The Sun from New York, New York (2024)

YEAH SEW YORK, MONDAY, SEPTEMBKK 2, 1872. TRICE TWO CENTS. I A SUNDAY NIGHT TRAGEDY. A UAMHl.lCn HI 1,1, El) IX AX eighth ahi hovse. The Death uf Hubert St.

Dunn, nllna Hob laanrs, nl Ihr Hands at lllluni J. fhnr-Isey A Drnnken Ifiiurrel About Loan ol 4 Five lltimlrril Dollars. About lust tilght ltolicrt S. Dunn, alto known as Hot) Isaacs, was shot and kilted by William J. Sharkey In a taloun called The place, kept by Charles Harvey at E8S Hudson ilrect.

Dunn and flinrkcy wore olu acquaintances, and by nearly otory one supposed to bear the most friendly relations toward emit other. Yesterday both attended the funeral of James ltlley, who was a member of the Michael Norton Association. F.x-Seiivtor Norton wat ono of tlio pall-bearers. Willi I he members of tlio association, more (Inn a thousand persons attended tlio funeral. Sharkey aud Dunn marched together In the line, and It was observed that they were very friendly toward each other.

Tlio body was In-tcrrcd In Calvary Cemetery, and the funeral pro-cession passed through W. Tenth street, lleforo the ferry iai reached another funeral cortege was mot and caused a halt of the tody escorting Hlley's remaltn. Sharkey and Dunn were still together, and It Is said that they went Into a neighboring saloon and took a drink. Only those In carriages followed the body to tho (rate, the foot escort returning when the cortege started across the ferry. TIIK EM! Ol' TIIK

Where Sharke) aud Dunn were between tht the tluio of the return of tho escort and 8 o'clock does not at present appear; but at about ihe last named hour they visited "The l'lace." Harvey, who keeps the saloon, Is well known In the ward. He was formerly In the smpluy uf Jay Cooke and he took Tho II a successor to Jim Moran, who died some limo ago. The Place lias been of good repute, ind It Is frequented by many of tho quieter class if drinkers. It Is located on the easl side of Hudson, between Doiiitnlck and Spring streets, From the sluel a wide door opens In tho center of the store, with windows on each tide. Nut the south window Is narrow side door, which opens to the flairs to the upper stories.

Near this door, from a hull at the foot of the stairs, Is a dour opening to tha left Into the saloon. The main door Is closed on Sundays, and It was throueli tho narrow side door that the party found their way Into the place. Inside were William Welch, John Holts, Harry Kline, the barkeeper, and others. Whether they want In with, before, or after Sharkey and Dunn Is nut unvr known. The bar runs a'most the length of the store on the southern side, to the right tim enter the main or.

At tho end furthi st from the door, screen divides the rear ortlou of tlie room from that In front, llehlnd the screen are tables dominoes and so on. At that end of the lar nearest the front sufficient space ts left between It and the window to admit of free aud from the side door mentioned. AN A.NG11Y DISCISSION. S.n after Dunn and Sharkey entered The Place a discussion was begun between them. It" nature was cannot at present be ascertained, but It Is said on nil hands that words re passed.

Drinks had previously been taken. Sharkey stood at about the centro of the bar. Dunn stood near the screen. Sharkey, It Is said, applied bad epithets to Dunn, and drew a pistol, a single barrelled weapon, with a hair trigger, ami 'Id Dunn that he had better provide himself lth one. The discussion was kept up.

"Olii o. 'said Sharkey, "there was a tlm when I would have cone Into butcher simp aud cut uiy ami "tr for 5 on." The talking continued, and Sharkey, holding up his left arm, rontiuuall) brought down upon It the barrel of the pistil, which fie held at full-' H'k In his right band. Dunn left the spot when he was standing by the screen, and moved si 'tig tho bar toward the other end, aud there pnu-e He stood In the opening between the net the counter and the window, leaning on ILe ar the risTOi. nisciiAWiiui. Sharkey brought the pistol down again.

It ass di- barged. The bullet entered Dunn t'd. lie clapped both hands over the wound. lUggered firwaid a step, and fell, bleeding, his bead toward the door and Ids body strrtch-d 'Utslde of and parallel with the door. He did speak word, but looked up and groaned.

M.arkcy hastened to him and said Hot'. 1 never meant to shoot you." 1 lb, tin made no reply. He looked up at thoso fi bent over him, kept Ids hands, through the blood was ooilng, tightly fulded over lbe M'ltind, and groaned. said sharkoy. "you know I never neatit to shoot you," and thou all but the barkeeper went from the place, leaving the dtlng man the floor.

Sharkey turned up Hudson street, at first walking fust, and then running. Information was conveyed to Dr. fleet, who in the next house. He hurried Into the 'ii and found Dunn Ivlng on his bai with ai loining saturated with blood. TUT.

VICTIM IIK4.D. A ha-ty examination showed the exterior w.mui tu be about the centre of tho body, and between tho utnbllleiis and the libs. Tor bull apparently took course upwanl and to the right, iard the heart. The opening Itidli uteil that the bullet was a large one. and the wound bled freely.

Dunn wrt d) lug when the do mr appeared, and be expired within ten minutes alter the shooting. Meantime the Greenwich street police bad been Informed of the sbootliig. ami 'apt. Our-land, with Detectlvi Van (ireit' lien lwiu, hurried to The l'lace, where they founu Ihe doors locked and an excited multitude blot king tho sidewalk and street In front of lbs sulocn. excitedly discussing tha affray.

Varied opinions existed as to the motive, the majority favoring tha theory that the shooting was accidental. TIIK MUltnCllED MAN. Entering the saloon the Captain found tha barkeeper and Dunn lying on the tloor in a pool uf blood, dead. llb ers soon arrived with a stretehor, on which Dunn's body was placed and borne to theOreen-ni'h street station, followed by an luutiense throng. At the station the body was epuslted hi a room adjoining the oltice.

aud covered with 1 cloth. Many persons gathered In front of the station. ml the meagre details of the tragedy wer dlcusd, dpt. Oarlaud Immediately eut out a general alarm for the apprehension of and, after despatching a mtnengcr for foroner Young, returned to the search for the murderer. He was not 10 be found, and a late 'ir he had not been a Dunn was man led.

but ihlldinta. He with Ms wile and moihr lived at Kii Amity street, lie was a sporting man had forty years 'f age. He was spoken of by all with ahum the reporter convep-ad as a man if genial iliKjimlti in. nut prone to quarrol. and (ossested of lively conversational powurs and 11 manner which made him agreeable to those ith wh 001 he nine In cuatoct.

He was well known In tho ward. THE William J. Sharkey was well known in the tlty Ho has rooms at Ilfl Vailrk street. He r.

as a somewhat prominent politician, uud has also di ne business us a broker, making money, tnd It Is said spending It freely. He Is 5t small stature, nervous temperament, and ni-ltablo when under the Influence of liquor, time ago he with I'eter Mitchell kept a aelbknown wine room on llroadway, low Kid-cm street, aud his face la familiar to many. Ho i of 11 very respectable family. His father Is a imminent iiiembar of an episcopal church lu the city. iJ'ironer Voung promptly arrived at the police nation, ami after Inspecting the body aud Ml-lautor) lug the eCecls gave penult for 'he le-iiuval of the remains to Dunn's late home, A PIIEVIOl'S MtsL-NDKIITANIIINO.

Though the men were on a friendly footing festerday, there seems to have been some pie-rlo uilsuudarstandlng. The reporter was Informed that a gentleman nut them sums eeki ago at Spring and Hudson streets, when thin were talking about moui iiiattm. It Is said that In the saloon la-1 night the men had anothcrtalk about tni.nej.siiarkoyiln luuig that Dunn owed him t-V'l. borrowed some time ago It was said by a few persona that theit were political dllTercuces bet eon the men; though, Jf this Is so, It does not i.ppear that It had uny-thlngwh tover to do wllh the shooting, Sharkey Is well spoken of by all his fill nils, who do not believe that the shooting wat Intentional. After Coroner Voung had examined the body, bapt.

Garland gave permission fur the main iriend of Dunn present to view It. 'lho lde door was opened, and the sheet was turned down from the dead man's face, aud for flvo ir'niUea a stream of sober-faced men passed through the room, and looked for a moment on tha Immovable features of the body on the floor. Then the face was covered again, aud It was ready fur removal, Anolher Uepoitrr'a Account, At 6:30 hint nlKlit UoIhtI S. Duim, nllim B'jb Isaacs, of Ifci Amlly street, was shot and Iti'tantly killed by William J.ghnikey, of Mil Varlck street, a prominent politician of the Eighth Ward. The shooting Is shrouded In lottery, and the following circ*mstances are ly correct as could be gathered from the any conflicting accounts 1 I Slurkey and Dunn yesterday attended the lurl of imei Riley, a member of the Mlcbsel SMssssssB Norton Association of tho Eighth Ward.

