam it MOOR mobs Ow at pau. The Emend of die he. Mr.
dory Pamir. coutreeter, Windwerweed, Nsolk, teat gins. Tesslay All Wang Am line .34 torte, beat the imidens. el tie at the sad 01 Wheloar.ersti. to the Ors Leer camas si ow isms ma priests helms psalm was polka: eistliest Awl Wahl hos Isset strarvei kr Os Jlas am brit al mow at dliesoifs ksolleents sod 4k.
Wig mew be hie yaw sod seher titian vim misollsi. The pommies imorsi4. as P.E UMW asosett al Os For" mien sl lir Mk Ow (lub. Peassesses. OAK beans, relatives ma psesiesi limo who aesigiad sisalsg niMe visa We.
Job Palose l. LstiorAmir Mr. Cara lb. (Umiak's). ML I 1118isr Paws arailmikan), ager i lissail, Ile.
D. Jars ihmsse) Au t. Oases" J. Jar lett fumes A. T.
Taylor, Me. and fifth, annint i venti ginterning Mr. R. M. I.
J. skail. aril lir. vie psessiled es Art some rrsr sel I temisleol. All.
H. P. Charles insyeet, WA I. C. Otle tsrs elsodc), Camas.
.1. D. li Jones, A. nsones, L. C.
Woman, George, and W. B. Mak. lis.rm R. A.
Arsysing, S. 1. .3. Matthew 'taken I. T.
N. IsMe, J. th J. Saw W. ateitewhevy), Tlissem H.
E. 8..., J.1L Kees Wea. 0,44 Wm Esseil. J. C.
Rem, J. Hovel Davies, Tem llama, D. J. Davits, E. H.
-tens, Rim Allen. D. H. D. Weeks (Neylarel).
Tim Church (Neyland), C. Rowlaud, Henry Ham, 1.0. Davies, T. H. Morgan, ben Goodson (Fieramm).
G. D. Loveluck (Abenivoe), Daniel Jocer David Device ma), Hilton Yates (Cormevord, A. Steal. H.
H. Jones (Britoeferryi. tannish Davies Dr. D. L.
Jones, 11 U. J. 0 Davies, Thor Joan. Tom 1. Romer, Ivor Kenney, Mein Lewis, F.
Tom T. Lloyd, It. Idattliras. W. T.
Edwards, J. J. Evans (County Schools), A. J. Par W.
E. C. Thanes, Timms, Rev, J. Thomas (vicar of Aberpergwm). Rev.
T. W. George, Monne. D. H.
Jenkins, E. C. Poole. E. C.
Jones, II Eaton, R. H. F. Taylor, Fred Taylor, H. A.
Imdlow, 0. T. Sims, H. G. Thomas.
A. Thomas (Pencaira), W. H. S. Rem, Fred Rem, A.
W. H. Tench, Rabat Mama W. D. Jaws Hill, A.
W. Orem, C. titaart Thompson, M. IL Meow E. Hannay (Britonferry).
J. W. Bablmork Mew. Gold! err, Mani, Nei Jelin David ((Rhondda and Ammo Ty Hallway), Supt. Ilmennk W.
namiss. Jres i 0. rawl" la a. aliVir i i i W. W.
Took Dr. Prather imm the eIIIORIB, E. 011141 en. MetJ. a.
Used law muds Car- Dam Tee hirmitnet, D. J. Prim deal A. Martin Owes 0M Komar (mammal Jews (hoiAp tersenses, Coo (wages tar), Barlends (contrseter, Sinans bui beer Trust)) and the following workless of Mr. David C.
H. Mason. W. Harris, W. Joy, Bea Harry Phillips rod W.
Howarth; Mews. T. Thomaa D. Buns. (Swarms), Olmn Hopkinc R.
Alford, David flyby Harris (Swansea), etc. The intervent place in the new cemetery the rector (BW. A. F. Evans) performing the hot eolems rites.
whilst the Rev. T. Lloyd loaratal amiet.d the service is the church. The hymn, de th. Reeurrlction ina sung.
Mr. J. N. L'hurch (borough organist) wended at the bar ISOURIIII, and played The Dead March," at the else of the service. The collo, which was of beagulully polished oak.
bore it wimple Mew" taa. It was literally amend with floral butes. The funeral were Astir carried out by Mr Berta, undatak.w. Windeorrood. The following is list of the Irmaba, sent lin siZ fran his mother and family, Mn.
Jones Mrs. Harris (Omen), tint 'Willis and family, Mn. W. Eby Ifilkareatart, Mar sad Mast. Iltephms, Heath Coeslitatimel Vhdr, few tramps Mass H.
B. Hattori, E. U. Bradford. Olkver Wok awl L.
J. KaespthorneL Mr. and MR C. Kappa, Mr. G.
Moridiel, from all 01 Tynant, Mr. and Mn. J. James (Windsor. Mad).
Mr. and Mra Fraser (Cardiff). Mn. As drew. (ClaMle Hole, Mr.
Alb. Ibilmoor, (Brockley, Lon), Mr. E. Lloyd, from! lie anipneors' oiler Paddington. Mr.
and tint Rehimen, Mrs. Mr. and Wm. 3. 0.
Llerwenytt. Mr. and Mrs. T. F.
Wil. NNW 111Nera. O. Whittington and A. J.
Pike, lts E. A. Taylor and bar. (Rises), Mr. My Et.
Maraud workmen. Dr. and An. ellemess, Mr. J.
E. (lokbryer, Mt Burnie, Mr. nod Mis. Blackball (Ealing), Mr. and Mn.
T. Joss rod family. Miss Herne, Mr. and lima I iLs pp4 adises I arid Xt. Saida ars el ALLEGED ROBBERY WITH VIOLENCE AT SWANSEA.
FURTHER PROCEIMENros AT THE POLICE COURT. At the Swansea COOK, on Wore Maims. H. A. Chapman aad J.
R. Hama 61, David 7, Rock -street William Beg. ley. 22. Brmmeitnetreet David flimeett, 26, Emiasetreet, wee charged with elealing from the person of Jamas L.
Martia, the am of cle. at the max tints ming personal leoce towaris dim Mr. LIKIMOOD Richards prosecuted on behalf of the police, sod Mr. Hy. Tbompeon defended Begley.
Complaisant M- the evidence he had tees Wednesday fm rni ag ttitun la; the the pee foot tt on Bridge, and the robbery of the massy. Mr. Henry Thompson sought to try mem tbat Itevly did not take part to the mama and robberr. but seemed pu. Aim, and said Begley came after him mid mid not to take any notice of what had bap pmed or they would make it warm for him.