On their return Sharkey, Dunn, Thomaa llnnna, librarian of the Norton Association, William Welsh, and William Hyby went Into a salixm known as "Thp Place," at Hudson street, kept by Charles Harvey. While there they drank froekly, Pharkey.whn Is a small man of an extremely nervous, bilious temperament, became Intoxicated, wlillo the others of tho party were scarcely affected bv their libations. Sharkey soon evinced a disposition to becomo quarrelsome, and began rating Dunn about f.VX) which he said he had lent Dunn some months ago and which he said Dunn had never repaid. Dunn took tho reproaches of Sharkey in good part and laughingly tried to quiet him. Sharkoy rotund to be pacified and said to Dunn! a citALt.t.vnr.

"Hob, I do not wish to take any advantage of you, I am armed, go and Ox yourself." To this Dunn replied, "All right. 1 11 go." Dunn then walked to the ond of tho counter nearest the door. Sharkey supposing that Dunn had cono from the saloon took a halr-trlggered Derringer pistol from his pocket and co*cked It. He then extended his left arm and began striking the pistol over hit arm. Harry Kline, the bartender, said to him, Hill, put that d- thing away; It might go off and hurt somebody." Then Welsh stepped up to Sharkey and advised hi in to nut the pistol away.

Sharkey turned to Welsh and said "May be you want to take It up for Hob. If you do. I'll give you some of It." Welsh laughed and made tin reply. Sharkey continued to strike tho pistol across his loft arm, and said lly I've seen the time that I would havo laid my arm on a butcher's block aud have It chopped off thus without wincing. And, as If to Illustrate his assertion, lie struck the pistil across Ids arm.

It was discharged, and the ball struck Inmii In the stomach just above the navol. He exctamed "My tlodl' placed his hands on his abdomen, and dropped dead without a struggle. SIIAllKr.Y ROniHEP. The cry of horror from the bystanders and the exclamation of Dunn seemed to have Instantaneously soberod Sharkey. He rushed to "hero Dunn lay, and banding over him said 1 "Mr tlod.

Mob, I did not Intend to do It." Then turning to tho others he said. "1 call you all to witness that It was not Intentional." He thou left the saloon before any one of those present could siav him. News of the shooting was carried to the Greenwich street station. Cant. Garland canted the body to bo taken to the police station.

He then sent out general alarm, worded Arrest illlsin .1. SbsiVrj for murder. Capt Garland then Irpalred to the Police Central Office where ha held a hurried consultation with Inspector McDermott. Officers were despatched in evervdlrectlonln search of Sharkey, who up to midnight had not been arrested. Coroner Voung writ to the police station and received the body.

Application was made to the Coroner to allow it to Off to tils residence but It was refused, and the body was placed lu basem*nt room of the station house, the door locked, and an officer placed In front of It. OVEIl TltZ Nf.Wfl. The news of the killing reached the Klghth aud Fifteenth Wards, where both men were well known. The excitement was lnten-e, aud the (Ireetin Ich poll 0 station and the street In front were literally packed with their friends, many of whom rode to tee stint In cnai hes. When Sharkey left the saloon after the shooting ho went to the stablea kept by Thomas In Mercer staeet.

near Hire. ker. Those who saw turn say that when he entered the stables he was as bite as a sheet, and trembled llko an aspen leaf. He hurriedly Inquired fur some friends and left. Dunn alias II Jb Isaacs, was a mail of powerful physique and of flue personal appearance.

He was a professional gambler, and although his moral character stood below par, ho was a general favorite among those with whom he assuilatsid. Among the acquaintances of Sharkey It Is asserted that he Is not hiding from tlie police In order to evade arrest, but that he hat cone to consult with his frleuJs, after which he intends to surrender himself. Deputy Coroner Dr. Marh will make a jwf mm fern to-day. after which Coroner voung will begin the Inve-ticatlou.

.1 fitixt: flour is Kelly nnd Tlinoiir In the Itlnt Ten Itoumla lu Thirty aiinulrs-Tlninny Knocked Senseless mnl Kail) llecl*tied the Victor, KssTI'oiit, Auk- 31. Tiit'ro was jinzc fight to-day for 'M a side at C.unpo Hello, about half a mile from Wllehpool, oppo -lie The pr licit. als were Kelly of Haverhill. and Timun) of 1'rovideiice, H. A Urge number of spotting meu fmm Portland, Uoston, St.

John, and Providence were III attendance. Tho ring was formed at half pat 5, and Immediately about ICO persons gathered around, but It was 7 o'clock before tho Oglit was begun. Kelly's seconds were Jim McKay and John Walker, and Tlmony bad Pat Shcphard and James Gallagher. The fight lasted about half an hour, during which time ten rounds were fought. In the dpt and seiond rounds Kelly went down, ilmony obtaining first blood.

In the third round Kelly lalmed and was allowed Drst knock-down. In the fourth round. Tlmony again drew the blood from Kelly. The tentfi round and right wa flnNhcd bv Kelly hitting Tlinoiiy a straight cuunter blow- on the ee and a cross-counter on the Jug.ibtr, kjioiktng him to the ground senseless. time was called for the eleventh round, ilinony was still insensible, and Kelly was dei lared tlio vb tor.

Uy then went among tlie crowd and collected a hui'dsoiiie sum for Immediately lifter tills tight there as anutber fur a purs between Man ello, liaker of inor. and James Haves of Portland. (Inly one round was fought, lasting tifteeu 'uiliutes, Ikikar bdly punishing his opponent. There was no disturbance, and everything was carried out In an oiibulv manner. The prlncl-pals and thv'r followers Ivfl In tho steamer for Uoston.

War Imminent between Japan nud ('area. Vokoiiamv. Aug. "-The Japanese trouble, with Ccrea 11 rapidly berojalag critical, tad dloshss del ared thai la tlie ev. 1 at a war she will tide with Lerea.

1 he Japanese Is ltliut a policy, but Ith euergy sud a Uai ral credit abroad, tlie could raose Corra to rrsrn Vr laioiltng letter lothe Mlii Foreigners are ratrr tw aid aud upon the return of Hit kllksilo srtlh fleet uf right srsails from the tour of Itispet ttou ut tlie 'n proviorea, some dra-Due aeliuu will Le loktu rrUtivi 10 Lorea. Meanwhile and Prsnia allUuve an ociMTtuntty of utter, li.g their merit supuri tu Ir.e.r jmnir uruibrr, Prince of fens, of Itie Lexgue of hoslli bstuluta sin! T'iss, Wh-" tirk 11 ihe died lately Cilice me war i- hoila died, lest In Mtuui.a the onlr survivor Uuiiulug llintrunllue. The cho.iueit lluinbiirg and O. J. Troop, the former loaded a Ith lumber aad the latter with coal, ran through (ji.aiaulfce en iralurdty last a Itt.out a prruilt, In violation of the lsw.

The Hamburg anchored in His stream, tnd ihe 0. 0. Troop wsi run up to Pier 31, Cut Itner, where, brr csrgo srus bilcg dlschirged kat In-forn. alios was stut tu Or. Jtnea, illy Sanitary lnl'c tur, ho itoppeti ihe unloading ol her cargo aud com pr fed her to leave ihe pier Ihe captalu ol tho Marie I'o it a baa beea Initiuited to wsleh both vttf ud not allow either 'o one up to any wharf la eitjr Hutu letirls came from Alma, New llrucswlra.

Ihr Hamburg Is ealJ to tm ao old offender, bavlng paned Uuaraniine on several previous occsslom. The owners of botli teatelt will be prosecuted, Or. Moilrr at Ipisr-tnlinr does not think Ihat tbere ate any cam ot tick-qui tbotrd, but the precedent is a bad one. A Human Mint by rt Policeman. Vetti rday Kdward Ilulgsr wat acting In a very dltorderly tcanc In Second avenue, nar HVlh street, and Oir.cer McKeon ot tbt Uttb street police nation attempted to arrett blm, Hulger knocked the otllcer down anil ran tbrouih 1 13th street pursued by the officer.

Not being able tu overtake Ihe fuirltlte tha nrtli er drew hit tililol and tired, Ihe ball taktug rdrcl lu the ealf of Itulger's leg, cauilug a seieie dish wound was lakrn lo Hie atsllon houieand tbebs 1 extracted by Or. Thomas. Ilulger Is V5 yraraold and live, in imtli tire, between Klrtt aud Hecond avenues, lie It a un. lorl' iii character, tnd baa served scleral letmt In the Ptnltentlary. Fir In Fulton Hlleel.

About o'clock luit night afire wasdlscoveied on the iicond Hoorof the loui itory brick building 6 Kullou ttrert, occupied by John Mclluih, dealer In lores earning a damage of l(0, liiinreil 1 ColuniboA Tagllabue, liiar.utaclurers of tlieruiometeri, on the third tloor.iualtlucd a lots of IXU 1 the fourth, first, and ban mrut noon, occupied by II. Klik dealert 1 11 fine groi eriea, eltirs, and hquois, were damtrrd to the ext'iu or 1 1, uii, inaund and th bubdtng, osner not kconn, about siO. A I'll'e I'lglil Spoiled, Hubert Ttotser, of Thlrty-llilrd street, be-tweiu bttentli and Kightli aienuri, and one Me liontld, atde arrtngementt for prise right on Hit-urday evening Ihe Hug was pitchril and the two men wire alrlppeil ready To inawl each other, but the Twentieth Watd iiollce appeared ami cantuied Pieaser and MeDnnsld. The crowd tctliered. ur.

the wsy to Hit police itttinn Mellcntl't broke awty from the urn-cer who hsd hlin In chtrge and rttaprd Yialerday Tretser wtt ttkeu before Jii'tlce lit sat bald In IMUball. A Tneiitltlli Ward Jlvalery, While Officer Ueeck was patrolling lilt pott yet-t rday murnlng, be found an unknown lain I) ing Insen ti te la front of West Tblrlv tlitb street. tup-pot, that the mm had (alien. He wat lakrn In Ike pollen staiicn, and thence to llellevue llotiltsl, He It about die feet right lollies high, nightly built, and of dark completion, wllh dark hslr and rhln whiskers, suii had on dark rloth-s. with while shirt and falters.

No-IMiig waa found vu til pcnea that would It tu to bit HAT BAIT IN'railAWKKN. vovn matches U.V HATVItltA Aid 1IT. Over One Hundred Hats Ilrniollalied-Tlm Colllna, TltiMilhy Hurry FMrbblna, mnl Schrlllrr the Winners. llotfl In Wtt'linvvkctt, N. was the scene of no llttln sport on Saturday night over a rat bait which had been arranged by several dog fanciers.

Four matches bad been made, eight dogs, being onUred. The hour named was o'clock, but It w.n past 10 before tho sport began, the party having agreed to make a night of It. About eighty persons vecre In attendance, fifty cents being the prtco charged for admission, The barroom did a heavy business alt the evening, The merits of the several dogs were loudly cauvassod, and numcrout btts were made, varying front drinks up to Ovo dolln-t a side. The crowd consisted In greater part of work-Ingmeu employed on Una Morris and Ksscx Itall-road, at the oil docks, and around the cattlo yards. Tltr.

tttT PIT. Donovan, the proprietor. Is a tail, raw-boned Irishman of somo rift) years, but lu good-natured an old sport as lives In Jersey. Et ery thing In hit house Is condtlctrd In the most orderly manner. A short, stumpy Irishman, with red whiskers and pug unsu was standing a door leading Into a rear room.

He kept up continual calling of "Tickets. geoUsmenl Tickets fifty And as fast as the money was handed In long pieces of pasteboard were given In exchange, having a mysterious ttamp 011 the back. The room In whlrh the contest wat to take place looked as If it had not been used for jevrs. It was filled with cobwebs Plunks were placed on candle and soap boxes around the room for scats. In the centre was a pit six feet square and about three feet high, over which wat suspended an old dirty krro-ene lamp.

After the crowd had been seated. Ihe little pug-nos'rd doorkeeper mounted one of the teats, and said Now. gentlemen, you must keep onler. The fight must be square and will every gentleman keep quiet Fair play Is what want." TIIK riusi HATCH. Ilrlng out the dogs cried one fellow.

Where the Ii ll's the rats 1" said another. Hut the owners of thruUigs seemed In no hurry to trot out their unlmals. In an adjoining mom were two large Iron cages allied with rata, which were crawling over each other In every direction in their endeavors to regain their liberty. In 0110 comer were two bull tied to a loar. while III other parts of the room were several black and lam, a Scotch terrier and a mongrel.

The first match wees lietweeu two black and tans, one owned by Dennis Crowley and the other by Tom Collins. The match was for ten dollars, tell rats eiwu. Crowley dog was the first to cuter the tilt soon one of tlie cages was brought out. and by means of Iron tongs one rat after another vrno thrown the pit. They Instantly retreated Into the comer, and en-deav ird to gel out.

Crowley's pet was thru pitched lu. and ho was In no way backward lu getting down to work. One after another he ills pitched with lightning rapldltj. nnd anon the whole ten were Ijlngln the la-t ngon'es of death ui the floor. He finished In Just three uiltiiitee and ten eci ends.

After the dead had been removed, ten more were tumbled In and Colllna's dog sent after them. As soon as he dropped In he stood still for a lecotul, and then made a break at a big fellow that was running b), giving him one toss and landing blm a dead rat outside the pit. He followed up hli advantage rapidly, aud got awav with his victim In Just three minutes and eight seconds, thus winning the match. Great applause followed, and ollins was the recipient of man) congratulations 011 his victory. cr.coxn match.

Ten minutes were allowed for a call at the bar, but It Luted half an hour or more. A fresh batch uf rats, fifteen In number, were next thrown Into the tilt, one Hurley having matched his bulldog against a black and tan owned by Timothy Vfour nf Jeeves- tVy. This match rt an for side, and a large turn of money as put up on the result. Moore sent In lilt dog first, and a brighter little animal never entered a pit. He weighed but sixteen ounces.

He made a dash at the heap of rats huddled up in one corner. One after another he caught up, gave them one shake and then threw them over to tho other side of the pit. The last one gave him the slip twice, but lie finally nailed hliu and finished his work lu three minutes and flftv seconds. Hurley's bulldog was thru put lu, but he was not so active as Ids opponent, and though killing all he did not finish short of four minutes and eleven seconds. Moore was to elated over Ids victory that he asked the whole party to Join him lu a drink.

TIIK TIHHIl MATCH. It was near 11 o'clock when the third battle was opened, the contestants being a Scotch terrier, owned by Hairy stebhlns, and a black and tan. owned by one llurke: the latter got tho first tend off tlietnatili being for 1 10 a side and ten rats eai h. Ilurke's dog wat nothing very remarkable In fact, after killing two or three, he stood still, and had to be driven to his work. He finished in live minutes aud twenty si nils.

The terrier then took a turn, and he made hot work for the gra backs. It seemed a l( he uld not handle them fast ci.o igli. and finished bis loat victim lu two mttiotc and forty seconds. TIIK LAST MATCH. Tlie list match was between another bulldog liMlotmliig is Herman uameti Miciner blnck and tan owned by Mike Curry.

The ttnket were (bland twelve rats each. It was imur 1 o'clock when the rats were thrown Into the pit. Shelfler's dog took the lead. was not very active, but got right down to- work and finished his nortlon In Just three minutes. The bulldog made the dust fly for a while, and won the fight In two uiluuUs and fifty-two seconds.

This closed the bait proper, but until daylight theruwas an Indefinite number of other baits, all dug owners present trying the ability of their pets, and some using from five to ten rats. Tha consequence was the making of severs! other matches, which will be contested next Saturday night. A Sleamrr Ilurnrd In New London. Harbor. New London, Sept.

I. The Philadelphia and Uartford Irsniporutlnn Company's Ntvsda, from Philadelphia August K. M. Ur Wiley, master, wlula am borsd at the luoulli of the Thames river took rue at 7 10 I' VI and was burned lo the water's edge. The cargo cmrrtie.1 rags, wool, merchandise, gasoline, Ac Ihe ve-ael and targo will prove a total loss.

Tka captain and irew riraned In boats, saving nothing. The origin nf the Are la iinknow 11. but It 11 lupposed to bite reiu'iid from spontaneous combustion of the wool, who produced an ejppja.ou of the gtaollnr. Tht lost will not exceed at the Park niumlssloiieia Hurry 1' lletwren ill.iM) and (O.OO persons visited tho Park iraterday, the majority expecting to hear a grand Inuiiral treat, under Ihe recent resolution of the Hoard ol Aldermen. At o'rloi all the gstrl on lho Fifth, Hlaih, bfienlh, and Klghth avenue entrances were thronged with men, women, and children, preaitug 1 1 the direction ol Ihe music Hand on the Mall, The- Tin gerrd around until half past I o'clock, walling for the innitrlans.

finally they dliprnrd lu dUtrtbl dlree-tiout In tetrcb of oilier attraction. The (iroevn A rbltrntlou, Sept. latett ad Icet from Geneva reiterate that the proceedluti before tin Trlbu-nil Arbitrator! proyrtnei favorably to tblt Government, but are silent sstoths probable amonnt of money which will be awarded, Uolh the Untied btates snd the llrltlih Ooiernmrnta are advlied In confidence, by their re. pei live representatives, ol whit ttkrt place 1 but, until the teal of tecrrcy a ti all lit removed, no coiumunl-cation will made to tbt public on thlt lubject. Liiyltitr a Corner Nlone.

The corner stone of the new church of the Holy trots Hatbuili, I wtl laid yetterdty afternoon In the pretence ot large aiteinbltge, The cere. luony was performed by the High! Itev. lllahop Laugh' llu.aailited by the Itet. Palhei Turner and otbcri. Tbt illleot the building It 10 be French Uolhlc.

with a spire 150 feet high. Tlieihnrchlt Intruded to irtt l.aaj people, and It to coil Mr. F. Houghton It the architect, On of the Atlnullc Mile Drowned Albert Tlinke of the Atlantic Hate Hall Club wtt drowned yriterday if lernoon while flildng off Fort 1 1 a 111 lit on. Tliake bid lust caught a Dab, and while leaning 01 er the tide of tfis boat he lull Mi balance.