Witness bad nearly £4 in his mat pock's, which the defendants did not find. He ad- Milted being in company with Emma Hiltaian. a prostitute. The latter rave evidence is also did Detective Morrie and I)mite, of the artest of the defendenta. All the defendaats pleaded not and were movemitted to tak, their trial.
at the 148 1 2. 4 Bail one allowed in MO each. THE DEATH OF A HEATH ONTRACTON. THE FUNERAL WEAK b.wattl-szt• LUNGS trosondossay and the mains by strengthened and imagined he the me ot AigG Prraccsar ritotAlo4l. Unlike Oil it is Omani to take and agree.
with the most detlean stomach. siding digestion instead of distorting nenhing, and healing, it exarts a brachial helonnor upon the mucous of throat, longs, stomach and an tesunes. A NGISFL? EmuLesicra plemeribod by tbe Medical Predbmits sod aid 2 the hospatib. Of Omnilb mil Dims Mpg the alsleal ressieur Emul.on. It is made ilehminsi from weenier IreLls and 11, our oleo proons.
petroleum content hot. tbe Nose idiot 90 to get newt SAMPLE' 11101411111 oo receipt of 3d. ke 0. A. 44, chisyssi 1.
THE LAST WOMAN TO THE CITY. Pew of the heathers whom Illes Beanie Bo. bill has delighted at the Empire ibis tweet am aware of the thrilling Om went through is the on the very es of the war. It is seven year. sinew she en.
lest here. interval has been spent 5 marine Me United States. Canada. Mexico. Plot abs etlll the Beane of old.
appemotlY an yoang. and emry bit as charming ever. Her long a.m.* hes not withered nor travel rated her infinite variety, for her repertoire is intensive on. To an interviewer who had had hint of eenestional story of her escape from the Tranevaal. Miss Boriehill mid that she took more than no ordinary In the our ehe on one of the Met to Jobanomfasup before It broke oat.
"I wont otraight frorn Americo to Math by way of I.ndoe." ohs said. to Inlet on eight eogagornent at Johannesburg empire It was a In journey We arrived at Johtwoomboorg on (ho loot day in opened on Monday night, Onto. bar 2. Nobody boon one monmot to another wbotborlt be no or imam amid we tome told to name than woo peeltewolY neemorry. and mem oben we not to volumes' ea Monday morning no didn't know whether aloold be able to awn at night or wt.
At ebe nod of oath performance we had to peek not trooko jut tbe game no if we were going to trowel. exporting to bare to clear out KA moment's Lod so the roarageotte Empire with Miss Bonehill aad her husband. M. Fraley (of Seeley and Wee), at their bead. started on their effort to lighten the gloom that had settled oa this dmertad city.
"A Ape andietwe it Wei la eireanrasoom" said hies Bonehill. se rath light in ber eyes site Mall. the enthralment of that crowded hall. There was I. des the only woman In the Meek rawra the housekeeper!" At last it.
werawar www called together. the manager ttsperrag the news that the vett day would era raveled Merl rd that he loteoded Irvin the tetra The artier talked things or together. sat aided to with the management; to. abir brief May of sight Oft mays for the lbsile sad atfety. As we were coming oat." firehlll will tell eon.
"we bad to lie bow fee fear of being hoed at. 'not tbr to. liar ewe debit Mai very nasty wort, and we bow to they Wed do oan we gel leee Ile bleier. Whoa ter did Oa ern I geoid Yee Mud the end the riemt ted and the elesekeist My rod Ilk Wed get ere their esraels awl piped Ow iky do bet Net hesitipti: llele Dittmar' sad The Oter4iseeted Par we. idtb Mt their matt.
Is we. eight: we could see the ism, on either side of the bender. and we erg at oho toy of et. yokes. to that when we got to Clepe Teem or wale tee hearse to speak." ler 4 Ohm malt for it wee the het tvetttload to leave Jehemee.
ban. MA dar beallities herr. Oa the me. hollyl erreed re railway at Ye Tine there Ma gariagen Iged Iteee esd amoral men to sad Idedeete aLereolse the herder on. tamed Yee aft with arl these aosiatien and adventaree! grim Donnell.
Inth light-hearted seasirold.l mado mentol notes of and aad comes ban with mind ealletored erith viefg laspremloos of tho nature life and of loath Africa. And she is into the sun favouritr! tbe ten as ever "Play meta gore otcolibt ss ever to the heart. and Dear Friends" alway. enures for her toe reception. none get reputation on single ste told the is oneelesion, ''mme is the roma of years of hard wort.
One reason of my nee one is tbe of my soon. I on earehiog approaching droolialuars or vulgarity. I don't lite to see on the stage; re see too moth of it on the I never slag Jingo songs sober. All my al). Pie.s is obtained la easy to pit applause by putting in sone loose or patriotie albesion.
I pride tonsil oponily i egitt mate wort. and have SAWS doom what I could to elevate the Nap" OUR LETTER BOX TEMMONIAL TO M. VAN BIENE. To the Editor. Wwksi odd -I A CLTDLCH NECESBITT.
To Um We Ilan received the following letter for pcibliestion from Mame. Morell end Mini Dot Dear the 23rd of Minh neve, at the Theatre Royal, Manchester, our frieud, M. Auguste Van Biene will achieve an almost no precendented record in celebrating the 2.000 th performance of "The Broken Melody." He will aLo complete years' reeidence in England. On his arrival in London he weld obtain no engagement, and, although it now seems incredibte. he was obliged to earn his lay.
log in the enema where be won discovered by the late Sir Michael Cotta, and thronsh him obtained an meon as one of the at Comm Dardeti. where. before long. he became principal 'cellist. He was then engaged se soloist for various tours with the Cndentroin (Madame Adelioa Vann, Madame Chrietine Simon, and other celebntin.
He was for come time the very popular conductor at the Comedy Theatre. Vor nearly fourteen ymrs be wet one of the mom snocenfal and well-known tarring managers. mining large of the most succeeded sipsatic and musical entertainments of the day, nod Mn mm. pair wore of to nearly way Lbw tire in dee pme M. Van Riese ha.
slimy, bun or at the hese reedy to give kis minion he say alforthriase and it is noteworthy that, although he by Myth ad odsomice Dutchman, be Mn collected very large a in aid of the blandish soldiers in the Trosomal. It ie proposed, on March 23rd. to offer M. Yea Diane teatimonial from hie Maude sod brother and as mark of norms to present him with the celebrated and kinetics' llmadivariva 'oello. which was moo the favour.
no instrument of the great 'cellist, Piths We are, dear air, your obedient HENRY IRVING. CflAt3. WYNDHAM. fIEO. EDWARDES.