He wsi J3 jesriot age, and played led Aeldlu the club, 1 pi wai ihe only support ol a a. Mowed mother, Jilt body an uot recovered. Drunkenness lu the Strert Mr. Jay lly rrio, a prominent lawjer of 1 street, complaint of tlie conductor of car in of the Third avenue line, who allowed a man In a Hale of beastly Intoxication to ride, Hie conductor's xcui Is ibat the man pretinled a llckel limn the other end of the line, and thai be had no option, but sat compelled to tarty the mau to Uarlrm. I'loui la Kleinnu lor Oovrrnor.

SvitACucis, Pept. the three dlatilot Detn-ocratle ronveutloni 1 eld tu tlilt county yesterday to telect delegate! to the state Convention, two adopted retolullons favoring Frauds Kleruau for (loreraor. lbs dclegata ctivicu by the vtker Uicltrct (vr iUffuap. The rtpaulali Election, Madmip, Hept. 1.

The latest official returns ef lbs electiont for tlie Cortet show that Hadleali, Iteptitiiirant, II Alyhonilitt, aud Couaertallvtt and Pfutitliti Utvo beuu eltcud. ISIHAX MASSA011H IX COLOUADO, (lot rriiiiirnt Train Captured by the Am-pnhnca I'ltteen Men Killed nnd l'llleen More One Man Hklnnrd Alive Tol'EK AttR. 31. K. II.

Htiiiilcy, of Port Lamed, arrived In this city Inst evening from Denver. He reports that on Monday last Oiiicrnmcnt train, consisting of thirty-six mulo teams, loaded with army supplies for Fort Lyon, was proceeding along Dry Crook, between Carjon City and Fort Lyon, Colorado, undor the command of Stevo Ilryan, wagon-master, and while In tho valley of Dry Creek the train was mired In sand. While thus detained a band of am Arapaho warrlers, under the command of their chief. Little Havens, made an ntt.ick, which equals In outrage and ferocity any annals of Indian massacre. The wagons were irned.

and all the contents that could bo carrieu off were tuken the mules were fun off, and fifteen tiien liclondng to the train were left wounded or dead on the field. Mr. Ilryan was skinned alive from head to foot by tho savages. Ilesldcs these, fifteen meti wero missing. They aro supposed to have been carried Into cnptlvlty.

The tr.ilti was under escort uf Lieut. McFarlatnl of tho Hlxth Untied Mates Cavalry, with one hundred men, but 'clog nine miles In tho rear nt the time of the massacre no protection could be afforded. Me. eUahley was with the escort, and when It arrived at the terrible scene the savages were Just retiring over the hills beyond, whirling their tomahawks aud shouting In mad glee over tlmlr Ill-gotten gains, Kvery Indian has abandoned the reservation nt Camp McDowell. Arizona, and depredations aro going 011 In nil directions.

Tho troops, lu anticipation of the arrival of lien. Howard with fresh peace negotiations, remain Idlo In camp. JttH VAXDIVATX. I.lkeral Itcpulillrnii Delegate la riyrnruse. fitter county-First Dlrtrict, L.

Van Diiskii, IV Ito'iert Laiigbcran, and Halloa Wilbur 1 Crcond Ulitrlrl, Junta K. Atklni. Axeklel hlttog, and J.B. Minn, District. Wm.

F. ttcorciby.Jno. D.Merrl-brw.and It. Mvlbcw f.rlereiinly First Dlilrlct, John Wiley, Win. West, tnd

M. Fields t-eiund fitatrlct, irdrrlck Zlller, II V.Morse, snd Win. II. Mel. ner 1 Third lilitrlct.

Hortoii. August Paul, and 11, ('. Hewitt 1 Fourth Ida. trict 11 Ha)ward, Janui Winers. and lleorge Hrlek lolunibla county erond District, C.

Haley, Cbirlrt Fuller, and Colnmnn sharp. HKMUCIIATIC UEI.r.nATrtl. Columbia counlv Flrit IMstrlrt. David Kendrlck Second lunrlct. I hsrba W.

irluiprr. l. a lues eunty--rlrit lll'lrlct harlet 8. tleardilry, Jr. Vc, I lilitrlct Charles Hurstnn.

Hutche-s Hlitrlct-Joha L. Kmant and Pal Id Warner lireelry nud llrnivu lu the P-Jmelte Mate. CorreipoLdeoce of The Cun, Aikkk, 8. Aug. yesteolay afternoon there was a grand lireelry and HrowuCair ralslngat Mr.

K. M. Taylor's elegant man-ton ahcru two miles from Aiken. The ttti rulnment was given by Mr. It.

N. Hotcbklaa, a wealthy resident ol New York. About ball past 1 o'clock A (I. tillshii, better knowu ss the Heacon. called tlie meeting In order, and Introduced He .1 1 Wood as halrman and ti.

ramtnark aa ceire ary. Mr. Ilotchklei dellier' rt a sltrrlug address. After the rpeecU making an etegaut repait aa served. 'TIs Time tlmt Freemen, One nnd All.

'Tli time that fre emeu, one uid all, II, rn not of darknris, but of llgtil, Miould heed their coautry urgent call. And boldly dare to do Tlie pampered Iblevea of pride and wealth, The iirants and Caseys, Letts and Dent, And all the rlogs that live by stealth Muit to ttielr proper place be lent. Too long the bootst ions -af toll. Tired by the csres of life, have slept. While demagogoea hate selted tht ipoll.

And lblo ci ery otfice crept. Hut now tbt people are a ake, From Maine to Urcgou they come I On golden shore to Nurthern lake You see tbeir stir, yea bear their bum I their banner given anlo tbs breeie, tnscrlhen with Urtelry and with brown, Has brought the Orsilltri lo their knees, And in November fat they're down I Frlendi. trust In Ore'lry't heart and brala 1 Ho yeoman work Ih tlnesy arnu 1 The billot box willaJaw the gain. And ah lie peace au not alarms I Hurrah tha causa wBI snra tacreed. And etch wrong doer feel the rod lly ttwi of Nature so lecreed, The people's voice la volet uf flod D.

HtrCHtMOS, Olpae Lsxr, mi, Werkhumeu'a Cluba In the First Ward. A large and respectable body of worklngmen met at, Washington itrest laal night and organlled the Wotklngmea's Mctolas Mulltr Auoclatloa of the First Ward. Tbe following officers ware elected: Michael Hlggins, lYe.ldenl John Waters, Vlce-Praib dent 1 llobert K. Applsltn, Itecordlng Secretary! Mlcbarl Itegan, Mnanclal nscrelary 1 V. II.

Clauten, Trraiurer, and John Uearni, eergeaut-at-Armi. Cev-enii two utmei were enrolled, and alter lour reinarkt ty Die chairman and memSsrt they adjourned lUDJtct to the call ol tbe PtKsnrk lor Horace, I A 1 Hy otnt lal who Is a ttroni Orant man lately vlilted a relative lu Peapsck, Miim n-t county, N. J. Il'sJs "''I that out of a voting ut -tao In lh liisii. t.r na i one tns le.

fr tlrant. Thai mai 5lt IS brother lu Iss ol ihe otnrlat, fireeler Aasembly Nouiluniiou. Jeromt Preston lias been nominated by the Liberals tad Democrats for Aiacinbly from tbt t'Utt DUtrlet of Cbtutau.pia county. Cracks from liieeley Itlflos. The Rsorge Llndcr Association, 50 ttrong, axe all for Ureley.

A vote was taken In Monroo street, between Cleuverueur and Montgomery, which re'ialted. Greeley, t. tlrant, I. The Fifteenth Ward Orceleyainl Ilrown Cam- Ialgn 1 lub baa been organlled lu est Fourlli street, bss nearly so lie inheri. At a meeting of the Arlet Coterie ou Saturday evening a vote was taken on the rrtildvUUsl candidates.

Iteiull. circelr), Hi Illrtm.O. Tho citizens of Chatham village, Columbia couuty, have oiganlred a iinelry and Ilrown cuinpalgn club. Mr. S.

Post Ii Prriidenf and Mr l'cck, Secretary. Ihe roll Luuiheri iTU usuisi. The naturalized Italians of Hrooklyii met last eveulngai lis. iront street, and oranutd a lireetcy and Ilrown I'siiipalgn Club, Mr. Ignailo Lucca wia Cicctcd Pri ildent and Mr Tolll Secretary.

The Sixth Ward (Ueeley and Ilrown Campaign Club uf eouth Hrookliu has been organlled at Van llruut ami l'rrildeut iln-'tiwiih 111 uiembert, John oodi Ii President and I tioimi Feeney secretary. A Greeley and Drown clubba been organized In the loiirlb 1'reeluct. Hfth lilttrlet ot old llergeo I Ity, now Jersey 1 Ity. eoiitlitlug of oter 'i memberi. Tbe Hon.

K. II, Wtkemau li rresldeui aud lbs llou. C'tiirlei Krenan, Vlce Pre tldiitl. The Liberal Republicans and Democrnts ot Kergeu Point. fine formed cainiialgu club In thelntereit of lireelev and Ilrown, Mr JameaM.Lor-Ingtwat choien Preildent.

tnd tbe Hon. Peter A. Mc-Clure Becrclary. Tbe club lilt Ihlrty-clgbt uiciubcrt, On Saturday night the Charlet O'Urlsn At-toclatlonof the Vltlh Ward ratted a magnificent banner, bearing the names ol Urecley sod Ilrown, In front of their hcadnnarters, comer ot 'Hilary and Huttlrld ttrtela, llrooklyn. Oen.

Croat, the Hon, karuutl Mor rla, aud olhcrt delivered addrvitci. The Hobert A. Jours Association enthusiastically pronounced for the Clncluuatl and Ualtliuure nomloeet, and luggcaled the following named eentlo-lnenat worthy ol llielr luaporl i For Aiieiubly, Fourth lilitrlct, Hobert A. Jonen for Alderman, Thouiai Bbleldt) for Assltttnt Alderman, Edward Clvkion, An anti-Grant club, composed of Influential chltent of tbe Twenty.nrit Ward of Brooklyn, lias been orranlred In tbe Old Stone Hume, DeKalb avenue, near Cttiyvettnt avenue, wllh tht following named ottlcersi Justice John Lynch, Praildruli f. Mogleton, Mcu.Praildenti Fair, Secretary 1 and John Turnback, Treasurer.

AGreelnyand Ilrown Club vvaa organized In Chatham village, Columbia county, on the fan by tlie eloctloii of Nathan 8. Putt, at Prtildeut, the Hon. M. 11. Tompklnt, and moral other prominent cltl-jeiit si Vlce-l'reildents, tnd Mcuri.H.

lluihnell and K. Pock at Hecrelarlet, At the On I mooting of tha club tha ntmitof OS members were enrolled, tnd learn that the friends of Hie National Iteforiu ticket are making prcpartllout for su acllte ctusr tu tbat region, The Beventli Ward Montgomery Political Association lait evening cndoried tho iiomiiialioni of tlreeley tnd Drown, and recommended His uomluultou of Charles Kellly for Anlitsut Aldsrmau, andDaulel Murphy for Assembly, lourth District, artcut) members were enrolled, and the following officers elected 1 l'resldiut, Cornelius Douoiaui Vlce l'rrildcht, Jiunei Halvey and Thouiai Nolini ekcratary, John Abeam 1 Irratiirer, Jeremiah Drlicoll, The association will meet eury Friday eienlng at 11 (Jourerueur tlictt. The Pistol lu West Hired, Fatly yesterday morning Mlcliaol Hums, of 73 (lri i'iiwlch itrcct, and Matthew Toole engaged In aa altercation at Weil and Liberty ttreett, lbe litter draw a revolver and fired one tbot at the former, tbe ball lodging In Hurnt'a bark, Toole made nit rirapr, and Uurni waa taken tu tho Church street pollen nation, snd tbe ball wai allotted by Dr. llulvhluija. Large lliiula of rspanlsk Mackerel, The Long island waters aro filled wltb tipaiilth nuckerel, On Tucadty II.

I.ithtiq ctugbt Dtolel Latham YourglO, Nit, Bcbtllengrr 140, 1. Petty avi, On Weducaday 11 II snc, Panli 1 Latfiam look Mil, It. II. btanlou Sal, Scktlltpgtr CM, JT, PtUr 100. W.

Voting ISu. LIFE IN THE METROPOLIS. hashes iiniiEAXit TitERE nr THE SUX'S IlEl'OItTJiHS. Pickpockets In Ihr Hlrrel ('nre-Wlint Cer-IhIii Coiidiielorn Do when Inquisitive Pub-scngrrs Ask Impertinent Question. Last night Hobert 1'arkerson, whoso face was terribly lacerated, wat taken to the Osk ttreet police ttitlon.

1'arkerson kewpt, a taloon at 1 Whitehall street. He told Sergeant Tbompton that a few nights ago, while be was In car 07 of tha Third avenue line, lis wstch. Bhortly afterward he thotight he taw Hie thief leaving the car. lie Initantly Harted after him, snd wat met by tho conductor, whom he asked whether he anew the man that had but Hepped from the ear. The rondnrtor tald that Ihe man waa a merchant on the avenue, and at the same time placed blmirlt In a position to prevent blm from tlrpplng from the ctr.

He afterward learned that the man wat a pickpocket. Laal night he again got on with the same conductor. When tbe car reached the City Hall he saked the conductor whether tlirrr were any pickpockets In the car. lhc conductor threw blm 0 IT and drove him away. A Hlcody Utreet Fight In Ilrnoklyn-The Fifth Ward (Inug Amused.

At 6 o'clock last evening, T. Sullivan, while, tutoxlcated, at York street and lludaon avenue, llrooklyn, disputed with one Hughri about their relatlvu tuc-cert In tervlng rlvtl milk routet, A fend had for a long time existed between tbetu. Rulllvan began by taunt. Ing adtemry, which wat quickly followed by Hughes challenging Sullivan to tight. You hound, I can lick a doien litre tald Hitghea.

Hulllvan replied by giving Heches a stinging blow between the eyes, cutting an ugly etih. Then both clinched and fell, and Sullivan teeming la get the beat fight, Hiighet'i friends went to his asalatanre. They were met by snlllvan'a parly, and a general right ensued. Blleki aud atones were freely uted, and teveral of the cumtialanta were cut abont the head and face, The etcltement In Ihe neighborhood wta Intense, and a crowil of fully one thouaand peraont tilled Hndaon avenue and York ttreet for a whole block. Not a poller-man was In sight, and the frightened Inhabitants cloieil their doors.

Messengers wer despatched to the York street police station for aasslstance, but It was some time before any officers arrived, and a bta they did, the Combatants bad dispersed A reporter called at the Torsi street pollet station, and the sergeant lu charge aatd that there were only nine men on duty to patrol the First, Pecond and Fifth Wards, ami that ihe greater part ot these bad tman detached to attend the unveiling of a statue at HI. Ana's Church. He had Immediately tent for assistance, but when the orncera arrived at the scene of tbs disturbance the rlotera hart dlipertfd. There wtt another fight at tbe time time In Tfm Canon's Minor atore, Prospect street and (Ireeu lane, between J. Fuintiaore and uue Murphy, arrcats were made.

Mr. lie rah nt Work Araln. Yesterday afternoon tlie good Sir. llergri and a squad of hli deputlet made a raid on tht llelt line, at Fifty. ninth ttreet and First avenue.

Nearly every team waa either lame or had ugly torn under tbecotlart. Two drlrcn were arretted and tea teams were tent back to the depot aa uaflt for work. A young rough on Ihe front platform of one of tbe detained cart made ate of tome coarse language, which, reaching the tars of Mr, Hergti, that gentleman Immediately giatped the oltrnder ny the collar snd netrly ibook the llfeontof htm. He begged pardon and retlrad. Another black guard usedavulgtr term to tha humanitarian, but at soon as he eipled nun coming he alank off, Although a crowd of some two hnmlred persona congregated and both tracki wrre blocked, not a tingle police officer appeared for nearly two hours.

Upward of seventy dta-aided learns have been turned out ol barncaa on this line during the past tlx weeks by the officers of the Society. Mr. Hergti told tha ruiperintrndent ol tha line, Mr Miilth.that he will stop the workUig of the whole line If the company does not provide better horiri. Tbe (rrnl ('onipoerr'a r-011 In Court. Mlcbsel W.

Ilatfe, aon uf the celebrated composer of the ftoliemlin Girl," niidt lots to a naid servant and was discarded hyhlt family, on account of which be found l.ia way lo America, On Saturday he appeared In Justice Fowtrr't Court at plaintia agalnit Mrs. Sarah K. Canthorne, Thouiai lino, and Traver A Vaughn, ti drfrndtnti, who, 11 he alirgit, have unlawfully withheld from hliu one looking glan, one bureau, one marble wathittnd. one sofa lounge, one easy chair, one rocking chair, four rane bottomed chairs, two wash tutu, one clock, two mattressei, one beditrad, and one table, all worth SUO, The case waa adjourned to the 4th of September, Mr. Hatfe atrougl) protesting agalnit any postponement, aa he had received notice to return to Kngland and take boast-salon of a handsome labcrtlancc, tbe legacy ol bladeceaied father.

Dedication Hervlcee In Hreoklyn. Yesterday afternoon tho newly erected school house attached to St. Ann'a ltotnan Catholic Church, at Hold and Front itreets, Drooklyn, wtt formally dedicated, before the dedication eiercliei, a Ufeilte gran-llealatneof St. Ana wat unveiled and bleited and raited to a niche above the msln entrance to tbe school. The streeti around the church and tchool were thronged.

In from ot the building were gtlhrred tbe children of the rlunday tchool and tha todalltlet. The Iter. Father (Heaaou, pastor, bleated theitattie. At It wai being railed to Us rsttlbg place a band played appropriate music. When It was firmly tied lu tie ponllou the children.

bo)a and girls, ting a hymn to St. Ann. The dedication exercliri comlitrd of muilc and auaddreas by tounstllor W. J. Dalntt on ItnmtiMlty for Wtlllanisburili llurglara.

Mr. Henry Schwab, an aged widower, reside at MSelgel avtnur, WHIIamibnrgh. Hit only ton retldet In Newark, and regularly tendt reiultuncei to hit fttber. At I o'clock yetterdty morning two young men broke Into bit apartmentt. while they were searching the room the old man awoke.