H. BEERBOHM TREE. GEORGE ALEXANDER, WILSON BARRETT. ARTHUR COLLINS MORELL AND MIWILLOT Phew addrens yom reply to the hoonnu7 mcretary, Edouard dose, 4 and 6, Broad Court Chamber', W.C. allow me to drew the attention ef Iles esembers of the Itilynderyclydach Parish coemell or the tesponaible tenons of the district tO the great and daily incresaled emenety of waled teach Amt.
in nod of umbering each home width It etrehrdrea (Bydach at premot them are maga egrente which beer no tank-War Dame wireasew zed many emote which or. situated no a lOW-. eau Mot ore taken In a temp Led bons bv Use mime of the plot of land opus Shia they eased. The naming of tech Were and the nurn. hones of each home will have the eired erect of facilitating the primer WWI to their proper melliehl whereas 1 mot Memo often oontnisaleg merapeadowo 01 Ornate aad rweldwatled abersaww wry eftwa reach Gaels wring ddiNlaellelb sad.
Wet I. new 7. 1. 1 em mei all to the: who www them. became ow cr lm ez lti ray Ye isekle fee or few Welbsr It ie WM r4 1 4 3 avAi Vi a or i i awn Ws wad warrawa a howrAte roar Ir.
whizz, mew wee be ample lie bar map the puree ewers eeI WOW Kraut bat so pertieMar of the been Two semen who ham the WM May eat-door to each other to while we It miry vitas lb. Inter IrS, Oat It ne. bet oily deliiremd Wide mistake th of is kind oometinem Wade is litele beadarread sad RIP geese fir darleg a i ely I La eim titiln i gmr rif 11. eat of is kind weed we Unforteaately.l this also Nel poemertion attache 01, 0 ti. eer raw eenew-ernded and iirro rune people.
MUM curare of elydel a. prompt and else. and merit se 6111.di of rehne Pieces; hot cams to. hied ehestmeed will bees the intelligence 01 0470.1. home persons expect matinee to WA any merges.
no matter how brief mei, Mame might be. With tbe new elver reining the Inters proMmet le thol more booms. streets. will be added to the ahead, coetatoed in the village. 1 hope.
therefore. mem bandit will be denved from the onneation 1 ham made, prompted he the fact that some of rer lettere have bean on to. In eoncluslon. I sawed like to stale tbitt the earn. farmer miner LK in the dinrict.
bet that one of tic Meats should bear the name of a man who has been inetrementii in brayer to Clydarb LW gramma ad mom Mtportam concern get pleated in the Swam VaLlay. I Bad Cough ol.s-cl4. Winter. 07, "Was getting so weak and thin, we began to be much troubled about her." ISABEL FLOIRCPICE immures. That persistent, haeaing anti hangs oa bethe metals is weak.
The imam mint nemSay oily Alford temporary relief I. became they do not enable the to overcome Ito own weiknam sad thee have the resistive power to ward alf imam of the trouble. The quicker people begin to think about the real standard of their health, and Shea look beneath their chronic aihnents, the sooner they will begin the treatment of their Mamie aiL meats from as intelligent mandgoim. You ono mom the mkt of Ode by wilting say satidical man us tine cc say other I enlightened eaantry. Indeed, the whale paptice of medicine ia the Nature tokelp, herself.
The little gid winos photograph we beenwith reproduce, wag unqoaelioaahly in low state of vitality, VT eke mold Dot Imes had bad cough all through me waiter. The fallowing letter tells oboes the trimmest of kor waald try Bcott's Entebbe, and after the first I beak or so we maid ere ehe was improving. I She seeds sash headway that she lest the coegh she lad, sad berm to get ,42 Then ohs bad a very bad attack of ttojiiit. whisk made her very bad again, but we persevered with the Essaleies, and I finely believe, bed we net dam to, it would lave goos hard with her. flasks to Bones Rambles, however.
she is well sad outog van; a fact, she looks the paten of remani, yaws testy. 8. Watkina" Mr yaw see the power of Bcott's liaabies erreronas the wash teadasaies of the It is speeds fee soun and colds, ell taunt and hang areetisan be it etatoss. eed-bwer ei and ereur, both of I are samba reniebri agents. lat etwlt's lizenalen is awl raw them spans, lininse it porata the ail in fern thst is 'wily di.
pawl sod richly atnerbed. Oefrogal, when the ail mos in the blood, it "Bactoo-rood, Dover. Kist, 15th Nay, Int "Dear um great to this to to as mho of Soott's Emu Wow My child, who hod jet tamed throe sad a ha I yours, led bona from bad all last Irials. We teiod Walt of, tat to so 111114 1 1111Ve rsUisi me tory wok sad thia, we bagsa bobs as 7 much troubled about her. W.
thought vo fulloool olto mii wai sins ths und of Soil's pidakik, ow llor wybell an nolog a. WW awl ad mos. I ei paw. MI Amigo, mil Scon's if fi i'. 1 01, i 1 4 t4 411110.
1. 's 1 1. 2 4 tY-. 4 -7 1. 199 PORT TALBOT.
YOLUPTIMIR DiNCI. Al the DAD Hall. Port Talbot. on Wecledm clods the deed ball le orinwertlon dth the tad Yolsatmr Battslioa of the Welsh led, wed wee Md. The yip! hall had been aim', asseested for the oracles.
the wall. lodine reeplerclat 'nth I. array of old mord tamed lames of a brad Irsoo TM Wage was aho a pretty sight. with an array of pelansodeverwreens. shaft dow did a prominent pisee on the U.
wee War Other proclamation Wild forth tbet all branched of ths endue were omit sod ineitiog The dooms Mm Mitclien 5.17 Pharaoh deters the ladse. la their chimed cloared drama the Volunteers In uniform. and the ornamos everyday leclemlagilaw in the of the ellgclat dames. Tbe pioneedi of tbe dads are to be dimmed to the toads of tbs 155 hattalion of the Weld Regiment. hot the theimency of the weather knot away a Imps claim of raven of the light fastartic.
The committee sad eclanle were: Water Gray Irienclant hedera. Roma gearterclssse.llclemoo Wholelaw. Sergeants T. LI. David.
I. 8. Davies sad D. Dimes. and Coreirril Kirkham.
The hem sesierary was Bergeant-tnetiector Kash, and lanneasat Humor and lierwant Jones emlormodlb. dales of M.C.'s in mon ratathr filaterriptions kind were mosired from Major Gray. Alderman J. H. Smith, alder rims W.
Williams, Obonciilor Homy Wood Masers. Phillips i Talbot arrow, Bey. Evans. Lloyd. J.
D. Zeta W. Darr A. Phrsayka W. Pryor.
W. Morgan. E. David. Ninny.
Jenkins. A. J. Moore. Mrs.
P. W. Page. Dm T. lA.
David. Mrs Capt. Tram. Staff-fneweant 1.. J.
Dancing coonsmand at 130. aad arm West we snromittingly tinel Ur early boon ol the morning. Among Urea preeent were: Moo Gray, Limitmairt and Moo H. A. Llostsasat sod Mir David.
Se Vlisianictor and Wm. Whits. aad Mew Wood. ilergerat. and Mrs.
Piper. limment and Moo Chestoe, Ilemearryln. director and or. Meit and Mm. Ocancillor and Mn.
T. A. i.gre and Mies Mr. and Mn. Preston.
Mr. and LI. Mrs. and Mir Stow. Kr.
and Onntha Mrs Wan. Mr, Prankosm. Mts. Mainwaring. Mama A.
Medford. Kan ehall. John (Dmithl. P. Ansold.
Nichotl, Phillips. A. Dark. I. and W.
Um. Lientanaal T. Memell. Criewritelosae Sergeant, Wraps rad O. Envy NHL Lisenswisat Weedboose lard Senny).
CrMagma. Ineco.Clinenrsl Groat its. Private J. Jams. P.
Jenkins Daniel. E. JLleets. W. R.
Thomas. J. IL Themes. Lew)s. M.
D. L. Mort. J. B.
Canning. R. L. Drama W. Lona A.
J. Wyatt. D. 8. Smith.
Mo. Darla, the erasing Mt. ONE AT NPOMT. ri I I wan. 4art ".4 lees Thome' Ise bud mot Omagh the foil.
lag a sad "hwei ahoy ter Parlfirat 1....... 5ee: a 4 haw et the Wi lh i nth einis. 7 'Whir loam hams. math sairnes. COUNTY COURT.
Saw Judge Billow They di Tesieb Me LIVER. I Hi Honour gave judgment in the cam Of Daniel Evans V. H. W. Price, a emit are in which a claim ea.
made far £3 dam. the pricepaid for a snit. Mr. said that immediately the am was adjemased the clothes were returned for ahem. nor, said then be found out that they bed boa worn great He asked his Honour to give judgment for defendant.
Mr. E. T. Evans cited the 53rd section of the Wee of Goode Act. 1893, in favour of Ins cLaint.
Hi Honour gave verdict for defendant, littlest amts. JF.WELLERY Isom Roberts, Angelstrem, Aberumn, tued by Maws. Tow mend and Richards, jewellers. Gswinmon road, for the sum of 24 18a, being balance left for jewellery received. Mr.
E. T. Evans appeared for plaintiff. David Townsend gave evidence of being pmd by Metal. 'mints of small amounts.
An order was made for payment of to. per month LLANELLY POLLE COURT. Waialeale) M. Bann Philip sad asaa. CASE Nary its Daniel, La.
Unman, was dirgd with wiling intositess Ela Assam the 16th Ussery di. 17 6 f. ler dos doisideat. P.C. Dwain Dads dapined, dot as the day in eartics Is ow two sea in ths hese Seat 11.86 I.
the sessing. H.ealiad the attendee of the landlady to the hat and dated that he would nest P.B. Bryant gas serehonativa Uses woe, that the sea wise at Us draw for the al ea a yew that was Boma dieser' the ear on payers of oasts. I 1 I 'Nal LE 'ITT IVER PILLS ABSOLUTELY CUM SICK HEADACHE. BIUOUSNESS.
TORPID LIVER. BIDIGESTFON, CONSTIPATION, SALLOW SKIN, DIZZINESS, CURBED TONGUE. Small Small Small app surto thity are CARTER'S. all ABERAVON CARTER I may die any may all of to, readal tried te WIMP jokingly. I feared alterwaids that my violently had tom earned a little too far, alma I fnund that fit.
Atilwri attached undue vase to the yam Inteneat wince I aweeredly felt kr tie Semaune. It wee shwa necamery far me la rime lila thatthe Weed with white loth imerimiaWdaegThielikernanke Might nab le idea from midday the Ihb woe whin I dlortwertd that be hod wade up Irk Wad to sok the haod ot the dowsbew Ii nodose; aid it pm almost without min be had set himodi I to toroosplioh his tint hi wee aot ot the mot iiesehbod Mod whilst the aworers which ho roodist sadly satiated him yondb added. le rdieberialtlld to the Mew whichha so middy had the ewe of the fetal dad the mewed bet bet behind hod eddy lidem Imi id die pedal el bee We Ism This ymbet embed he bar Imbed. ad bis seediedto ad with all be Maid ef bee Ilds, Ede me feel as if oeld wear dm Wog bers we bask dee I met lb Adds few hems efterweeda eft the Year is be bed amil dr his gbaily flea Ti. tad of wy Mete beergen him ham his boyhma having bid halidely emaciated with emenkted about hie him to dim den Med el all the eliadibmimiew ma I Ti.
Yid to bagammi to be added rod of to. bola did mese afforded an. Wald by der ppm id addle II deem I dieb Phi. hmeima rad Wed to litsbory. i the Id hem as sebum of same debeity to tee ad wee afterweede a afkmai la mm did ked albedell moth at the time.
Jew wee bee smides dlb aubyn's dodge bed hem sedler, be limb his wife wee illegitinsate, he bot me dot her under bee sumi rem The girl hemeKted Ids child din tide meets esedad lied es her mother had Isar diately edited hem pad dice It bed bus mil to May Yr to sesavista ideeimee it thshi boa to. War did hod add lbs. lansuat EWA led oriesety bees the bet dila disibed Me threat of Oda lad en the We to yemg lea It Ade" Mad medd It dm Mee far the Loyal neamme to bee Mart fill bum the WO Wahl which dee bad derided of bee deed mother to reality se ire ad fberadandg. BM far worae de it tee her to hem to er her bone ad evident diefllealea not only foe id mbar who had borne her, bat rim for land to do was it for me to dem with the peed ors In his mood of disembodied, er to del Out the famidiamly delicate tads of Ike weed whom he had married. She was es legally and irrevocably mit the had net hem worried to him from paled aad by tie fad pneances of her snolier bat I ihot bola Id Id time dr ihe hand of the dimeremy dm bed horde belfaconviatke el the bre bet timt dose would be duds to rot km boshand sualass his.
Pride of birth, and a hold ametterkip of dads. which Ind him to talk abed Not me In wady of the lay midis imilmedile whet isedity redly rreana--etccd bidets bons this time I mween him ad de ingest yaw wife. 1. could not be esid that they actually an. into caliber" bet Met dm St.