One of the scoundrels sttempted to strike him down, but was lu turn itrtefcm down hy the son, who had returned from Newark The other rutflsadsinedthrouih the wlnduw and etctped. leaving hit hat b-hlnd. A lamp havtof been lighted, the fellow wai recognised aa the iou ol one ot the tenants. He acknowledged that their intention waa robbery, at It wai known the old man had roualderable money In hit poaaeiiton. On account ol nla mother Mr.

Schwab allowed him to go Closing Ihe reaaan nl fooiey lataiid. Coney Island presented a strange appearanco yeiterday in contra. with that of preceding bundaya. Ita aauda were almost deierted, and the rettaurantt and bars were poorly patronlird. There were but few bathen In the surf, and the water ai so cold that they remained In It only a ehort time.

Thrmonte and prlre-but gaml'lcra did not appear at all. Next Sunday It tho lalt of the seaaou, and the tioals will lay up on the following luisday. More persana hae vlalted Coney Hits summer than during anv previous season, and they hive been of lho better eta, aea, roriurrly the lilaud wai the retort of rougha and outlaws, but Karl Klein's police regulattona have drtn ihem away, and luadt tbe Island safe and pleaiaut for a day '1 recreation. Slrallug no Island. At the last session of the Connecticut Legislature an act was pasted declaring tbat Mystle Island, a until liland, lying between the Connecticut ihore and Flihcr't ltltnd, belonged to tHonlngton.

Thlt procedure li a ttringe one, from the fact that tha iilandhaa been a Eart of soutbohl la Ude Mate for uiaoy tears, aud has ern rated on the iiieisuient rolls of Oat town and tales collcitfd tatrston. The Lecliliture of thlt statu hat not ceded Ibo Island to Connecticut' i.cllher baa auy cltlin been filed la tbe statrt supreme Cuuri. The littnd It tltusird much nearer the Connecticut ihore than Long I Hand, and If micanltibla dltlslon was made. It, at wed ai many olhcrt in sound, would belong lo Connecticut, The Mnce-O'llnldwL-i Fight. On Friday evening Harney Aaron had an Interview wlUi Alderinin McMulleii Ui I'hl'tdelphla with reference to the Mace-O'Dalrtw In fight.

The Alderman itld he would net give np Ihe itakri, and that If the men refused to Oght lie should neituw the money upon tome rhtrltsble fnitltullon. He talu arrangements will be nude to have the fight In Cana ls, due notice of which wttl ba given tbe principal The men muat telect a referee, and If ibey fall to ajree on one, he himielf HI ci. Mace, Harney Aaron, and teveral other tportlng men vint to Saratoga to arrange far tbe Ldwatdi-Cbtuibtrt tight on utit Wednesday, Fort Unntlllon Prison Hlrtlt. On Saturday night Detective Williams of the Drooklyn Central c-tnee arretted Kdward Hltlne, llltlne had ttolen shone from Mr. llullock of Fort llsmllton, who obttlneda wintnt from Juttlco Walsh for hit tr rctt.

be detective ascertained that the hone belonged to John (larrlaon, alao of Fort Hinillton. Hiatus had dltpoiedol uullock'i quadrused. A number of other horaet wtte found by tbe detective, who tuppotetthat they have lieen itolrn. Kdward haa two lirotheri, William and John 1 they are now In Uiel'cnlteutlary. John, after aervlng an eight-year term In State Prlinn.

at unite Officer Hyan of lbe Klghth Viardths day of his returt te tbe city. Thp Oamealeia' Tribulations. On Saturday night tho police made a raid on the gambling houte kept by Lawreucs Farrelly In the rear of 91 Wootter ttreet, nrrtttlng Farrollr and eight men. They were taken to Jeflerton Market yetterdty. Farrellv, Indefruce, said It waa malice on tbe part of the police becauie lie would not pay them "royalty ou tlie game.

He could not tee why they thould illt turb hit little pltre, which had no rUmliii- Itghit or tlgnt on the ttreet to lure the public, while to mtny wono dent were allowed lo flourltli on Hroadwav.and flaunt detlanro In the face of the law In front of hit place It a policy shop, aud It was not dliturbvd, They wtra all Uncharged. Damaging the Workluginvn'e Cause, On Saturday mornlug the plate glass windows In the ttorct of Mr. JouetandMr. Stcroibcrger tndrtnd ttreet, Wlllltuiiburgli, were broken tnd number ot artlclei were stolen. Yetterdty morning the large plate glatt window of Mr.

lltker'i dry good tture In lbe tame meet, near Colon avenue, wit fluttered, Uraud ttreet li the molt prominent thoroughftre, tnd It tuppoted to be tbs belt protected by the police, There wai nothing itoli 11 from Mr, baker. window wat broken Inillrlously, Mr. lltker haa repeatedly refuaed tocloie ill demanded by lbe Karl) Cleilog AiloUatlyu. Dlailiigulshrd Arrivals from Europe. The Hun, Charles E.

Loew roturngd from Europe yriterday on the Oceiulc. Among hit travelling coinpinloni were the Itev. II. Vincent, lien, and Mn. Amoi Pltihury, Oen, Love, the Iter.

It. H. Thurston, Lot. It, h. Johnson, t'apl J.

Perry, Col, II, K. Nichols, and the Her It, Huulop Senator Abrahnm ent, Ihe great domino player, arrived In Hie Clly of Paris, together with thy lie I MUIIbju tud 11, McSlur Jj. THE 1'ISTOL IX IjTnEttTS BTltJlDT. Political I (Terences Iteanlllng In an Attempted Murder Four Hhala Emptied Into 'lau't Hack A Narrowest Escape. Enrly ycstcnlny morning Mlchnul Utlras of T' Greenwich stroot was shot In the back by Mathew Toole at Liberty and Washington streots.

The police were promptly on tho spot and Hums waa taken to tlio Church street police station, where Pollco Surgeon Hutchinson extracted the bullet. Toole escaped, but was arretted last night In Iiattery place by Detectlvo Oulgley. Toolo's story that Hums had a grudge against iilm and took every opportunity tu Intuit blm. A short time ago Hums followed nlm with a knife Intending to stab him. On Saturday night, Toole and somo friends went Into the saloon of the Northern Hotel, at Cortland and West atroets.whcre he mot Hums.

Thoy had an altercation, but mutual friends prevented a serious fight. Toole and his friends left and Hums followed blm with butcher knife. Ono of hit friends gave him a pistol and told hlni to shoot Hums If lie attempted an assault. At Liberty and Washington streets Toole claims that Hums came up to him and endeavored to ttali him, whereupon he drew his revolver and fired. Hums called at the Sor office last evening, and Java the following account of the affrays Ho had ust finished posting aome bills announcing a plcnlo of an association ot which ho Is Preildent.

and was on his way home. AtCortlandt and Wett streets he met Toole. William Harrington, Hugh Denln, James Connell, Patrick Wall, and Hwcdlsh Tom. These men have been op- fioted to him politically, and somo feeling exited between them. Harrington asked him to go Into the Northern Hotel to take drink, and after some urging he consented.

Harrington made nine remark to blm which he did not hoar, and consequently did not answer. Toole thereupon caught him by the neck and face, and threw him on the floor, lie struggled to his feet, and, seeing Toole lift a tumbler to strike hi ill with. Jumped for the oyster bar lu search of a knife. Thero was none there, and ho ran Into the eating saloon and hid. Aa soon as lie thought It safe he went out tho tide door to tho street.

Toolo heard hlin and ran out by the main entrance. Officer Doty was standing near. Toolo attempted to wrest away the officer's club, as ho said, "to fix the with." The officer would not let him have It, and Harrington took Hums away. Thoy went up West street to Liberty, and up Liberty to Washington. At the corner of Washington street Toolo came tip behind thesu, and without a word discharged four shots from lilt revolver, the third of which took effect In llurus'a back.

The pollco wero promptly on hand, but Instead arresting Toole, surrounded Hums, whom they brutally dragged to the police station. Officer Flynn tald 1 Coins on.yoit I'll break your akoll." In the station Hunts was forced to stand half an hour until the surgeon came to dresa his wound. He was then sent home. Detective Qulgley vltltod Hums at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon and told blm that all the police were 011 the look out for Toole, and would arrest him as soon as found. Notwithstanding this Hums asserts that Toole was seen etandlng at o'clock at Itectoz.

and Greenwich streets without teing molested. Hums la a respectable-appearing yourxr man, and tells a straightforward story. He bad tho narrowest kind of an escape. The bullet entered the muscles back ot tho right shoulder, and passed clean through, Jtitt escaping tho lungs and several large r-rtcrlea. If Inflammation sets In, hu will die within forty-eight hour) afterward.

A I'HOrilHiXTlAL ESCAJE. Nearly Another Weslfleld Dlinstrr-Outrnge nua Mlaiuanngeiiicui of Excursion- Ilonta. Tlio Tiger Lily untl Cutlln ply between Harlem nud High Urldge. and on Sundays carry tb.ottsa.ids of pleasure sco*kera tu and fro. Yesterday morning, tho bouts had secured a goodly number of passengers, and both itarted at the same time.