Sully Demi F.m. that time Weed her natural bed living the life of dely ad wand Ebe made vaia AM, to had uIP We had ter while, and then its deamed end paid The mere delights of mistime which an shared by the rich and tom, the disenno of early be dam the blued nodes air. the Meg dies aa bamitedk ad Me Preme rambles ca fed dee emir again to be ban. Invalidism invalidism I meld see how ate revolted against her lot whim 1 bed to is I bertha its mid only walk ebtetthatence st time. ad always to careful to Idle to the hod betas be role in the demon bow edited tinge came to be psis Meek like thr demo hoe of thell, whea 1 bided that 1 would try to get ber homed to tab her fee winter abroad, and that Mew.
of might be beneficial is km an. 1 could ee how she caught at the ides, ad add pad hot sha am well as 1, thought it mild dd. the in the air. Me did it Item that I sherd dee the suypeond to he dr mama a. its relented his hes.
incisive wade whoa be mid hit the quieter ea was the better, and that fared, rer into otata-t with ell into of the did he dandd deprecate for the mode of kis Madam I could add hem Maid far her dm 1 remienhed thot be greatest soda of bar swear 's lib had des dice in Italy, and that it ma to Italy 1 bed of the daughter. peed place for the majority of woman I at he mid: and I could not Leap answeriag "gad the right ding is to make knee doomot kr them" 1 have to hese did Wes an begot tyrant," Dot I beton far dm S. babys's led The very feat of haglaskieg es if he shod hated her yawed hew mock be bad do loved Mr. the di it wend to ids dap in steed old dm. Ned she acme as be wed ham bees quite 5 of waiting till the adds shoed dew pima I ado that, fran ths amonete gide to me by tor Ida that dee telebe peed mid hoill bead dile to cordes how of semiabyebried eseizi desollallily lemerfakag mcirdas for beam I earbiered ewe atiods oolleintly arias to beg We weld to no at awe directly ow at Ikea Wit Woe.
net wider wog bow Wm .4 dull ow but Allow yes wt Moly to wary anyone by esoliwol Wavy esaddsi. laser wile. lew two. WOO bwo roody to aces bar Wird larsbadag bra Sot whotarer Ihoes had boa to eadthe istr tap. as he ha hessla dr Yoh le lhoth Onta Whin yea of Man hitatal dr was Mai.
thi trim wass, what he pit impahhe bet ll lo it dem ma am. ha whim air Or 81. natthel ail Ahab to art to Odle her tea (kr the the very soomari t. sa hobs amok" lam abawmaaamma boor at the the Weed! I MN ea ma of to. lam inaari that he dMO to thaw to.
aim gad ijkijOWA Wad to bath ha pith of the gift In man is ia is sa, 4 the the dhapplntal stediamt te a am pa a nensne has da as ISOM thallobeal meat hth lad eh sea loth la lath dr ramie it dap mama. Dithear mil to he aus la Unita beby thithitht eth thlk itrth olmi ugh tharthth siorba own in in nat. lobbi who sti bol bad 01 2 6 aid to Saw wig shop pp boa Immo than that "ram thhath Wm. awrisig Sr awns. mg St keg py line anew abent the wilthw's eatemedlalla sall that of a aateysia ha then in this fir to to bid 'Awn Guam I.
axiom I in the body's Leowth ashrents leak at to pmps. the had beds any. hey etharad their be. ka a a ft II Imr to ha gra" sal teed hod wet as arm taw MO woof WOK tiathila of the et ma to walk. the In theme for the hit to i 444 emonan.
sad be arbsks--oh. akin ire he he uste a km voila to ha ma tathairo no esethelnd to be wended teem 6. the heePttelitY 180 4 to he the" by I dai of Mims, to what dr alleisd, rid amithea of he Tama. hod Amiga her kr always Mahe up her to few ter of end math raihretty too deter a The Towers. hie the ba yea or her maidwhise Alma semal to be a a.
a of mow letalt. What fta, wibiliar at Raw. bowskibil iishadir of the lOW Whim lbw to the yousta thin Is ea named he lin to wish he In thin aba to hied Ice bilm to here me, Zahn het she het broil a. sr man WWII Os Nollie, am, a ism sow with 116 .6 of. es 1116 wee 6 I It a.
enmity, and dm ea it ea salthily Nam. bulathre aithea. er of habit 'WA, kW boa Ihr lielhalrothilea in whicii I ball always Oldialleg Wag the yaws at haleiahal" of ma aaa athethe orb of hie bar ba bia ads. NO Ml6 a. iniaL ibe ibet yea sulpha it weld be the thry to to be sib mew of.y brat to ism i utde ing ll7 to croo-lifili et fey theli.
sod hew el barhimmigherwe sada sad tried mita into his kero a ads said wow le roonla Oh. awmalase whet ISt Mille aid MIL 1e.8.4 et tali I awn to feel its Side rib ime mid Ye soh a IL llattleth somma-dho aaa mu. lip. roma am is air do it mbar aid el Theft ebr-bbla aba lbw Newby Om lb bath bee tece-tha it wee se 11 awe lima sal amid Is aim Po ll a. ffe bilis the which snows, el am km was rd as I hwetv diss Me oo lho port hoo likh isi as ig 4, die all.
I lad toss ailttlitse la my thapods. I aid eonathise of tth sat to ter I hew' blame gayest dm Nor km-feebe has mimedtigitilr Ib. Ibm ths absaald the-int it I had a Heck dead It woad lea Mat hathenno-et amid draw Se bib Ammar toi abarbad hit wext4. and sepia So somillm ummil itherthat IV" to e. Om Wm.
yen I did haw tha she was to, or than Liesy km. Ike a. of th anagram sad Imamit emwbews.ldem v.d„ do hi ih.d be in Newelt aria wkmsd. aed row pride km to wish thret of am haw law it hathand. 1 to borkbir the Wiest tad What 411111 a.
se ins thst be Nolan 41 OA set to the Intahhoheina ea lad stealth' ha idler which addend, rapdred Math Mew "Dienes to always tumble, sad Mire is eat Ilea, to. had changed WSW of Ito tettinth mak the matter with my wife-it is otily and thie-sequating the vas of the ardar- heredity doe Is unfortunate," said FL Awbfa, bad salmi if ale weld be Mime te the ell whia I Well hs raison with Ciro "Teit arm MI a metals Mar, at the had so g. to Laden ea well as I to, LW SAL that themtee bat et lovesess. She bad MAMA ea gain ekes. Ogles then we haw hate Dam 111411Malf worths, WS a.denehter that mho hoped to he hedi tha nos est bar aighLkm dam the easeassa hal bus ow .4 aa haa theta or the had takes a kart tine he Lahti mew raw lea than mad to the met All that he meld eth tang tea The plate woo seedy leahlthalth wee that jatt as they were made, the amass I wade halves ant or her whoa as to.
beirmity they baud the whistle el the train and saw the I at of her ease amok, of the engine. that Mrs. mined te him rather excitedly to drive aeon (paddy. hoping that they might etill be in tier be it, and that on executing err bikes be Semi that the lady did not Move. owe, emirtires revealed the startling hiet that her heed fallen helplessly on her Imam asit she sea died.
Way did yea nut tell me that the might die like tide sobbed the daughter ler hours afterwrenk ernes Iwee orsmmcesadte it saything mold be dose to glyphs that which I had to explaia to her wee Indeed a corpse. was my wish to do so bet she would we beard It I eeenered yea tons dein that elis bed a right to keep law arra ascrelr" vad 0008. lOW WE WWI "Don't the: lifeless tane," I Mil to bur ono day: NY habit will row yen, If yon do not that ineirself oat of it." She bed Imams inlip mom mom In her toobe. end aim salaiid eibt be ter 'object de which ir bed melon to nmeteedy, es It emosiibe bath ot us. It me.
In Mk no wonder UM In Wow His be tins conmeetion had hem antortamem, amting barrier of bashful emmeetemeo sod iswkweni reeellection between am Mk whet I sew her daring that SIIIMIIer itr NIA when it me tensible in I be. be, making believe to end Ilkit I Noticed with the prohational eye, which ste to notice these things, thaj I ahem. thas had Wel TOLD BY MANY: (c 4 PriPie) oft, A COLLECTION OF DOCTORS' STORIES. By MRS. J.
KENT SPENDER. Alitbar GI 'Tatted Liver: Yr. "Bib Ur WNW Beast: a Slaw Teisgtalisis." ILLLSIIG THY DEAOI. Ss damn as comilest may be Ilitlidso int la I sowelluma Ibirdme as maN sispelsod ins pined yes leames maided ma abet let miser des dsmitew. Ibt alit mai pelt, and temsates, Wag Is Itir Mem and la Yr maser MO Ow wisehee, tea se a widow, awl seelmad sams dam Linde to rule ea was a pme la vs all.
She email to nava Ms matter for weak les samostad by est tar bad bum so Mend and had lid a may Mind Wm lint am tem saa raw impierpr Yoe also having a peek ewe ismoselmilisonaly ittlaybad pees mum hilwartag and ainiplad brim melamine, ispeelly as tea Wry We pie thim semi la bo saname sad istmont. les est Um sem les bar geoltsd tad MY Went ell her trim was after the wed Mester do seineparion 11qa1o I is It we Ora tha beim lemma of lam: shwa 1161110111 MI boss brad dew lbw gismatka. "tilg dreglear ia geserally eo hard to Ss. I Ise sever seen hw tee sh se Is say se bates" she said ta serabst gueledly, asking wist I Sadie el Kt. IL Sas Ina he who see th.
she added. She was clever enough to take the initiatives vow di ke instance, who thought to Wed faanalag Mo. St. Astireis Widows omit le toe cankil; obi OS gleaned, in owiset, mwomeleg way we particelerfy NL ADA Aileen bas we show met bin el the where the violin If 'be hiblefollwr ha would probably Iwo hod quiet way et loam out, long before thin" I laughed ha soy rime, for I gemosed OM I. who was a family Er mod who had grown up children of ray own, wow consulted in this say as a sort of vicarious Lather.
"If there is aarlike between them of the sort to which you it will not to in the power of meddling stmeers to separate them," answered, adding list tbe St. Aubyns prided themselves oo being um id the oldest families the neighbourhood. "If you come to that, they am better as to blood than many of your mushroom poem," I was sarprised at to, ander. Heaven iJIi to. dad' as faid, In one of her meek sibs, "It would las wean for ins to whams Psopis sales accuse me of ding biliansd hying to forward it, but Heaven TM Est fader wiz baud of ambition.
Ids lib lea las to sso be fallacy of ad to disk tad say ad of saatcdaks dr. Tat you door doll yea bad tokl sao. ad if I to dio at rag dada bar.sana way butt is teats. faidg, whir Whoe keg on End bal 1 dall robsmil if. to to.
to. elf9ll ame. lea kora that wry 0114 in happily reavidel She a vas ka ber way at ayallOg radabli lee it Waft. I amid list wimilds. aiwilia de had emallelag woe arind eollb Or she In a wow.
embirdalla may WV VW 'melt boa de alibt have as lir Mpir. lbem vas maim 011.04611116 1 1 10 (Wag AMIN" ale Me Wild dui dr 1141 sit throb luld I an to bet lode, 1118111 int AO wear Weassfilig Igor arlag Vag WO petwilaged. abe MK "'alai. I doom I. attar lira pa Ism till sra IMO I die 'WS IMillmilliiklb Smilmobg lemma be mmindisity.
"Tat bm yaw Moan OM Ms Mb; ma mall Im how momtlis I pima thM my Ilot wommhi meramslims t. Omsk so smay le Ira itself to lore, bort ant id Mew dimly ammaMod any dinging am as edskset. Iles bps nom spoke WI la liss posafroir expression ed bor liquid oyes brows I Mord. as It wog Ibis words, "It is so hard ma Gerald oh, did he marry me" Attemnices, ae I heard afterwarde, were maided OA thew in the heanehold. but the Nam amweetwelhenielf as happier wives 4,113 13Mgev pod outspoken expreseim asin noronary often between rods be km each to clear the Mr Ind min tans feeder of each other than lily wens to get rid of thunder duds width an ernsieka eau never be to owheilimiL let Ma wake was so Inner eoft and tender ss ft had been to the metier days of their married niunded almost stern when be blamed her for not mixing with her friends, though wealmen compelled ber to (luny Wendt to visitors.
"A woman who is worth anything," ha said la my presence me day, "always thews at her bast when she is Moos with ether women." And law that she had a sense of humiliation. Zirhen, answering to what she supposed to to kW merge dislike of her, she said, a bole desperately: "Or. Mika knows taut I nuke all the sloes I can." snie atultiGes herself with perliii surfeit of woo resit so musk am mire to forget." yrs. the only worrier he merle before her. kat as he followed me to the door he said: She requires must not think me unkind to say to.
She used to be quick of wit and ready of speech. Most doctors would spice with me that she Mon treel7- ment and that it wortid be the tritest kindnest to be firm." I I had almost embed not an indismot sneerer, rut be had better find somehody who wee Imes, but, remembering the Lady, I motioned spelt "I don't like her state," he contented. "neither do I answered readily, "and if yen would have a emend opinion I Mould be obliged to you." Soon after this the wend opinion became Imperatively necessary. Nobody could tell exactly whet had happened. It might only have been the remit of one of tho.e of enmity and rrinction, which be had an.
meetly given her, perhaps unknowingly, Mame the discovery of the stain on her birth which had effeeually ostrained bet from Imlng words to him before others, nod perhaps even in private. At any rate she had hit the dinner table somewhat abruptly, going up hots her bedroom, and, lying down an be, her habit was when she was mom than usually fallen into an of the deep sleeps from which no efforts could wake her. It lamed so long that IA Asiliya grew frightened. "Let her is the best thing that could happen to her. Tired Nature will wham recuperate in that way but she will need no her sleep," I said, nein that for once he woo a good deal alarmed.