As the Tiger Lily and the Catlln ore opposition boats, thero exists some rivalry between the two Captains as to who shall reach their dsstlnatlon first. When nearlng tbe Harlem draw bridge, through which the boats have to. pass to High nrldge, the Tiger Lily had the best of the lead, but the pilot ot the Catlln thought be could head her off and made a ihort cut, tunning into the Lily and forcing her against the abutments of the bridge. Her smoke-stack was broken off, her idiot houte destroyed, and the fore part of tho hurricane deck was oarrled an ay. A scene of terror and confusion ensued.

Large volumes of smoke and steam escaped, and a cry was raised that the boat was on fire. Moiiih attempted to Jump overboard, and others climbed Into the Catlln. Women and children creamed, and soveral persons falnied, Atslst-ance was promptly at hand, and order vvaa obtained and an opportunity given the passengers tu disembark. The Catlln proceeded 1111 her mrney to High Ilrldge. while the Tiger Lily la towed to Astoria, where she will hava to undergo thorough repair.

As usual, each of the pilots lays the fault to the other's carelessness, and damages havo already been claimed from the onncrs nt tho Catlln. Had tho accident occurred Inter In tlio day, when tho boats on Sunday are crowded in every' part, many lives mutt have been sacrificed. An Inquiry will be made. A Woman Poisoning I'lve l'elous, liiclilillug Her lluebnud, Son, nud Daughter. St.

Paul, Aug. 31. Mrs. Charlotte Lamb has been arretted In Trumbull, Pierce coanty, ac-cuied of poltonlng five persona. In September, lsn, her huibatul died very tuddeaty, lho wing lymptomt of poltonlng.

In Miy lut her ton, tied ten years, be came suddenly sick, waa afflicted like his father, and died within an hour, in June her daughter, aged eight years, dkd equally suddenly. Last month Mrs, Lamb went to Mrs. Jane Oilman's house to assist In taking care of her while tick, ml ted a powder for her pattern, which Mrs. Oilman drank, complained almost uiiinedl-auly of violent ptlnt In the stomach, and lu a few mm ntes watdead Itojsl llsrlaud, another neighbor of Mrs I.auib, li hei lateit Is I tin. Mn.

Lamb wai cooking for him during the harveit. and one tia last week, uftei drinking a cup of tea prepared hy her, he was lel'cd with violent paint and died In a thorl time. The lomtrhuf Mr (larland haa been tent to Dr. May of lludaon tualyird, aud It It tald potion wai found. The hodlet of the other vlctlmt have been dlilnterrrd, aud the ttomacht are now wllh the doctor for euiyils, Mn, Lamb't home waa learehrd and itrychulne and trtenlowere found.

Her lamination win begin on ecpt A Fntnl Leap of Prisoner. A man who repre-ented himself as Henry Ilrgehuan visited Mr. Joseph Lclbitetn.ot Newark, recently, and tald that he hid for tile tome properly, of which he wtt the owner, tnd which Mr. Lelbsteln Illicit to buy, Mr lelbsteln, after a proper search, made the puichsio, and paid JIJ.1 on account. The real Henry llrgelman then put In an appearance, and the would be llegelmanfird.

He waa arretted ou Friday la Brooklyn, anil icnt back to Newark for trial. He gave his name aa John Yollmaii. Dettcttve orwtn accotu. panted htm to Newark on the II P. M.

train from Jersey City. After cronlng the Haokena-iek bridge, aud vtbeu the train waa moving at full speed, oilman asked pertnlislon to atrp Into the closet, aud Corw In went with him. Suddenly Ihe prisoner Jerked open the door at Ihe rear end of the cue, and rushuig out upon tha platform, leaped to the road, Ihe tralu continued on lo Newark, Tctecllve I'orwln anil nitlrcra tlachrr and Heard, ot Newark, wcat back with laiucnii, and found Vollman'a body on the road, Imrril'lv mingled. It waa taken to Newark 00 a freight tram at o'clock Saturday uiorulBg, and deposit' To the houie for tho detd. A Tough Jerseyiiniii, Yeiterday morning Henry Dlcklop, a clerk lu a wboleials ttort In Murray ttreet, New York, while Intoxicated, leaped frcm a third ttory window at Purine's Hotel, at Washington and Third streets, llo-boken, He waa borne Insensible to the police iisllon, where he revived.

So bone, were broktu. Ills nolo tnd chin wcrt limply bruited. Diaz 10 Accept Amnesty. City or Micxico, Aug. S3.

Tho Cabinet re-rualnt unchanged, Hit tefuied to tccrpt imneily tnd hit fled to the motintitni, hence he Ii luppoied to be making hit wty to Cillfornlt. Loiada la at Teplc, and hat gpita la hit idbcrcnce to the 1 cdeial Ooyern-meet. losses hy The International mill at White Pine, Nevada. Lots, ll-tuuv. l'XHSOXAI, IXTEI.I.tUEXCE, Sir Peter niant.noveruor-Oeneral of Jamaica, and tulle arrlted In this city ou cjalurdaylu the steamer bt.

1 homes, from Klngitou, Among tlie patsengers by the tteauithln Cuba, which 1 tiled from Llvirpool 011 Sal urday for New York, are Mua I lara Louise Kellogg, Mile, Psullne l.ticci, Herr Unhliiilrlu, the plaulit, end wleuluwiU, the vio Unlit. The Is. tuo ire for tlrau'i concert Iroiipc JUSr HALT, XQTES, The third game ot tho championship series between the Athlellci of Philadelphia tnd the Tckfordt of New York, played lu Philadelphia ou Saturday, re. tultrd 9 tu 3. The nnt tud ttcond gtuiet were won by Ihe Atblellct, The elxtli game nf the championship series between the lloitou club and Hie Mutualt of New York wat played lu Uoilou on Saturday.

The Huston club won-4 The five pryiaSVI gtuiet ivifu situ won by tne uoituniant, On Monday the Mutualt and Athletics play Id Philadelphia, aud the Kckfordi aud Atlantlct 011 tbs uloa ground 1 on lui'tdai ihe Mutualt mil Athletic on the union ground, oil llmrsdty the Mutual! tnd Kckfordi ou the t'nion ground on Saturday tho Mu. tualt aud llostons ou Ihe union around, snd lbe Atlsn netiuJAlUlctJeilu THE STOOL-PIGEONS' WORK. XOMIXATIXO nil A XT IX THE XASlff Of THE DEMOCJIA 0 1'. The ('nlherliic of Ihe Htrnlglil-Oitts-Two Delegates Already In lho Clinches of tho I'nllce-Tlie Itest In Hip Ilnnds of lho (irnntltrt-A (Irrcley Coup d'Ktnt Possible., St-pt.

1. Tlio tlulrRfitcs to the "straight-out" Cutivontlon have begun to arrive. Nine of tlio Michigan delegation, lra eluding the Hon. Win. Ferry and Judgo Wbea-ton, havo arrived, and twclvo moro will bs along to-morrow.

Partial delegations from Indiana and Now-York havo also arrlv. cd. Illinois telegraphs that alio Is coming 1 two hundred strong. Several stray Southerner! have stragglod In. Ono named Hill, a delegate at largo from Arkansas, was arrested to-day for obtaining goods under false pretences In this I city last spring, and Is now In tho pollco station.

Another from Ohio haa been before tho Police I Court for drunkenness need disorderly eonducti and barely escaped tho workhouse, gH main toplo of conversation to-night Is, saaaaaH Will O'Conor accept?" hom*o think his warm exprettlont of regard for the straight-out move- gtmmmmH mrnt are tacit acceptance, while others aro afraid he will decline after the Convention ad Jottrns, and thus effectually kill nil tho moves tnent. Buoh, It conceded on all bands, wotilil bo fatal, for no ono knows of anv other man oi sufficient 'iromlncnce and Influence who would accept the nomination. Illantnn Dunciti will ba LsmmmmH slaughtered and thrown overboard early lu thu gmmmmfl action. Prominent Orant men here aro hovcrln 1 around the and their deep Interest In thn I KflmmmH welfare of the delegates and tho success of tha Convention It apparent. There la a conspiracy 1 on foot among the Orceler men to captura lsmmmmH thn whole thing.

The plan Is to man- Ipulate rt few of the prominent leaders, among whom la Cbauncey lltirr, and havo 1 JH the Convention resolve that they are) i opposed to Orant, and that aa their presonco In I the field would weaken tho oppoiltlon to blm they prefer to stay away and let tho fight be lmmmmml straight-out, stand up, two-elded one. Aa Ulan- ton Duncan will be slaughtered before this rotn d'rlut Is attempted, and aa he la about the only ammmmmH ono who Is accused of playing directly Into Oram's hands, tho scheme may be ono easy ot accomplishment, 4 A MlcbJgander, when asked to-day If O'Conni 1 ammmmmm would accefit, repltod that llrlck would be along; 4 to-morrow, and that ho was Hi O'Cotior'a conn-deuce and knew all about It. Hrlck would brltu gammmmfl the papers In Ma pocket. A Olnnt llluve In F.nat New Vork -A Hull. Fn Knniv-Nolhlug Iliiniicr Ilurnrd.