And I did not weeder, for the sleep in this mew was Indeed the twin brother, of ninth. My logos agreed with me that nothing Mould be dene, thong! he added that it was my rare and Migrating itime. After two daye ehe awoke, and we mow let her know km long is bad slept. When she recovered I had my way, for St. Aubwa, who was really kindhearted, had been so thoroughly frightened that be took her abroad for ememary change of air.
After that he Win the courteous sod polite husband. always Mewing attention to detail, edicts sma perhaps a little overdoes There wen no more alteiratime, apparinale, uppdally before the sonata, were carefully kept am bat 1, who Mew them well, could see Met time was, as before, an Impassable gulf beisem Still, the assiretk state became et harmed that I wag no lamps apprehensive Um it Aukryn. It was Illierefcre the an that year or two viem lea tramelog in Norremedy, I received telognsa imitentmg me 01 bar death. Pa her owe be I could wareety be way, tor is me thaw better 144 that hen nes by so mar a tangy Ills. Hooked epee her as ese el ails mat ishe set ateepth theathels is mem scall is then mho things War theassines he this Ilk, ben mho man mating, patently bethitg their easses, be.
tine shwa owe when the sppoirdmet sad aioell be arer, and dealt maw be pat as sod Is the enarthir far eadennes. Tat, thane' is nes dalienta I al maim to as her I pothered oar the clnansignass tills ghat tly idea ocsureed to nes, heingleg est the meat in beads ups my lashad. Map as am net ant Perham Is my ethesea, daft land Isppened to spate her nesithe was always sea is thee poseithe ast math a contingency lima lan whops Oa which be ny sheath lad bre bath tor dual is imply Oa donation al the renames et the traneeclits crudities. IS na than the a pesibility that the might bleated alive. I nand to the telegraph ram and triad to Ohm to Oder the ea long is pastas, as I tees Manning to attend IL I wrote as sass es I amid este' the past to bag that the gain ahead not be tbstened down till I op, and thin I fathead day aad night.
I mating every mama valuable, so that I badly Indeed belied. Coma I dolt be tins I. Wadd lasy moth at se ba wifd sistionast I felt like cese elms remdecied me up the Ades in the treve of moursing, and told me that If I had not arrived Mt when I did it tight have beta necessary for the undertaker's MK In proceed with their duties. I was ene-1113i0WS of the dust and Adios of travel Lall opus sr, and of this unexpected grief depleted eseald's face. ..11.
De. Mika," he rid. etartag bied, I gar deep hos net beer lid( tie atilt, dad bred kr to. de" add thr ale OD Olga a Pam" 'Parer sot, bat re irk to detest P. I asereed, I beat err the toseadful eddy, almody to the ear AM.
as I err kir prank battery tad dblied helper, I need as mar to myself to my errands to to. arforded Worm ef drib asombry pretierters, asd embed Wig Vry had or or to Leaks ter kivism I mealy hard to. atarred Ore .1 wake lessabeey amered 'Mr reedd toga Ile re whoa the woe awl had do tree era to notice to. timerd's Wks wino choking In Ids Anna an I aid restet bar the moat to hasl.ith.advaMlit,otapart. rid, add bildad ma to hide my ore fere add ray andamer us 1 aid if they heel dot hoed df keg rehab of to.
ere dd theeth-ilhe shop of hiberrig earmr aM how had bra airport that Ur We of embeist hoe has by amewilmat Mewed up to aepeeist bet that. am Itotientsly lee the thamy. the Itheessetag did set esht to all hilataelent I yet ea to the carter omen whith had boa aetheathetted is lads, whoa 1 I to ow Went as lie scaderieg spothesea For I end moat myself by aulatt slits thet the moan me thwee ft is realm to wise into ism peoleeekaal data Us. Ihdteleta to say that stela. start that elterteelde.
es bit Bt. habya late the RCM the int wade which I tell ups to, ear of bit wife mere I I it is not too lato foe re to tall jes bor I brih 1... 101bi Imps is tall he by elesubill 7 WELSHMEN libeeld Ilimite Prince Llewelyn I Shagg. Harry Cullum lam dyed tap a match with na-1 eler foe IRO) yard. the match to IM.
at Rochdale mate time in March Waft MIL I undoubtedly ham bag lob on. for Ilha mai wall he rotas nearer Tinder's favourite athitamm lof mile. kill it is mid that Cullum ie antwO love with his at LOX yards than I bull mils. and. meta, that be toot the time about the best in the at the shear and that be le without donbt amok.
I the 19) to. hardly be manhiddlandai 1181111.1. 1110. It nom to be meet melt I and there will grebahly he P.M ufund oo I TIDE TABLE YOR PZBEIJAAT. BMA Moder OM, Week of I elontk Day Maui Time.
Dad 1 0043 Dant 111 77 37 0 no nr M. 734 31 6 So 6 100 17 753 07. 176.176 SWANSEA SHIPPING NEWS. ENTERED 14. Onansasy.
William 194, Hamilton. G. ilimpbert ft. Parma. Jun al.
Wanes. Wallet And Os Bt. Park Imolai a Noel, NoGet nod Or. Vannes. Nentaise 67.
Dandoic. Bolles nod Cm I.a Rocaelie, Fa.llia ISt Who, Pollee and Co. Adelaide 10.1. Amen. Nola.
Lad Om Barham Duane. Mk Barger sad Oa. Ilatoma aad Warm Cem.o I. aad Os. rs Oa 1.4301.
79. Holding. P. Parmavia Talbot. 40.....
2ft Haermots Lena lif. Balsam W. Jeffrey. Dart S. Zama Menet and 00.
14, Nordeans. Giralda. a 1100 piaroceL Semen. and 00. Eleanor 1 J.
llorrison. Ramos Thal s. 500 me Iron. Wr.get. sod 10.1...
mheo. Vivian dons. 1 Brulgarater. Borah, 100 Wheat, Weaver and Col 1 2.000 tlnplate hoses shins account. 'thablia.
Caps McClure a and Ge. CLEARED POE POE 14 Tabard a 166.3, Catauia. fuel MO. AtllllidC Paid coal WO, Liang.loo• nod os Maurer Ift Pieter, vis Pert Trillma general. John Barrisoo.
Bella hi. 11.1.44. lftgoevilla coal lft Kama and Davao. 11.W.T. ft.
Panacea. coal id Nes o.all/ary 00. Windom NI. Le Namoel. Carenton.
coal 97. G. Jeffrey. and 0.. Bemint 4.1 84.
Vaaa, oral GO. Delastm Canals Ma. Bohan. ti.lve•tom Wafts, 114 W. Perch and Cu.
Meridian ft, Comm. Poway. 1511 sad Bong Otargoaror Mu 6.16,5,. ma. amalgam 11.
D. Hs, rice sad OD. ft. Dermatias 78. Gilbert.
Wsicha. 4 1 Al. 40. Pena. oillsia ft Wm.
and banker. 10. isnanhead Co ()ono 1413. Weariog, Nantes, f.el WO. Id 8L A.
Clams and CO. bankare IA T. Frew Lad 00. IS Ns. Boa coal IX 4.
and OLDS acCOwe 994. 0.1101... 0.60. via deoaral. Swims nod Oo LOCAL SHAJIJS Hiram 11.
ST LM' li. S. Jones, mac Aka WILLI 14. WINU-a raga f. MAMMA.
Illeama 'Maw" masa Ne. 41. BraleaL Paid. Nana ViCaere Il a ()am- Ord 4 all M. aed OD per ear" ar4L-ae -44 bars.
Ala Lad 644 4 4 414 wenn" 4 1 1 a ark- Apr ant ALS -144 lama- Okendad Lama Pi- Pi L. lay 4.1 La- -Lemeave 4sid Pavasial -11 et eta ILauk---- ad lielneuangue. 1 -Dm Kau. .4 sa -116- gem. Pst- AI 21 1 1 p.1..1.
Laub. Si and 1,190494 I I kor emu II LI 1 414.6 Wm. 14- 1 6 per sea. LI Ceure --fii a --Laser. Ara, ap-444 bp or sem .21 4 moils: 4 499 MA.
41 Ilsook-Svoirp Capoillai alos. 4 40 641641144- fa LII per era. at- 11 44 pair owl. Deb-. 749-14 9 9 4: 0 4 41- IC 619 yer rn a rPreL-all 44- Ma- 4 peremat.Dda.-alle-Me 1 91 419414-ksre ea.
6as4esa. Oat -ta --Taylor and £lO C4 per ill -11 I 4.11 44 esa llebaNe-Jla -KA pitz Zia Purchase act gala seraira la ell Lena aoau Batas yel 44444114 P.oDkk pal anarsera I la w. be et are 1......148440: TO TEI 'kb lady, cared of Deaner aad Noun 3 tbe Read by Dr sou'e Arttacml Net Drama. gave A.Z..000 to eo that deaf pmele unable to lu" oS tbe fear Mums May haw taMial tree 27.5 the laialtuts, Leogtott Unanembary. Loodoa.
W. ertaubd sod Pablialy ALNI7XL IFTWAX I I ter tbs "Cmabna Deal- Lauber" tbeir Priebe. Warlat a rg Cbmnbeis. Gi. ewer, Pailsbil lib lite SCOTTISH-IRISH MATCH.
MiIEPOWICIEWM TO SATCEDLY WEEK. 3EGAN VNONTANET CANCILLED. THE Noun! OP ENGLAND. Though a thaw bad eat in on the ground al Dublin where th. international Rugby between the reprmentatives of Scotland mod Inland wu to he played, the emergency cam, of the Irish Rugby Union, who v3ntall the Lansdowne-road ground on Wedueeday afters noon, decided thst oold he wisest to Pane the match to Yebnsary 24th.
The annual had become very hard, and it was not thought that would poraibly he to. playable meditate by Saturday nest. This rather eons the Sk.i. tith edictal, than otberwiae. bscatme their hone playing In so match practice for Wt.
leaks. anti as POMPamment is km regretted on that aerosol V. R. C. McEwan is Devisable absentee from the Scottivh team, and.
although the reverm 12. Scots. of Rankin la an es.antermitional and one of the best forwards on the academy captain will undouhtnlty Le 01 if he is goalie to oh!) on the 24th. It ia that the Llanolly Clu', have rah. Ice Hod their attarse with Aberavou.
Awother match which has had to he I. that between Glamorgan and iiomcrecl, was doe to be played at Bealreauee todyy ellaradayt. groand ireft-troUrld may he Just SI Wt. tla tO cartcol Glanlociesehire would not hare been 0.5,1.1 to rod scything like a repreeentat.ce arum to falai the Ilsture a Ou gredneaday teething the goatlmm irdee kW Comalthee of the Engliah Rugby Kura we it Leedom and than the followtor the Booth 10 the mum Ettore is di the North at Leicartar on Saturday week the event at poetoonernent being necras.ow. as the following itatarday.
Numb 3 Ha(o. T. (Wolin; thesowarters. WP. Coolaw i.
Celina and Devon). W. L. Boating (Richrnaat 13. Gordon-81E1th 'Blackheath said Kent.
B. Porrest (Blackheath and i becks. G. T. Litwin (Blackheath god and B.
E. Klagston (Northanadoe lend East forwreda. J. DaMlllll University and Rowena). C.
T. 0 and Kent'. A. F. Cd (Blackheath and Kent).
g. Beyaolds (Richmond and Matalraezi. S. Matthews iLeicenet mid Mai heed Collating. N.
C. Fletrher (Cambridge Val. acuity and A. P. C.
Locmore P.lacki and Kentl. End C. Rail albdirecee and li(iiathetemi. With the It. li.
and the four foreleds othile of the tow Lase repreethted UAW aunt ry. The fotlowine teams ham been moment Oxford and Cambridge (Amoeiatio4 in their annual comeot at the Wren's Club on Oen --Oxford Usiversity: 0. E. Wia Simon (fithrewsbary and Unimrsityi: (oal: Li V. 04 and Oriel) sad W.
Blade barn 'Benton and Oriel). basks; K. e. Arlan Minrheeter and P. E.
Caborne 'Bt. John a Loatherhead and Kahle) nod U. Wyld (Barren and Magdalen). half.barka E. W.
Jamas. and Oriel). R. E. Forster 'Malvern sad University), N.
N. ihtrewsmay and Or C. P. Bider and easy dales. A.
L. Corbett 'Grammar reboot Thin" I and Fit. Edmund Hall', forwards. (ambridee Univiesity: L. T.
OMBMid tin. Jobn's Leathern. head. and M. Catherine's).
goal: N. Crasiwe Eton and Trinity, and W. B. Nmeterman tWep I mouth and (Thrist's). backs: F.
D. Cantay Poeklincon Bt. John's). P. Tonne 'Wenn mintier and Trinity' and P.
P. Braithwaite treinead and Cairn). half-Narks, I. 0. Weigle calidenham and 1.
Moon I ate, and Pembroke. E. N. E. Blake, iWestmue, I ger and T.
S. (lodine (Eton and Trauma and 11. 8. Basil iDeasi Clow. Cbeltaoliant and Pembroke).