Uiat Friday evening the Ornnt and Wilton Camtwlaja Club of Esit New York met at Atlaotlc and Uotler avennea to hold a grand ratification meeting. Tbla meeting had been advertliod for three weeks, and the cltlzcm of Eait New York nttnrally expected a grand itlipliy. About IV) penont attended, but the moat of tlieni proved to he tlreeley men. Dr. John Iret ggH waa In the chair.

The Doctor It a very gravo-looklug laaaaoal maa, and bears a striking llkenets to the pictures of "tJSISJ one Asron of lllbllcsl fame. He Is stld to have formerly ftJ-SJISJ la ttrong tntl-Orant man. The change In his poll JH tics le said to have come about In thta wsy Ihe doctor ffjfjfjfj had Invented a very Ingenlout rat-lrap. and, wlthing to vhttln patent, he look a trip to Wathlngton. There, f(lmmmmmmml It It tald.

he met Secretary Kohesoo, who asiured hlin If be would "goitrongfor rat-trap should be patented and Introduced Into the navy, and be went. ffafafafj After Dr. Ivre had spoken, Mr. John Oakey stepped to front and flung out one of his characteristic peerhrs, at hlcb niucticn Urant men laughed at regu ggggS lar Intervals. gS-avavaj Meanwtillea banner.

bearing the portraits of Orant BBmmmmm and Wilton cptinied by enipToyeet In the navyi. hid LBmmmmm been hotited.auds dliptayof nreworaa waagolugon UlJI without Kver) thing was proceeding tmoolhly. Dinner was iportlng wllh the breeics, two very small boys and one very tall man were s'ntng "Old Orlines," "tJSS when auddenly su unrtjy rocket. Initrad of leaping Into the sir. at It thould, leaped straight Into the banner.

ertllog both tlrant and llion on fire, tad mockingly duogurlog them, Why Urolher-lu-ljttr Casey Is Itctalned In WA8niN0T0N, Sept. 1. Several months ago Collector Casey of Mew Orleans handed to the Preildent hit retlgnatlon, to-takt place on tbe appointment of hli tueeetior, Thlt letter remalna on file, but 00 tnccetior gmmmH It likely to be appointed, the friends or the Admlnlnra. tlou at New tirlaant not being agreed on a change. "tj-savaj Numerous letters tiave been addrtseed to Hie President ggH by prominent parlies, expresilng their detlre that Mr.

Casey be retained. Therefore, according to the preset, laaaaoal circ*mstances, he will remain In office. Tho Perils of lbe Painters. On Saturday, while four painters were stand-IngouaswlLg scaffolding at work on the front of tha Kmrry MelHodlat Meeting Home In Jersey City, tbe scatluldlng gare way, and Jamea t'nickelt, of 3 Commerce ttreet. New York, and Peier fa*gan, of Sll faH Hroome ttrtet.

New York, fell lulu the area thirty feet. IJH They were Insensible when picked up. and were tent to JH the City Hospital, Ktgtn'a skull waa fractured, ami I rocked, who weight about Hi poundi.htd his back broken can recover. Of the otber two men, one jumped.lnto a window when he felt the scaffolding git Ing way, and the other clung to the foot rope until a'g'g'gB asilited down, and both etctped unharmed. a M.

Francis r-chool. TliU school, lu Nineteenth street, between Sixth and Seventh evenuet, hat be-eu thoroughly reuo vaied. To-uay ttudles will be reiuuted. Ilookt aro given free to the puplli. liurtn the patt yetr thia KflmmH arhool was lu a moat riourlihlng condition.

It Is one of the oldest In the city, belug In operatlou for the paat gmmmB twenty-three years, The scholars are under the super- FaTaaeael Villon uf the Jeiull Ftibeii, art ailnnutd. JH Another Colllalnn on lho r-nitud. Piiovine.NCt:. Sept. 1.

The steamer Nam-garuett, from New York for stonlngtou. came In cob unknown schooner Hi tho found on Sat-urda) night, at about 11 o'tlork. T'te cnglnei of tl.t gmmH teauxr had been revt raed, and hence the ilnn did but IJIJH night Injury The apulu uf the tt si, er ihsrgea the irhnonrr with tuddruly aud Improperly diauglug hei aaaaaoal The Kvi'OMeui- Lnuit Agnln Yesterday morning a slight firu ix-curred Ii the dwelling a' 19 Meadow street, Holioltt'u, caused the exploilon of a keroeene lamp. The flimet comma. LammH ntcateil to a bed in which two of Mr.

ssheiick's boyi were sleeping. The boys were badly ourned, Officer! saaaaaal lloutigan and ittek extinguished tha rlaiuci. lli-perted llurdcr In Linden, N.J. A despatch was received In Newark yeiterday Hating that J. P.

Woodruff wat murdered early In thi morning 11 l.liulen. The operator at Ihe Market street ilailon luuld obtain no partleulara, the offlcest thai laaaaaal place bclug cloi-ed. fH Mioollng bin Msiel'a llelmyer. Al.r.XANPlUA, Aug. 31.

-Clark, the so. due ot Mlsi Fewell, a thli morulng al llrtnt- Hie by the hrutl.rr of the young lady. Clark waa lnorv gammH tillv wonudt'd. and la supposed to ie dead iiy tt.ii time. UlJH Few ell shot bun thrush tne bare of tbe Jail.

jH Mistaking Klv P0I.011 lor Whlakev. YvstiM'tlny June Swc-y, colored, a ilomostlc In a private famll) In Lux's Nrck, 'amriport, drauk atuiii water colored with Uy polton, mliltklug it for whlikey. sTiV fihe died soon afieewsrd. taV-aaTI JUIOOKI.Y.V. Yeiterday morning private watchman aH Letter, employed it the Fulton tiures, llrookitu, laaaaaal alarmed the people hy his cries of "ninii overboard'1 laaaaaal When, after half an hour's yelling, he had gathered a IIJH crowd, the mail whom he had reported overboard gaTgaTga leliurrly sauntered up the pier, lie dad dropped from the wharf to tils boat, which he lined to make secure.

Mr Lester waa aoundly ohjiirgtled by the police and gamma! peopls whoui he haJ aw akenrd from their slumbers. jorrrxas a no it to if.v. Kate Cullen, aged Id, was found lying on the Lmmmmmi floor, detd, In "Scratch Hill," Ssi Spring ilttct, it CM o'clock, lait night, The City Council of Political Ittform and tin LmH Commllteo of Beventy are out lu a ctrd, beggtng moury gmmmmml lo defray the eipentei ot a new campaign. JH Kdward V. llayward, whu hail been cniuli'tod on chtrge of Healing ti'ai from r.

Major, lu a Haiti-more car, at pi luted lu trhla) 1 ii.n. nil ynterday dta, charged, William Doerr says tint tils cellar at 69 Van-dam itreet wta not eiigaged foradogflght on Thurt-day evening, but that it wit let tu mm who laid they gkmtaaal Intended lu orgaulte a target company. The laying of Croton pipes on the Ilnwerr, near Third ttreet, haa beeu ilopped, owing to tho dta. KBPPPJ agreement between 1 onimiiilonrr Van Nort aad Contp. JfgtgtgtgtJ troller Oreen, and tht flat refuitl of tho latter to pay Sjfftf, for the work, Cnmptroller flrcen says that the firemen will be lo-diy Hesiyt be has had no desire lo wllh.

hold lhc customary leave of abieiiee, or to deduct paj in taiea of abaenrewhen such tbtence wit uuder tbt. mmmmmml rultt of the Department, JH Michael Fitzgerald, aged In, nf 33 Orecnwlch ammmtai ttreet, waa tuund In Whitehall itrcct, bleeding from ammmmmi two urere tcilp wound! lutllcled by tome unknowt sattammt periout. Hlj wound- wiry drttied, by Hr. ilutchlmoi agH it Ihe New tireet police ttitlon, snd lie waa aeut home. All Intoxicated man foil Into the Staten Maud glH Feiry ttlp on Saturday evening.

Mr. William llortou, gfammmml an employee of the lumped into thewalei ammmmmtl and rescued him. This Is Hie llilrd life Mr. Ilorlon list saied within two years, each caie being ilmllar 10 thli At 10:30 A. M.

yesterday, Henry McSorly, aged 12, was arldeuttlly ihot lliroiigh bolli legs hy another boy ntmed Henry Maher. who waa plaiuig with a loadi mmttammt Cistul In the yard of second avenue Dr title at. tended the boy, and piououueed Ihe wouudi uul dau. e-croui, s. Allllion Jlacvey, rebrv sess llilrly-tlve yeart gfammmml Ruperbilendi'lll or School llulldlngt In nil.

-itr, wag lmmmmmi burled yetterdty morning from HI Writ leuthttreei. Tha pallhetreri were lrsira llrtuuan, Mtgnui Oroii.S.H lurlmih, Samuel 1 Omctioblu, Uutpp, U.lajlor.aud Viu ltipf ..7 ammmmmtl.

The Sun from New York, New York (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.